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Terry Collett Dec 2013
You met Janice
going to Baldly's groceries
to get a list of goods
for your mother

how goes it?
you asked
Gran tanned
my backside yesterday

for going
on the bomb site
when she had told me
not to

Janice said
sorry I got
you into trouble
you said

not your fault
I’m responsible
for my own actions
she said

I knew Gran
had told me
not to go
but I chose

to disobey
so paid the price
guess she's annoyed
with me too

you said
I didn't say
who was with me
she said

how did she find out ?
a neighbour saw me
and told her
I was on a bomb site

with other kids
and that was it
where you going?
you asked

got to buy
some cereals
for breakfast
she said
going to Baldly's groceries

but not to get any
with those
free toys inside
why's that?

Gran said it's a gimmick
how about going
to the cinema
this afternoon?

you asked
she said
not allowed

after yesterday
she said
you said

got a good western on
and the good guy
has two guns
and has a neat way

of going for his guns
which I want to copy
and practice
she looked sad

I'd liked to
she said
but maybe
another time

when I'm out
of the dog house
about the trouble

I've landed you in
you said
my fault
mea culpa

as they say
in mass
mea culpa ?
you said

it means my fault
in Latin
she said
I got my backside tanned

once for peeing
in my toy box
you said
she looked shocked

peed in your toy box?
yes I was trying
to impress a cousin
but he told on me

and that was it
I never told
on you yesterday
she said

thank you
you said
she kissed your cheek
best get on

with the shopping
she said
you said

and so she went
in Baldy's with you
and did the shopping
and afterwards

you walked back
your separate ways
after a few words of farewell
and a wave of hands

hoping to see her
again sometime
after her punishment
for the petty crime.
Neil108 Jan 2021
I can imagine you as all the things I dream  
Musky in your allure  
Though no word is spoken  
The intangible fragrance of ***  
Wreaths your form  
You could be anything for me  
Sometimes fate cuts true from the mists of dreams  
And we wake not alone  
Nor with a stranger  
But given to our desires  
You know the spell that summons me  
And achingly
I rise for you  
Sensing the alchemy  
My inner beast seeks release  
The I am  
That I truly am  
kiss me with lips eager for the hunger of my soul  
My eyes gleam at the thought of you
Baldly ****  
No this or that which needs removed  
Circling you like prey  
My hands roaming free  
Over the soft curves and yielding flesh
You display  
Understanding my need  
For you would possess me  
Knowing my thoughts and my dreams  
The feeling of heat  
Your hands searching me too  
In this dance you follow my lead  
Giving is taking  
And want is need  
Your voice changing with the nearness of ***  
Share your demons with me
Abraham CAvazos Nov 2013
I am trapped I have no escape.
My prisson's walls are very high, smooth and slippery so that I can't climb out of there.
There is no door and window here.
No one hears my cry.
My prayers are like sounds that bounce on the wall.
I'm just talking to myself.
God Himself seems to have turned his back on me.  
It feels like I've offended Him so baldly, that He only means to destroy my life now.
It's over.

I don't know.... this is my frustration and bitterness at this momment.
I'd like to drop dead and not open my eyes into this world anymore.
Some people might cry for a little while, but they'll get over it.
The other thing that makes me feel hopeless, is that no matter how much I want death to come on me, I passed the time in my life in which suicide was really an option.
I have to keep living in this jail which is called life on earth.
I feel condemned.
When will I ever be able to close my eyes permanently and never wake up?
I wrote this, one time I felt pretty down and after reading it It seemed to me like it was oddly opetic. Has any one ever felt like this? I think that at least every person on earth 21 years old (or older) have felt this way at least once in his/her life.
Apachi Ram Fatal Aug 2016
Pretentious prize life unwinding splendid endurants

Licentious Khidr illuminates in it neo verse lee

Like In tro vert eyes knott the sea spontaneously

Nature deceives one apple a time returned

When life giveth to empty pleas neatly

Even when don't make sense literally

Follow where poets pout analogy

About How the needy are poorly

Helped up off their knees and

Why wholesome matrimony

Is a holy introvert baldly

Hungry unquestioningly
Uni Verse City 101
Deb Nixon Nov 2011
If at the beginning of each life,
We had to write each thought and deed.
Record our very actions,
How we live, our moral creed.

How would every chapter start,
With each phase of life we live?
Would it match the Book God keeps,
In what we take, and what we give?

Will you have a section,
That's devoted to our Lord?
Or, will your book be about yourself?
Do you live by faith, or by the sword?

Does your book include much laughter,
Will it improve the world at all?
Can you say you picked those up,
That were shattered by a fall?

So many things to think about,
As you write about your life.
Steadfast in adversity,
Who do you turn to when in strife?

On these leaves you cannot lie.
As daily the pages mount.
Baldly stating all the facts,
Are your sins too high to count?

The Table Of Contents must be last,
For, it chronicles what's inside.
And, only the finale shows the world.
Of how you lived before you died.

When I write my final chapter,
I pray He tells me I'm not forsook.
Because my name, He too, wrote down.
Will He say that too, with your Life's Book?
Jazzy Lake Sep 2013
You are famous to me, but I'm just a cigarette break to you.

It's been a while. My skin still burns when I think of how you touched me. I have permanent bruises in all the places your beautiful hands caressed my body and it still burns where your hot mouth has met my skin. You've done things I'll never forget, burnt holes in my sensitive skin with your ravishing mouth. Sometimes, if I think too much, I still crave your expert touch. I still remember everything. Everything...

