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Sam Temple Jan 2016
it’s a god-awful small affair
to the girl with the mousy hair
10,000 hipsters stand in the square
with ***** makeup and ****** flare
prayers fly into the dim lit sky
as a generation asks god  ‘why’
it’s a god-awful small affair
to the girl with the mousy hair
I sit here in despair
for a god of whom I did care
well, just a man with a master’s eye
for making all of the people sigh…
and now I sit here with my head in my hand
just trying to understand
what this world has come unto
can there ever again be skies of blue
and while *swishy in her satin and tat

frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat
there can never be another like that –
the morning news brought a cold chill
as the icon of us undesirables
came to be laid at rest
it’s on America’s tortured brow
leaving us to sit solemn
as old records spin
telling tales of space men
and life on mars
a little china girl
and one man who feel to earth
it’s on America’s tortured brow
the fashionista of glam rock
the birther of Ziggy
the man who sold the world
forever changing
in smart shoes –
spinning grooves
and scattered cd’s
tears slipping away
as memories already start to fade
it’s the freakiest show
look at those cavemen go
will they ever know
just who left us
take a look at the lawman
beating up the wrong guy
it’s a god-awful small affair
to the girls with the mousy hair
now she walks with a sunken dream
and the cream that once rose so high
so too will come the time to die
and as all of us let him go
there can be a bit of hope for those
who carry a torchy flare
to the girl with the mousy hair
and will sing in the dead of night
with face paint and a big spot light
******* and the party boys
come out with their fancy toys
but it’s a god-awful small affair
if you find you’re too square to care
‘bout the goblin kings sad depart
from this earth and from hipster hearts
see these kids have no loyalty
to a man who helped define me
when the world gave me a frown
for kissing boys in a dainty gown
ole Davy gave me peace
with a confidence that never ceased
oh Mr. Jones I’m in debt to you
for turning my grey skies to blue
now I’ll forever carry this torch
from green valleys to my own front porch
but it’s a god-awful small affair
it’s nice to know some of us care…
about the earth and sun and stars
and yes
there is life
     Mars –
italic lines are David's
Bob B Jan 2017
Trump is upset about what he calls
Fake news being spread--
News which has the soon-to-be
President seeing red.

An unverified dossier
Claims that Russia has power over him.
Fake news or not, it still appears
That Trump's memory is growing dim.

For years he peddled a birther myth!
So, Mr. Trump, please let us put
A question to you: How does it feel
To have the shoe on the other foot?

- by Bob B (1-11-17)
B Zells Feb 2014
Twelve days without eating, and I’m feeling rather ill;
My failure to come to grips, well, it gave me a great chill.
Throwing Fists and throwing glass within my twisted haze;
Everything before now has been swept away.
So check the seams of your diamond rings
And underneath your rugs-
You may find somebodies blood.

It felt so wrong so dangerous to walk into the streets,
But I was tempted by political jive and jab and confrontation with the police.
Then I found myself stuck between pepper spray and a checkout line at the mall;
Think fast, everyone’s gone mad
This must be stopped or stalled
I’m a rag-tag revolutionary
With a pocket sized copy of Shakespeare’s dictionary;
It’s a good one…

Now truth be told I was all-alone in an alley with Peg-Leg-Pete;
With every step he took he nearly broke my foot, and with his hook pointed back to the street;
There was a greeting from a whaling trumpet, which threatened me like a storm.
In the blink of an eye funnels fell from the sky,
And Pete yells, “You’ve been warned!
You’ve got to keep your head, or end up dead
In a twisted up puddle of muck.
Keep on moving, don’t test your luck.”

The revolution is in full blaze, and the tires are spinning hot;
The examiners are walking all around, examining what they’ve not got.
Through the toxic fumes and burnt out storefronts they tried to take my life:
“Yes, I can give you hat you’d like, but first you’ll have steal a knife.”
And I prayed for strange, as I ducked away
From the rally-men, and their fights
-God help us!

The president of the united world is taking off his clothes,
And showing off his birther rights so everybody knows
Who he is, and where he’s from; they’re searching for a flaw
To Guarantee their living land is one of love and law.
From the screeching tides of TV sets,
To the valley of the ******,
Just people looking for a hand.

I say Yo-**! Yo-**! The pirate’s life for me!
I was feeling low and all alone, so I went looking for Peg-Leg-Pete
To find a job, or gold doubloons, but I just came upon a note
In the back page of a lonely book, it was Peg-Leg-Pete who wrote:
“I’ve seen twisted shores, and rattled doors
But never quite so much sin
What kind of world are you living in?”
Death is what it seems, the drainer of life, and the birther of new. Through indiscretion and publication, we’ve moulded and formed our ideas on death, to little agreement.

Yet, few realise we die long before our bodies are lost of vitality, and to some of us, we are never born. To live is to think, feel, do, yet how many of us can say we were proactive rather then reactive, shapeless rather than moulded, independant rather than reliant.

Regardless whether we born into it or not, we should never take away the power that’s within us to change, for there is as much beauty in having a metamorphosis from the dark, towards the the light, then to be of a singular purity.

