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Alexa Jul 2016
Negativity is meaningful. It's detrimental and cynical. It deluges inside our heads. Making us feel insecure, unwanted and useless. They will prosper and thrive to reach out and make us feel smaller than them, to get inside of our minds and make us look in the mirror and see what we don't want to see. It eventually assassinates our minds. It dwells on top of the positive thoughts. But YOU need to remember that YOU are worth more than anything in this competitive, sick world.
Henry Chambers Aug 2014
Silently  time   slowly  assassinates.
Interrupting important moments i
Longingly wish  to keep immortal.
Endlessly   enduring   everywhere.
Numbly numbering my duration.
Continuously calculating  a tragic
Extermination  of  time  in  silence.

© Henry C.
Silence is spelled down the front and back of each line.
WEB: In June 1964, Chinese film history changed forever. Previously, Southeast Asian cinema had been dominated by two families — the Shaw family, headed by Run Run Shaw, and the Loke family, headed by Loke Wan Tho. The latter was a veritable empire that owned rubber plantations, banks, cinemas, and a movie studio called Cathay. Founded in 1953, Cathay specialized in urbane, Westernized musicals and comedies, whereas Shaw Brothers Studios, with its muscle-headed nationalism, was shooting squarely at the lowest common denominator.

Cathay-Keris Films Pte. Ltd.
This week's featured series at the New York Film Festival shines a light on China's great forgotten movie studio, Grady Hendrix writes. Above, Grace Chang stars in Tian-lin ****'s 'The Wild, Wild Rose' (1960).
Shaw made money, but Cathay earned the prestige with such high-class talent as screenwriter Eileen Chang (author of Ang Lee's new film, "Lust, Caution"). But on June 20, 1964, fate would vault one company over the other for the rest of time. With both film studios in attendance at the Asian Film Festival in Taiwan, Loke Wan Tho and Run Run Shaw were each invited on a sightseeing tour. Run Run begged off, Loke agreed to go, and when the plane carrying him, his wife, and his chief executives crashed, Cathay crashed with them. Today, Shaw Brothers rules the memories of Chinese film fans and Cathay's stable of stars are long forgotten.

Civil Air Transport Flight 106

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  (Redirected from Civil Air Transport Flight B-908)

Civil Air Transport Flight 106
Accident summary
20 June 1964
Engine failure and loss of control
Shenkang, Taiwan
Aircraft type
Curtiss C-46D Commando
Civil Air Transport
Flight origin
Taichung Airport (TXG/RCLG)
Taipei-Sung Shan Airport (TSA/RCSS)
Civil Air Transport Flight 106 was a Curtiss C-46D Commando[1] operated by the Taiwanese airline Civil Air Transport that on 20 June 1964 crashed near the village of Shenkang in western Taiwan, killing all 57 people aboard.
1 The accident
2 The aircraft
3 Causes
4 Passengers
5 References
The accident
Shortly after take-off from Taichung the No.1 engine failed and during the recovery the aircraft turned to the left impacting the ground left wing low in a nose down attitude.
The aircraft
The flight was being operated by a C-46D, regn. B-908, (C/n 32950), which had flown 19,488 hours from 1944 to 1964
Primary cause of the accident was the failure of the No.1 engine, compounded by mishandling during the recovery / return to Taichung Airport.
Among the dead were 20 Americans, one Briton and members of the Malaysian delegation to the 11th Film Festival in Asia, including businessman Loke Wan Tho and his wife Mavis.[2][3]
Aaron LaLux Feb 6
Love is,
Such a random assassin,
Love comes in,
As a personal whirlwind,

An amicable tangent in tandem,
With unbridled passion & reckless abandon,
An alluring assassin an emotion overloaded with action,
It strikes like a seductive serpent when it happens,

Seemingly striking at random,
Even when the attack is the result of meticulous planning,
Leaving the subject of it’s Love looking up scratching their head,
Dazed & confused wondering what the heck just happened,

Capturing what can’t be imagined it surprises even the wisest,
Has its target in its sights for awhile while schemin’,
But the lovestruck don’t see it until love strikes like lightning,
Breaking down all the defenses of its all too willing victims,