~Sunday, August 25th, 2013~

I can feel you watching me. Your red glassy eyes flicker towards me as I switch positions on the couch, blinking at the large TV mounted on the wall. But never the less, I know you're watching me, can feel your gaze on me, and I love it. The amount that I crave your attention is literally insane. I crave to hear you speak, your voice is calm but drives me inwardly insane. You are everything that is attractive, you are everything my boyfriend is not...
    I don't think you know I see you watching me. I lick my lips and blink slowly, turning my head to look right back you. Our eyes, and you, with your greedy gaze, doesn't break the contact. It's like a challenge. Your lidded eyes like a puzzle that mine need to piece together. I cannot look away. I watch as you get up from the floor where you've been sitting, and make your way over to me. Still not breaking our eye contact. I try to keep my mouth from going too dry, my heart from beating too fast. All you're doing is walking, that's it. But. You move behind where I'm seated on the couch and and I feel your steady hand firmly grasp my shoulder, stinging my skin. You bend down and whisper in my ear, breath tickling my cheek. "Come outside with me?" My stomach twinges pleasantly. My mouth does, in fact, go dry. Your breath smells like hard liquor and the sweetest of roses mixed together. I nod slowly in reply to your question, a question we both know is really a command that I could never refuse. Even in... present company. After glancing at your brother, who is watching me with a look like I have just slapped him in the face, I ease myself off the plush cushions of your families expensive couch, and into an unsteady standing position. I follow you out the door and into the cooling backyard. Closing the door behind me, I turn to see you lighting up the blunt you were rolling when it was light out. Placing the bud between your lips, you take in a huge inhale, holding your breath and then blowing swirls of smoke towards the sky, your eyes closed in bliss. You sit down on the old wooden chair, and I sit on it's arm as you pass me the joint. Our fingers touch. The connection is held for too long. My fingers burn, not from the heat... I pull my hand away slowly and put the drug to my mouth. Then, on my second inhale, it happens, "Could you kiss me?" You ask, almost like you're asking me to pass the sugar. I cough, and the smoke escapes my nose and mouth.
"Excuse me?" my voice sounds raspy and quiet. Again, my eyes can't leave yours.
"Do you think," you say, and your face moves closer to mine, so you can whisper to me from only inches away, "that you could kiss me?"
      Again, it's not really a question. I lean forward, so that our lips brush, just the smallest amount, I inhale as I let my eyes fall shut, and then I push forward, and kiss you. Finally. You're rough, right away sinking your sharp white teeth into my bottom lip, but not letting me have your tongue. I can only lick at your teeth begging for entrance, but I can't get what I really want. It's over way too fast. You pull back and look at me smugly. But then... your look changes so quickly from smug to something like're reaching up suddenly, to run your soft thumb over my lower lip, feeling where you ****** it until blood almost broke it's surface. I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding.
"I--You good?" You question, and you seem genuinely concerned. And I really can't think why you should be.
"Fine." I say. My mind feels fuzzy and I hear a buzzing in my ears and I'm craving your rough touch all over again. It's all I can do not to reach out to you, to touch you, your lips, cheeks, your sharp chin, fluttering eyelashes, run my hands all over you. And you know exactly how I feel. As I stare into your light brown, slightly clouded eyes, I know you're going to give me what I want, because I know you want it too.
"Commere baby…" you whisper, nodding in encouragement as if to say yeah, that's right... The corner of your mouth twitches when I straddle your lap, sinking down, my legs wrapping around your muscular waist. Your huge hands snake around my lower back, pulling me that much closer and then you wrap one hand around the back of my neck so that our foreheads are pressed together. And then, as you're pecking me on the tip of my nose with your perfect lips, you ask me. You ask me if this is okay. If what we are doing right now is okay with me. I want to let out a laugh containing no mirth whatsofuckingever. Because of course it ******* isn't! It is so incredibly not okay on more than 100 levels. But, incase you're wondering, here are several that I thought of instantly: I have a boyfriend at home. You have a girl living in the valley. Your little brother, the one who brought me with him to this very house, is in love with me and everyone knows it. Your little 15 year old brother's worst fear is happening right now. What I told him would never happen because I cared about him too **** much. This is so not okay. But maybe...maybe that's why I love it. And I need it so baldly. I have been patient. I have waited. I have wanted this for too long. Wanted you even before the first time we met when you held out your hand, white sleeves of your sweatshirt rolled up to reveal your soft skin, to shake my quivering one at the studio, three months ago. I didn't know I would ever feel that same, soft, tanned skin, those long, smooth fingers on the back of my neck, on the hot skin of my lower back. But I am. And right now, it is my job to make you feel good. I want to. So...Is this okay? I smile.

       "It's perfect." I breathe, because right now, with our foreheads pressed together, with our eyes connected in ferocity, with our bodies so close, it is so terribly perfect. And that is all the implication you need. In one soft movement, you slide your fingers from the back of my neck to my chin, tilting it upwards, allowing our lips to meet once more. Our mouths smash together, my breath catches in my throat as you take that same hand and run it through my knotted, wavy hair, ******* a handful as you let your warm mouth open, and finally allow my searching tongue to explore. But my dominance is short-lived, because I feel your tongue begin a battle for power with mine, and I give up and sigh into your mouth when I feel your teeth woking at my lip again. Our tongues dance, playing roughly and ruthlessly and I grind down on top of you, squeezing your waist with my thighs.