But fear binds us all at some point, it bounds nations, and inadvertently goes back to us in a cycle.

But to overcome fear is to overcome death itself, to truly live once, is to live a thousand afterlives
Although more rhetoric than poetry, felt like sharing <3
Tiara I S May 2019
Can you come back home
See the cracks along with the wildflowers along with the weeds
Airplane arms flying concrete lanes
Hopping- skipping- tripping pavement
Apollo high in the sky
Ticking timebomb tickling- oh so- tender
Heartbeat jumping- pumping- thumping to the love
Love encased within the home hearth
Can you come back home
To the earthen greens and towering trees

- Hold Up -

A brain zap and a brain tap massercering-
The strength- the will- the want- the need
To see it all so bright and warm
The cracks cracking- shaking- breaking into molten chasms
Wildflowers- weeds- alike swallowed
Burnt alike- murdered alike- back to the core alike
Arms crashing- smashing- snapping into concrete fields
Timebomb looming- booming- shredding shrapnel through the love
The love encased- suppressed- within the home hearth
Mother nature aint your birther- she doesn't nurture
The hearth ain't **** if your home bone cold
Warmth make a home a home
Gaia spits up- chews up- ***** up mankind
Can you come back home


Make yourself your own ******* home.
antidepressant withdrawal got me heated and Kendrick Lamar's album To **** a Butterfly is literal spoken word. A masterpiece of the Black American collective conscious- if I may add.
the current occupier of the white house
is unable to lead the battle against the pandemic
sends unmarked secret police
    to push peaceful protesters into unmarked vans
lets police use tear gas and rubber bullets
    to clear a place for a photo-op before a church
    into which he has never set foot
    holding up a bible which he most likely never read
spreads birther lies about possible opponents

tries to defund the US postal service
    because he is afraid of mail-in votes
attempts to destroy anti-pollution laws
    that improve people’s health
wants to abolish Medicaid
tries to celebrate a wishy-washy peace agreement
    between UAE and Israel as his success
    throwing the Palestinians under the bus

    & cetera   & cetera   & cetera

all he has managed to do in three-and-a-half years
is destroy many achievements of his predecessors
destabilize world diplomatic alliances
insult longtime allies and cuddle up to authoritarian leaders
killing 170,000 {updated 300.000] Americans due to his lack of leadership
sending tens of millions into unemployment and joblessness
and blame everybody else in the world for his blatant incompetence

today the USA have lost all credit
among the global community
and left a vacuum
    China and Russia are racing to fill

make America great again?
the best cynical joke of the past 120 years
Looking from abroad at the unraveling of US civil society, one DOES worry!!
Death toll updated from CDC data on Oct. 11, 2020.
Elizabeth Dec 2017
Take me away to that secret place
Where consciousness transcends all time and space
Somewhere over the rainbow?
Well, that I really don't know
That doesn't much matter
Although it's without a doubt within the realm of the mad hatter
Color is candy and music is air
And everything you see has just a little more flare
Light me up and help me to see
That everything in my life is ultimately a reflection of me
Love is not an action but a state of being
The birther and seed of all other feeling
Divine by default
No need for redemption
My spirit has never known such peace as this
Being embraced by the source of all there is
Juan Dec 2018
rides the waves of teenage entanglements
and out of feebleness surrenders themselves to choke
inches from shore

rages and riots
in the home
of their birther

smokes and sniffs and inhales
and in their reflection

i do.
Cedric McClester Feb 2017
By: Cedric McClester

His conspiracy theories
Are making the rounds
Like the birther issue
As absurd as it sounds
Now it’s election fraud
In many states and towns
And nothing he says
Seems out of bounds

Millions and millions
Though it may sound odd
Have been accused
Of election fraud
But where is the proof
Bring out the truth squad
To blow a hole through it
Just like a petard

Now they say his power
Is all but absolute
Because Congress and the Supreme Court
Have thus far been mute
Never mind the Constitution
Entering the dispute
See it’s just a matter of time
Before he’s given the boot

Just because he says it
Doesn’t make it true
But he feels most people
Don’t have a clue
So he’s spreading fear
We observed as it grew
And much like the Boogie Man
He too is saying boo

Cedric McClester, Copyright ©2017.  All rights reserved.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2018
In general, it takes a weak man to argue with a woman.

It takes a weak man to try to cut down a better president.

So former first lady took you to bat over the birther controversy.
Which you started and spread more.
Man up let it go.

And obvious Barack Obama is a better man than you simply because he speaks a heck lot better than you.
And can truly read and not an embarrassment to his children.

Funny, how many white males marry foreign robot women?

Speak only when required.

It takes a fool to create hostility among many nations.
Don't matter how strong the military is?
Not all wars have been won by them.

Some has served, some has died.
And obviously, you never have done anything special to be known.
Except call yourself a nationalist and dumb not to know the definition.

Sign of a weak is debating when confronted.
A strong man walks away with nothing to say.
It's just an opinion.
We ALL have them.

— The End —