      But as I do that, you pull away.
     "W--Please...!" I choke, grabbing for the back of your neck, trying to let my lips catch yours again. But you have something else on your mind. Pushing my hair from my neck, you sink you teeth into the sensitive area behind my ear, licking over the bite, only to press your lips to the soar spot again. You're mouthing at it, ******* and biting as you overwhelm me with your ******* expertise. My breath falters. Your fingers are crossed behind your back, as you breathe your pretty lies into my neck. You're so're like a little gorgeous, precious, perfect little body...I need you...I want you...have to taste you...(Myname). Let me taste you. And I actually moan aloud. It's an accidental sound that escapes through my slightly parted lips, but it's filled with this deep need that consumes me so thoroughly. And my little sound shoots straight through your body, down your spine making you shiver. I can feel you growing under me and I grind down harder onto you, because I need to make you feel good. My hands are on your shoulders and my back is arching toward from you, your lips attached to my neck, working down lower and lower until your mouth reaches my collarbone. When you sink your pearly teeth into it, I gasp and continue to grind down onto your lap, letting your big comforting hands snake their way under my cotton shirt and explore my bare back. I, in turn, give your firm shoulders a quick squeeze before releasing my hands, only to grab the hem of your sweatshirt and pull it roughly over your head, leaving just your think red T-shirt, whose sleeves stretch over your bulging muscles. I attach our lips again, letting you tease under my shirt, letting you **** and bite at my puffy, kiss swollen lips. But for you, this isn't enough. If I wasn't lying to myself, I would have known this wouldn't be enough for you since we first began. You absolutely crave the feeling of pushing boundaries, know that maybe, if you try hard enough, you can get whatever it is that you want. And you're whispering to me again, biting my ear, ******* my throat...
     "Come with me baby. I need to taste you. Let me *******..."
     I let out an audible breath into your shoulder, but this time it's finally my turn to pull away. I look into your eyes, which seem to be slowly clearing as you stare intensely back at me, licking at your plump lips, raising your eyebrows in the smallest of questioning looks.
      "What is it baby? You all right?" Your voice is low, hoarse, concerned, but still, coated with sugary want. I literally need you so much right now that I cannot even stand it. I find my voice.
      "It's--I'm fine...It's just--" And as I look into your dark eyes, I cannot tell you anything but the raw truth: "It's that I haven't done this before." I whisper, so quietly I can hardly hear myself say it. You do though, because for a split second something that I can't quite place flashes across your face. But in one swift movement, whatever it was that clouded your mind, you brush away as you pull my shirt over my head, revealing my plain black bra. And now It's all I can do not to wine out loud at how much I carve contact, full contact, for us to be pressed, chest to chest with each other. And you're muttering to me again.
    "Let me take you inside, take you to my room, make you feel so good, feel so amazing like you deserve. I wanna be the first to make you feel the best you've ever felt. I wanna ******* babygirl, let me."
     I cannot believe you said babygirl. Another boy flashes through my mind. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block him out. I've never been able to do that very well. Self control never has been my strong suit. **** this.
    "Yeah," I breathe, "yeah, make me feel good. **** me." And really, I know it must have been the 'babygirl' that did it for me more than anything. But how were you to know? When you say it, I'm done. So ******* done. And I need you now. In this moment, I need you more than I've ever needed anyone in my whole entire seventeen years of living.
     I let you lift me up like I weigh as much as a bag of snowflakes, while my shirt lays forgotten on the ground, my arms around your neck and my legs wrapping around your beautiful body. As you push through the door back into your warm house, I bury my face in your neck breathing in your delicious smell and knowing in my whole body what's about to happen. Next thing I know, I feel myself land softly on your bed, in your bedroom, your shirtless body looming gracefully above me, with the most ******* ****** song (Kiss Land by The Weekend) playing in the background. (JAKE: THIS SONG WAS ACTUALLY PLAYING GOD HELP ME) I have to touch you, I think to myself as you lean teasingly over me. But as I reach out, you pull back, just letting the tips of my fingers graze your soft stomach muscles for barley one second and I don't think you understand how you're taunting me. Its like you've just lit up a cigarette in a closed elevator and I'm trying to quit my addiction. I have to touch you. But then again, of course you know what you're doing to me. You're a ******* expert.
      "Close those beautiful eyes baby." You whisper, still just far enough away where I can't quite reach you. My body literally shivers. Before I do as I'm told, I look up and down your body, biting my lip to stop from doing... I don't know what. Making sound? Licking my lips? All I know is I'm biting it so hard that I'm almost drawing blood. I can't show you how much of a weakness you are to me. You're standing above me as I lie on the soft, red, masculine smelling sheets of your bed breathing like I just ran a race against a cheetah. I can't keep my eyes open any longer, it's like you staring at me is hurting my eyes and forcing them shut. As I let my eyes flutter closed, I feel you lean down and place your hands on either sides of my head, moving yourself into a position above me, but still not touching me. Our faces must be inches apart because I can feel your hot breath. I jump when your finger brushes my bottom lip, making me release where I've been obsessively chewing it. And then, you place your cool palm on my stomach, painfully slowly dragging it downwards until it rests on the zip on my jeans, and as your fingers scrape down my stomach, as you touch me, it feels like you're cutting me open with a jagged piece of glass. It hurts when I look at you, and it hurts when I don't. But at the popping of my jeans button, my eyes instinctively flash open again. Breathlessly I watch your thumbs hook the belt loops of my jeans and pull them down, all the way to my ankles. And suddenly, I feel your hot breath on my stomach. You're so close. And I need you so bad. And your hands are running delicately up and down my thighs. But you're not giving me what I want, because you're so ******* cocky. Maybe it's because you know how much I want it. As and your breath ghosts lower, I take in a shuddering breath...and whimper.
     "Yeah?" you ask, "you want it?"
     "Yeah," I reply, because I do. So much that I can't say anything else.
     "Then tell me how much." You whisper, your breath right on me, making me try to push my hips up off your bed, but your hands hold me in place. How do you know you're supposed to say that.
     "Hmmm...How bad baby? How bad do you want it, huh? How bad you want me?" Your voice is like the smoothest silk, like velvet, like cream. I didn't know this kind of thing happened in real life. Something so perfect. But this is real. This is really happening. You. You, in this moment, want me. Just like I've been wanting you. So I open my mouth, speaking as calmly as I can, and I tell you just how ******* bad I need you. How I need your mouth on me and how I need you to taste me... otherwise? "I don't think I'll be able to be quite so good...if you don't-- take me right now. I need you so bad...So bad." And then, you look up at me. Our eyes meet. And you say one more word.
     "Beg." You breath, pressing your lips to me and saying it again, "Beg."
     "Please..." is all I can say. And finally, you rip away the unneeded layer, and take me. Your tongue is slow and languid and you're an expert at work. And it is the best feeling in the world when my body shudders, my toes curl, my back arches. And all the while, you're telling me how good I am. How you don't deserve me like this. You're thanking me. And it doesn't make sense. I should be thanking you for the best ******* ****** of my life. But I can't even move...and as you brush your tongue over me again, my body shudders violently and I let out a soft cry trying to twist away.
    You crawl up my body.
    "Wanna taste?" You whisper. I lean up and meet our lips again. You taste amazingly sweet with just a hint of liquor left. But I can still feel you hard against my leg and it's you who needs it now. I let out a little wine, trying to reach down for you, and you understand. Smiling like you mean it, like you know how good I'm trying to be, you move to my entrance, tracing it with your ****.
    "Wait." I whisper. You continue your slow teasing, but I know you're not going to do anything I'm not ready for, really. "I'm scared." I breathe.
    "I know bab
A Chinese
lawyer he's
existent that
baldly wishes
his FoE
with big
kong will
only burgle
liars  to
sell their
goods at
market if
he'd wise
the climate
by dawn
or else
heed abroad
A Ming Dynasty
md-writer Aug 2019
I feel stoppered, as if the profundity of my thought needs some epic outflow that cannot be mustered up as a random piece of artwork (which is how I normally create poetry) - or, if it could be, would only be possible after letting loose with poems that are comparatively banal and simple, so as to make room in the birthplace of my mind for a stronger, larger, and better creation.

But I could not abide that. The stopper remains until I express the inexpressible: a tangled mess of existential dread, a million moments of loss, and the silver-eyed guardian of hope that flits on the edge of all things.

Yes, that mess.

The loss is possibly easiest to understand. It's not only my own loss - though every sorrow I have accumulated becomes a constant companion, a whole host of them gathering at my elbow - but the loss of others, and of the world. And then there's faded cloth, chipped paint, and barns falling where they stand - sorrows that nobody grieves. I myself could weep, but I have rendered myself unable.

The ache of existing is a far more complicated emotion, tinged with all the loss I feel and colored by my own withdrawal from life itself. Perhaps the two are more connected than I suppose. It's a tangled mess, either way.

Existential dread is a phrase I have lost sight of, hurling it around so flippantly as I do to ease the slowly unmasking terror of my perceived meaninglessness. I use it, baldly facing the words so I can laugh at least once, if bitterly, and then swallow the horror of Edvard Munch's "Scream".

But that does no good. For once inside again, back where it began, that feeling has now been given words, shape, and texture. The scream then has a voice, which I must silence in some way.

I silence it by walking away.

My body is not quite fully mine (though I would **** to keep it). It's just the present vehicle through which I vainly peer, not bothering to wipe the window-shields or keep things tidy. In the silence of my own company the key turns, lights flick off, and I close the door behind me when I leave.

Of course, at that point, the roles are reversed and I carry the vehicle inside my mind even as I walk away; that is where the ache comes from then.

But there are so many places to go when you do not have to move an inch, and each of them has a color, smell, and sense of completeness that can layer over the image of my lone and lonely vehicle, parked under a single street lamp and swept by shifting dust.

By spectating those other things and places, it's like I want to become a part of them - to transcend myself and enter the image; meld into the experience. And yet I carry closely the constant anger of knowing full well that it cannot be. I knock my head against the glass wall of separation again and again and again, and every time the pain has dulled so I don't notice quite so much how very far away I am.

Some of those places are very dark. At times I am ****** against the glass as if it were against my will.

It is, but it isn't all the same.

Most of the others are simply there along the path, convenient because of their proximity, and yet demanding in their infinite extent. A bottomless well of experiences that cannot be touched except by proxy.

The last kind are actually beautiful places. Stories of humanity, divinity, and divinity within humanity. Stories of life, loss, joy, and the terrible tread of change that rips our hearts apart and smashes the pieces back together in a way we cannot fully comprehend - but need to.

These are the places that return me to my body. The wide-open plains of truth, with a breeze that tears through all pretending. The guardian of hope is there, flying on the wind. She lives in all the places where beauty is, and yet she is almost always mute to me. She opens her mouth to speak, but I have left my ears behind when I came to these places, remember?

So the sudden silver flash of her wings is only enough to wake me up. But it is not a gentle, happy waking. Every feather that I see is a sharp pang of agony, because it makes me feel again. No matter how many steps I have taken from my vehicle, that sight hurls me back to sit in the driver's seat with tears running down my face.

I must find a way to take my body with me into those special places, to fuse the two so that I can walk between worlds and hear the trumpet of her voice in each.

But for now I am stoppered, until I learn to feel when I am all alone. A gentle hand more quickly opens up my constant wounds and losses, true; but I must learn to weep for me. With no one else to see.

And if I learn to stare unblinking at the sunset of my soul, perhaps I'll see a new day...

...for tomorrows always come.
And there, in the last light of this dusk, I see it. The silver flicker of Hope's wingtip flashes once across my vision, and is gone.
I wonder why
it's called human
it's becoming less

saturated with fats
appear to fascinate
must be something in
the glue to make
it so.

No wonder those on Star Trek
boldly go
except for jean Luc
he baldly goes,

I save the shaved ones for
This pencil necked geek
did hair thru the long grapevine
actually following false tidbit
originated within imagination i.e. mine,
while stationed at Macbook Pro
laptop - time already inching close

to hour of rise and shine
yikes still no ****** poem,
though with futility, I keep try'n
past bewitching hour, where body,
now incumbent to get supine
hours after taking warm shower

feeling gloriously, exceptionally,
comfortably, admirably... relaxed,
when captain my captain asinine
idea arose with futility to opine
albeit, ludicrous, outrageous, ridiculous...
carafe out loud if you dare

boot... be ready to make beeline
hive got muppet Hen son powers divine,
no matter yours truly drones design,
nonetheless me thought wine
not share blurb nsync with tickle me Elmo,
who awaits at intersection,

where Sesame Street crosses Pine
unless scariest beastly monster appears
sending shivers, viz small cilia along spine,
though profound this ain't,
only with collusion will
yours truly resign.

In toto now attempt made
to explain primary peculiar poetic bent
composed by vested apoplectic gent,
no matter mental energy he spent
dashing off above irrelevant "ine"
cuz he reached wits end to explain cogent

initial following crux not tangent
to preceding ****** effort in vain spent
devoid of sense, sensibility, or amusement,
thus no continuity despite fervent
effort made to stitch seamlessly
all above, and what comprises rhyming content
all I ask... please be tolerant and lenient.

Symbiotic microbial organisms dwell
within shirt collars interstitial spaces... expel
microscopic pincers to grab well
anchored, harried, styled... hair follicles
constituting tough protein called keratin
poised to strike back, minus stray, tell
tale loose strands easily retract

within scalp pulled tortoise shell,
subsequently scurry pell mell
even those thickly coated with Brylcreem gel
yea, those slippery hard to grab yell
low orange strands with
hair raising pluck subsequently fell
eventually baldly snagged, tugged, uprooted...

formerly hirsute bigwig(s) kvell
issue hair reed clangorous rebel yell
denuded pate(s) appear(ed) shiny and swell,
and resembled see thru billiard ball
clearly (self evidently)
lacking substance within hollowed shell.

Lemme resume kick starting
purported poem neigh
no more stalling, hesitating, fumfering... okay,
thus without further delay
imagine whichever prez
comes to mind standing
about six foot three, and
approximately doth weigh
two hundred and fifty pound orangutan

hood doth don orange-blond "fake" toupee
pensively jabbering, issuing, harrumphing...
(analogous to first Chinese brother
who swallowed the sea)
initially gesticulating comically, then furiously,
and finally impossibly loosed ocean at bay
no chance for treasure hunters to get away.
I attribute being a grown mad scientist
linkedin with tacit approval of parents
(both long gone to the smoky afterlife),
and donned wizard trumpeting magic spells
while dark and stormy night
(one week before Halloween),
which usher nostalgic memories
encapsulated within the following poem
initially drafted quite some years ago.

Both parents possessed pedigreed panache
(but especially my father – renown Chemist
B.B. Harris and to slightly lesser extent
late culinary cuisine queen Harmit Harms
Kuritsky - gal whose troth thy then still
livingsocial octogenarian widower papa
pledged, while holding some bubbling
sinister looking flask in hand while both
donned trumpeting finessed affianced
doctored formula to marry, when both
partook of blind date.

This combustible transunion link analogous
to their representative first electric kool aid
basic laboratory litmus test date), which
took place without a hitch, and telepathically
encouraged begetting retinue of revered
sons and daughters, whose ken hopefully
burned with passion KRISPR incubated,
inculcated, and incurred genetic outlook
ideally transmitted to prolific brood
of begotten babes.

This kid felt embers crackling, popping,
and snapping with yen that burned from
within and without buns sin burner of this
cingular earthlinked son.

No matter a bit tentative to experiment
*****-nilly (wonka like) with rather
explosive materiel, I received truckloads
of ammunition (in tandem with benevolent
benediction) to foster dare devil and
derelict pyromaniac precocity.

Those initial awkward formative forays
assaying, assessing and carefully calibrating
this, that or other liquid or powdery substance
found me meticulously measuring and
weighing the substances using kitchen
midden malodorous kid gloves.

Frequent disappointment arose from
yours truly as well as momma and papa
when net result (of these early attempts
to blend powders and/or liquids) merely
fizzled and self extinguished
into near inaudible ****.

Continual daily practice (would lead way
for me to enter Carnegie – Mellon ---- Hall)
after countless travails, trials and trolls i.e.
uber vaporous wisps to lyft yawping banshee
like holograms, or equivalent of 10,000 maniacs)
eventually bore successful fruit in the form
of near perfect results.

Success in hotly contested field Pyrotechnics
requires striking resemblance
to any other vocation.

One must be able, eager, ready and willing
to maintain burning passion no matter any
unforeseen setbacks or heat from an
objectionable source.

Yes, there would be an errant conflagration
(sometimes set purposely by adjunct professor)
as object lesson to master usage of fire
extinguisher/fighter, a vital piece of equipment
and evenhandedness for getting hold
instantaneously jetting kickstarter live matches)
to contain any runaway flame.

I do sheepishly admit to (ahem) you
on occasion the outcome went awry.

Nonetheless, they prided their potential
fire branded wizard in the making with
kudos and praise with DYNAMITE.

Practice from indiscriminately creating
unpredictable concoctions, these lethally
marshaled nonchalant opportunities
provided quintessentially random results
though usually very wimpy in tandem
with totally tubular nerdy, geeky, freaky,
and dorky beastie boy.

As proof positive and proud testimony, they
proudly pointed (upward) to the kitchen ceiling.

There such handiworks practically covered
entire ceiling with variegated splotches.
These scorch marks keepsake frescoes to show
kith and kin unspecified years into smoky future.

Quite accurate to assume
father and mother coached,
goaded, and nurtured
exploratory ambitions and
tried not to stifle
(at least consciously or deliberately)
my early stage ambition
toward scientific artiste bent.

As homeschooled and to some extent self taught
chemically romanced muralist, I grew up (not
surprisingly) in Unitarian household paid
close attention also adhered to the pioneer spirit.

The near limitless boundaries of life, liberty and
pursuit of understanding
an underlying credo, which
allowed, enabled and provided near endless
experimentation even at the risk of life and limb.

Aside talking head
nearly burning down the house
amidst talking heads practically in dire straits,
an instinctive reflex found me immolating myself,
occasionally singeing the canine fur of Lady,
Schultz, or Socrates, et cetera no frightful
catastrophic outcomes occurred thru milieu
of mixing deceptively harmless looking
inert raw materials.

Trial and error (quite successful with latter)
via blithely cooking dicey elements forming
goulash hiccupping laboratory mishmash
practically eliminated any pained regret to take
daring risks (such as getting married – ha)
in later life.

Despite favorable and lovable upbringing,
my mother (ever the protector and/or proctor
of our family and an excellent chef boyardee
to boot) still managed to insinuate (gently
as possible) the necessity to be careful when
igniting flammable materials lest
some uncontrollable conflagration ensue.

She (mom) did frequently confess to feeling
ever so slightly jittery and uneasy with my
slapdash amateurish homebrewed pyrotechnics
and much preferred to steer my attention toward
safer hobby such as the edible objets d’arts i.e.,
the much more drab field per how to present
and aesthetically appealing and nutritious meal.

Fondness to prepare food and pretend to be
faux renowned cook (this confession admitted
rather baldly and obviously deduced) actually
competed for my most favorite avocation activity
and spare leisure time.

In other words, this chap did relish designing
his own recipes mainly from leftovers in tandem
with unpronounceable multisyllabic organic
compounds filled numerous sized dishes
and aged apothecary bottles respectively.

Without question though, the passion plus
less riskier factor to combine and potchka
dry and wet ingredients together did rank
as considerably safer medium that still
allowed, enabled and provided me an equal
opportunity to test reactions, than those
earlier iterated potentially explosive hazards.

Nonetheless, my cavalier crusading overactive
appetite, hunger and thirst to discover causative
outcomes (even with purportedly innocuous
looking household cleaning supplies or easily
acquired inert materiel) nearly witnessed an
apocalypse at three two four Level Road
on one particular nasty occasion.

I anticipated our domicile would become
rent asunder, and reduced into a black
and decker ashen funeral pyre, yet for
grace of some divine force no family
members nor pets succumbed
nor got asphyxiated from choking acrid air.
I attribute being a grown mad scientist
linkedin with tacit approval of parents
(both long gone to the smoky afterlife),
and donned wizard trumpeting magic spells
while dark and stormy night
(one week before Halloween),
which usher nostalgic memories
encapsulated within the following poem
initially drafted quite some years ago.

Both parents possessed pedigreed panache
(but especially my father – renown Chemist
B.B. Harris and to slightly lesser extent
late culinary cuisine queen Harmit Harms
Kuritsky - gal whose troth thy then still
livingsocial nonagenarian widower papa
pledged, while holding some bubbling
sinister looking flask in hand while both
donned trumpeting finessed affianced
doctored formula to marry, when both
partook of blind date.

This combustible transunion link analogous
to their representative first electric kool aid
basic laboratory litmus test date), which
took place without a hitch, and telepathically
encouraged begetting retinue of revered
sons and daughters, whose ken hopefully
burned with passion KRISPR incubated,
inculcated, and incurred genetic outlook
ideally transmitted to prolific brood
of begotten babes.

This kid felt embers crackling, popping,
and snapping with yen that burned from
within and without buns sin burner of this
cingular earthlinked son.

No matter a bit tentative to experiment
*****-nilly (wonka like) with rather
explosive materiel, I received truckloads
of ammunition (in tandem with benevolent
benediction) to foster dare devil and
derelict pyromaniac precocity.

Those initial awkward formative forays
assaying, assessing and carefully calibrating
this, that or other liquid or powdery substance
found me meticulously measuring and
weighing the substances using kitchen
midden malodorous kid gloves.

Frequent disappointment arose from
yours truly as well as momma and papa
when net result (of these early attempts
to blend powders and/or liquids) merely
fizzled and self extinguished
into near inaudible ****.

Continual daily practice (would lead way
for me to enter Carnegie – Mellon ---- Hall)
after countless travails, trials and trolls i.e.
uber vaporous wisps to lyft yawping banshee
like holograms, or equivalent of 10,000 maniacs)
eventually bore successful fruit in the form
of near perfect results.

Success in hotly contested field Pyrotechnics
requires striking resemblance
to any other vocation.

One must be able, eager, ready and willing
to maintain burning passion no matter any
unforeseen setbacks or heat from an
objectionable source.

Yes, there would be an errant conflagration
(sometimes set purposely by adjunct professor)
as object lesson to master usage of fire
extinguisher/fighter, a vital piece of equipment
and evenhandedness for getting hold
instantaneously jetting kickstarter live matches)
to contain any runaway flame.

I do sheepishly admit to (ahem) you
on occasion the outcome went awry.

Nonetheless, they prided their potential
fire branded wizard in the making with
kudos and praise with DYNAMITE.

Practice from indiscriminately creating
unpredictable concoctions, these lethally
marshaled nonchalant opportunities
provided quintessentially random results
though usually very wimpy in tandem
with totally tubular nerdy, geeky, freaky,
and dorky beastie boy.

As proof positive and proud testimony, they
proudly pointed (upward) to the kitchen ceiling.

There such handiworks practically covered
entire ceiling with variegated splotches.
These scorch marks keepsake frescoes to show
kith and kin unspecified years into smoky future.

Quite accurate to assume
father and mother coached,
goaded, and nurtured
exploratory ambitions and
tried not to stifle
(at least consciously or deliberately)
my early stage ambition
toward scientific artiste bent.

As homeschooled and to some extent self taught
chemically romanced muralist, I grew up (not
surprisingly) in Unitarian household paid
close attention also adhered to the pioneer spirit.

The near limitless boundaries of life, liberty and
pursuit of understanding
an underlying credo, which
allowed, enabled and provided near endless
experimentation even at the risk of life and limb.

Aside talking head
nearly burning down the house
amidst talking heads practically in dire straits,
an instinctive reflex found me immolating myself,
occasionally singeing the canine fur of Lady,
Schultz, or Socrates, et cetera no frightful
catastrophic outcomes occurred thru milieu
of mixing deceptively harmless looking
inert raw materials.

Trial and error (quite successful with latter)
via blithely cooking dicey elements forming
goulash hiccupping laboratory mishmash
practically eliminated any pained regret to take
daring risks (such as getting married – ha)
in later life.

Despite favorable and lovable upbringing,
my mother (ever the protector and/or proctor
of our family and an excellent chef boyardee
to boot) still managed to insinuate (gently
as possible) the necessity to be careful when
igniting flammable materials lest
some uncontrollable conflagration ensue.

She (mom) did frequently confess to feeling
ever so slightly jittery and uneasy with my
slapdash amateurish homebrewed pyrotechnics
and much preferred to steer my attention toward
safer hobby such as the edible objets d’arts i.e.,
the much more drab field per how to present
and aesthetically appealing and nutritious meal.

Fondness to prepare food and pretend to be
faux renowned cook (this confession admitted
rather baldly and obviously deduced) actually
competed for my most favorite avocation activity
and spare leisure time.

In other words, this chap did relish designing
his own recipes mainly from leftovers in tandem
with unpronounceable multisyllabic organic
compounds filled numerous sized dishes
and aged apothecary bottles respectively.

Without question though, the passion plus
less riskier factor to combine and potchka
dry and wet ingredients together did rank
as considerably safer medium that still
allowed, enabled and provided me an equal
opportunity to test reactions, than those
earlier iterated potentially explosive hazards.

Nonetheless, my cavalier crusading overactive
appetite, hunger and thirst to discover causative
outcomes (even with purportedly innocuous
looking household cleaning supplies or easily
acquired inert materiel) nearly witnessed an
apocalypse at three two four Level Road
on one particular nasty occasion.

I anticipated our domicile would become
rent asunder, and reduced into a black
and decker ashen funeral pyre, yet for
grace of some divine force no family
members nor pets succumbed
nor got asphyxiated from choking acrid air.
As a hypothetical argument
yours truly doth not aim
to be unfortunate recipient
of misguided, misjudged, and mislaid blame,
nevertheless I make dubious claim
and baldly recede (ha – hair ye, here ye)
from heady assertion
to make bold statement
such that literacy supersedes numeracy,
between said measurable

ambiguous, exiguous, and irriguous
confusing, perplexing, puzzling pillars
of cognitive, demonstrative, emotive,
facilitative, generative... intelligence,
hence not consonant
far from the madding crowd,
until the return of the native
and perchance ludicrous
to some above average dame,
who might be prone to exclaim

contrariwise, and squarely frame
mathematics more powerfully
(id est - greater than)
basically versus stringing words together
yielding cogent, decent,
effulgent, fluent... result
(that may not add up to a hill of beans)
crafting supreme unequaled poem
predicated upon cockamamie scribe,
(one whose unexcusable

laughable puerile mien
modestly trumpeting his outstanding talent,
hence he expects and deserves
posthumous lettered fame),
née, he already
appropriated, leveraged, wielded
volumes of his speculated worthless material
synchronized to be broadcast
immediately upon his demise
(after the grim reaper

steals dem lovely bones
to avoid self embarrassment)
avast treasure trove awaiting
distribution across webbed wide world
(including all manner
of social media platforms)
after discover re:
visa vis artificial intelligence
courtesy agency of smart machine
to custom make similar
facsimile thereof brilliant literature

where good things come to life
to emulate and evoke
mental landscape and thought processes
of one humble human
Matthew Scott Harris
while supremely, soundlessly, seamlessly,
echoing beloved refrains
from computer generated verses
that would be indistinguishable
from Joni Mitchell's
original song titled the circle game.
Ruslan Oct 2024
You invoked Us, have mercy!
Grant a spouse, set mind at ease.
Take your spouse, but behest I give.
And obey her soul with no lending arm.

Not thus only heard spoiling spouse of yours.
Gain you now and then own rogue consort.
Rogue consort is like of a wanton sort.
Both she’s not hostile, and a mate she’s not.

***** up your courage, it’s no time to cry.
Pull your mind up, make your foes be killed.
Be not in a funk, God is with you still.
Chase away, my man, own foe with will.

Let an evil run, he must always run.
Pull your mind up and suppress the crum.
Do not spare all them, bogey to be burnt.
That is why to you I give vow next.

Burn up all of them, make your crosses burnt.
Break away your canvas, canvas break in whole.
Kick away all them not regretting force.
Kick away all them from your own house.

What for, my man, stand scratching here your head.
Go away, my man, and ball all your girls.
Go away, my man, and get lost your soul.
Yet look up, my man, do not make hast now.

Take a sit, my man, a mite on a stove.
Learn and take them in two or three, more words.
Say to me, my man: what the hell for all.
Say to me, my man: well, ******* to you.

But look ye, my man, do not get off horse.
Otherwise, my man, you blow own horse.
So, look ye, my man, take care of it.
If not you will not support any head.

But look ye, my man, if again you’ll sleep.
And all state, my man, you will blow in hip.
And you will be tramped by some sheeny guys.
And you won’t give **** at large, otherwise.

Now, my dear man, do not diss your spouse.
Just because you led to collapse state force.
Just because you led to collapse a home.
Just because you didn’t intent to stand on.

Just because you loved to have long a rest.
Just because you did not choose a bedstead.
Just because you went away to the wood.
Just because you fouled your pants under hood.

But by now, my man, wind your right horse up!
That is all, my man! no one see your cup.
Any more, my man, take a sit a bit.
After that, my man, get a lovely kick.

Now what, my man, is not grief of yours.
When you does not have your beloved horse.
Yet your own grief can be seen by you.
Any more, my man, you’re just for two.

What for you got up if there is no foe.
Why the foe is able to invade your home.
When the foe so far has been on a stove.
The foe keeps your spouse at his own cave.

Yet you cannot see her footstep that’s last.
Just because you are lonely since the past.
Just because you did not whim to stand up.
Just because you’re out getting into dorm.

It is not a grief if you don’t have horse.
Well, per contra, now there are a few mates.
And by now you have own your affairs.
Any more, my man, you will be for horse.

Any more you stay and go forward there.
Why you do not follow, you a kick will get.
Take this, nicer man, get a spare slum.
Any more, my man, you have this as well.

Come in here, do, check all things therein.
You don’t stay stone-still, do not, please, come in.
But go just this way, you can open this.
Any more, my man, you will **** at me.

****, meanwhile, my man, and smack own lips.
You are now a man, postgener, you.
You are now like this as you are that day,
Could not open up shop by any way.

Just because you’re such a *******.
Just because you’re decaying err.
Just because you did not oust a foe.
Just because you blow all things thereupon.

But at present time, you have ***** up.
Outside your window, glittering star, no doubt.
Outside your window, peer up a bit.
There is no a light on the eye with nimb.

And you have by now horns you have, no eyes.
Any more, my man, you will be for foes.
Any more, my man, you will craunch a soil.
Any more, my man, you will drink no oil.

You will drink and **** hundred times on end.
You will stand and **** when you keeping seat.
You will **** and sleep.
And for you, my man, the same things will be.

Any more, my man, you aren’t sole man.
Any more, my man, you will be noofter.
You’re, my man, by now: a fine nance!
You’re such a guy who negated us.

You’re such a guy as you really then
Could not open up shop on a solemn date.
You’re such a guy as you clearly are
A dull little ****, a wacko dull.

Just because you are a **** face carrion.
Just because you did not care, indeed.
Open up shop to nancies with hair red.
Just because your goal was in wooden end.

And by now, my man, take a sit and doss.
Take a sit a bit and tear up the foes!
Otherwise, my man, death of yours has come!
Death will come, and you do not rush to her.

For such kind of bullies, can’t be seen decease.
But for such bullies outer fate here is.
Look around, my man, take, kind man, a sit.
Fall asleep, my man, and take lovely horse!

Make your spouse got served above her eyesballs!
Make your spouse got served, let her give a know!
How of borrowed kids to get crap kicked out.
Yet be ware, my man, I am observing you.

If you, dear man, end up with your spouse.
So, she will come next to the home of yours.
So, you, dear man, take a sit flat long.
So, you, dear man, take a sit thuswise.

That is why because you are such a fool.
That is why because you not washing back.
To bang, rail her as an opposed ***.
To bang, rail her, did not please, but could.

Oh well, so be it, do not bang, you could?
****, meanwhile, my man, smack your own lips.
You are such you are, it means this is you.
You were different bringing flowers.

Brining bunch of them, awful scarlet roses.
It would better then you ***** off girls show.
It would better then you don’t ****** that *******.
It would better then you ***** off – not ******.

Just because of you, **** did not ***** off.
Just because you’ve blown all the state cleaned off.
Any more, my man, you are not so single.
Just because you are right a freak.

Just because you did not long for thereat.
To unloose the horse and bang enemy.
Yet by now, my man, take a sit and kip.
Any more, my man, or just dust, trust me.

You’re by now an *** as he is so blind.
Did not tempt to fight on the battlefield.
You were not inclined to put on that foes.
Who is holding you with your own horns.

Who bangs spouse of yours, mother of yours.
But forbear, my man, you are singular.
Just because you are simply a gemman.
Such a gentleman, to bang’s not to stand.

To bang up you all, into doss to fall.
But I can’t have slumber whilst someone to ball.
While someone here is, he feels wife be shtooped.
While someone here is someone who’s not sod.

Whilst someone to ball, they are to be banged.
And you do not have to call own horse.
Call your own horse, two, three, or four days.
And you do not have to call as he is.

Not such guy like you, he does not stand still.
He stands up for his own country, though.
He stands up alone on account of he
Doesn’t resemble you. on account of he

Does not go to wood. on account of he
Is warfarer that’s battle. on account of he’s
Eager them to bang. on account of he’s
Searching army deals. on account of he

Did not let all them. let them all come in,
To his own land. on account of he’s
For his own state. on account of he’s
For his own home. on account of he

Did not aim such life. to allow a ****,
And he pressed on him. on account of he
Stands for him as man. and such guy like he’s,
Talking then to you. He is saying that:

He’s the very same! by whom, you, all cruds, are swearing.
You are all the same, on account of he
Does not come to whom are standing still.
He stands for those who stands right for yourselves.

They are all of Him, servants among you.
Among you a slave, name of him is Rus!
More he must exist among foes of mine!
Among foes of mine, foes of own mine!

And a name of his’s Egogogova!
Egogogova, gogogogova.

Whata gogovo, no egogovo.

That’s it, gogovo, well now gogovo.

That’s gogovo, so that gogovo.

One egogovo, such egogovo.

Yes! Egogovo.

So, take rise, the state! Rus, a mother land.
Go and press a ****! foe of mine at end.
Press the foe of mine! And don’t touch their hips.
Well the name of mine! they have on the lips.

They have on the lips, just entire Allah!
And on their fronts they’ve two tops of head.
They all have two apples every their day.
And all them have three earthen seed grain.

Just because we are kids from the Serpent.
Just because we do not ask any state.
But they are all you as you are of fate.
As you are the kids of the Old Serpent.

Just because you came to My pretty home.
And all of you said and you said Me so:
Our wish in court, you are the Good Lord.
Yet I also couldn’t say to you: my sprout.

You are not! my son, do not come to me.
Go a little bit, go and take a sit.
Just because you are barely a good man.
For all deals you have just one unique dad.

Just because you were kindly shaped and formed.
Just because you are not temperated.
Just because you are showing off, that’s all.
Just because you don’t have your body old.

You got older just for some forty springs.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.

Just because you don’t have your body old.
Just because you also are not switching off.
Well at present days you have got so old?
Or again you are balling with no holds.

For the native state, are not full of riot.
For such one girl-friend you regret.
She’d better be balled by a stinker.
She’d better be balled by your boss.

Or ****** fishing inspector.
Or a braun with a wooden jill.
But you all do not roar to him.
It’s better your **** to keep clean.

It’s better together with Islam for ours.
It’s better together for yours and for yours.
It’s easier together than jointly to prison.
I also them balled! all you in ******.

I balled all you onto the road.
When ****** wolves are balled.
When ****** crums are balled.
For pittance as ******* on three-shift basis.

For pittance piledrive the ears.
At night you do not fail from bed.
Just because you have ******.
Now all to Gestapo you want?

That’s great, get **** out from hut.
All of you by now, all are nances!
All of you now, all of you’ve been in deep ****.
In deep **** for you all will come.

Well, briefly, guys, believe or not.
All emotive Koran – check every spot.
All the same you will not have a quiet.
I will you fuss in the troop.

I will fuss all of you with no sorting.
Just because I’m boring boring.
Just because I fancy so much.
And I’ll see when I am laid low.

Resting on sofa drinking some tea.
And I would skill who hewed to me.
Well, who muddled me. I will force,
I force him to devour dirt from knee.

Thereafter I’ll get lit up, yet beastedly Rusia, hold on.
I’m leading you to warfare.
And to czars I return you in vote.
But who will not trust to all you.

I will ball him more than a snake.
I’ll go to nap but you all under plank-beds.
What for I’ve got all gutter alleys.
You’d better stand up all fore-hearth and that’s all.

I’ll cover up all you from top, from top.
Just because you by all in a crowd.
Will-a-wisp to Me all under plank-beds.
I’ll all of you, all of you, all you there.

Well, cut it short, I all of you ask.
Erm, oh no, I could for an hour.
From Ruslan to pull off nice poet.
All you knew his manly soldier.

******* combat on plank-beds.
He fussed battler for own ears.
He fussed all of them on his own.
Thereby, his gemma was beaten.

That those wretches were martyred him.
But for that he could not hold on to.
And he battered devils from copters.
For the deadly scurrile gorges.

And for that he’s been all in tears.
For several hollowed years.
Having neither boy-friend, nor girl-friend.
As he is to himself the best mate.

As he is jeckoff from a swamp.
Nostradamus called you in such manner.
As he was a real oppressor.
As he was a needful man.

For the victory he will see service.
I will show him to all, to your sons.
He will bring to you all the Satan.
And he says to you: don’t say that,

You did not love me, I’m here.
I wish with you all sticking to by sight,
To have a sit and read a faith to bride.
As you all are imbeciles herein.

As you are inhabiting swamp.
As you are not carrying a button.
As I will ball exactly all you!
And for mane, and for tail, and in chaps.

Just because you are gobbling and gobbling.
As you all are eating that.
Is called as hocky in the bad.
You’ll be fed by Rusia as well.

Is sitting and cannot help herself.
Drinking again from the morning.
Begging again to all patience.
Fussing again tasty crackers.

Sitting at the puter eft.
Moving the **** under desk.
As he’s aware of the best way.
It’s meerer, sweeter when it’s in the state when you sit.

As it’s aware what is on the top.
It is followed by horseman on twig.
The twig is not mere in full!
It costs three rubles, one and all.

It costs the good price because.
Every why has therefore.
As I will to attain so.
And that’ll be made in gold.

Who wished to fight his foes.
Will be without horns.
But who could not take rise.
Who wished to ball the livestocks.

Who wished to ball any jade!
That’ll be soon in two-time bat!
That’ll be soon with two-time dopant.
Who balled up of mates a ****.

Who forgave them that whup-***
That’ll be given a sum paids.
Who absolved them all the sins.
That will stay at faster streams.

But the stream is not idlesse.
It has even golden banks.
And those banks are nicely gold.
But you do not really want.

You pretend to be together.
Balled by luzhkov in pair of drawers.
He is ready you to bang.
But he’s ******* between legs.

He may be just educator?
If such story is of you.
He is surely a ***.
But his nose is not so slack.

Rather balled he all of you.
He’s balling now the cow.
As he does not have a horn.
Every why has, therefore.

He has singly for that love.
I can each to all of you.
Insistently get impressed.
That it needs to be so.

That’s all, I can’t do more.
I’ll go back! that’s all
I cannot
I will march off!

But who can’t be victorious!
He will drink aqua afresh!
But the aqua is not bare.
It is added with gold matter.

Coins in the field are walking.
And of pittance keeping pocket.
But the pittance is not simple.
Is from gold that’s highly silken.

It is held by four good guys.
Three of them are on the top.
And I Wish by all is called.
I optate that and all this.

I feel baldly nothing else!
Not desiring anything.
I put out for all you.
I put out in meantime.

When you all expecting Us.
Watching Us because of that.
Every why has therefore.
As we such a way have!

Such way I would love – that’s all.
I don’t have in mind goal.
I would need from you one bolt.
Do not go to him for short.

Do not go along the road.
Good man, hail, I’m your foe.
I have come to you, let me.
Implement as your squaddie.

Poor fellow, day, night each.
Was not sitting – reading speech.
He was sitting – you were dormant.
******* your land by a command.

If you will not waken up.
All of you’ll wait for burst up.
Those who slept in every pose.
Or just trivially wrong modes.

Simply as I truly mean.
To all you I give a spouse.
But the spouse is not so plain.
Give-me-golden-coin pay!

Golden shiner hands.
Just for fun from dullness.
Just for fun from dullness.
Grown that you possess.

Eyes appeared on your head.
But no view I see on spot.
Further they have risen else.
But I can see nothingness.

Just the horns have grown.
Rising more and more.
Horns – antlers.
Big antlers!

Here’re your huge antlers!
They are foes for you.
If you **** at least one foe.
I will send my pardon.

Will I pardon you – that’s all?
No! you’ll come and eat
And dream up due to my quest.
Only if you will

Eat when you feel like.
If you will fall asleep,
When you feel love
Is waiting all of you

I prevented all of you.
I’ll go to bed.
And have dream, Ruslanchik.
That’s a wrap……

— The End —