Without pretenses, premises or agreements,
Love jumps down from the clouds pounces out of the shadows,
& assassinates all shady characters without reservation,
Striking silently without sound then vanishing like a phantom,

His heart pounds,
He’d marry her if she’d let him,
But she’s still chasing her own imagination,
So instead of embrace him she’s on the run like an escaped felon,

Scared of a future with him,
Because of the past she had way back when,
She’s so caught up in the past of what she was back then,
That she loses sight of what she has right now with him,

& that’s just one of the reasons why love is,
Such a random assassin,
Love comes in,
As a personal whirlwind,

An amicable tangent in tandem,
With unbridled passion & reckless abandon,
An alluring assassin an emotion overloaded with action,
It strikes like a seductive serpent when it happens,

Seemingly striking at random,
Even when the attack is the result of meticulous planning,
Leaving the subject of it’s Love looking up scratching their head,
Dazed & confused wondering what the heck just happened…

∆ LaLux ∆

From the new book ABC, available everywhere.

A lion does not **** another lion
A tiger does not annihilate another tiger
But a man slaughters another man
For his own selfish reason

A brother kills his own brother
The sin or crime he does not bother
Man is given wonderful brain
Most times it goes in vain

Man assassinates man in the name of religion
Or for the mere difference of region
A woman burnt her own daughter
The illicit contact is the real matter

Man is worse than a beast
He does anything for his own feast
Shywolf(a fellow poet) is rather depressed
Because man’s humanity is compressed

Man should preserve his own race
He should never lose his grace
Let’s all pray for world peace
And not divide it piece by piece
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Nobody wants to be like,
                Liked yes, similar no.
                I know twins,
                Both their initials begin
                With R, RR And RR.
                They are known as the
                Orrorrs at school.

                There is no need for like,
                Not even of minds.
                In poetry,
                ( to my way of thinking )
                Like is a joker in the
                Pack of words.

                Heaney is fond of it and
                Mary Oliver even began
                A poem with it.
                " Like Magellan, let us
                Find our Islands.

                Like assassinates metaphor
                And debases simile.
                But who am I to criticize
                The masters of whom I
                Aspire to be Like !
Khaled O May 2014
Goes through the heart and kills
Assassinates your will
Upon this cursed hill
Powerful , you shall stay

Put pain and power in duel
This fight seems to be perpetual
Never ending , eternal , immortal but you will
Remain strong as for pain they pray

God's tears fall down like floods
Burn their flesh and make an ocean of blood
Out their veins , for they forgot who is god
Dear god , for your soul I shall slay

Poisonous is the curse inside
Let your wounds open wide
Spit the poison out , never hide
Feel the strength , for I shall guide
Big Virge Sep 2020
See I'll ...
ASSASSINATE Your Character ...  
If You Expose Vernacular ...    
That Proves You **** ... !!!    
WHAT ... Yuh Like Dracula ... !!!    
Like Jeru’ I Will Damage Ya ...    
With Wordplay That's ...    
... " SPECTACULAR " ... !!!!!    
That Proves That I'm ...    
..... "NO Amateur" ...... !!!    
See My Prose HITS Cons ... !!!    
Because It's STRONG ... !!!    
And Clearly Belongs ...    
In A Place BEYOND ...........................    

WEAK Characters Patter ...    
Because My Grammar ....    
***** Back That HAMMER  ...    
Like A ... BAD Mamma Jammer ... !!!    
But I DON'T NEED Guns ... !!!    
Cos' My Wordplay ... STUNS ... !!!    
If You SHOOT I've WON ... !!!    
Cos' Like … OB1 …
I Will Simply Become ...    
Than A Government Run ...    
By ... ATTILA THE *** ... !!!!!!!    
See My Wordplay's CLEVER ...
Just Like MY MIND ... !!!    
So DON’T You … EVER ...  
DISRESPECT My Rhymes ... !!!    
Because That's A CRIME ... !!!    
For Which You'll Face TIME ... !!!    
Before You're Resigned ...    
To Face A ... FIRING Line ... !!!    
of V's ... " Vendetta Letters " ...    
Which Means That I Will END YA ... !!!!!  
So NO Return to Sender ...    
I DON'T Have Time To Render ...    
Trend Setters Whose Agenda ...    
Is That of ... Bone Collectors' ... !!!    
Their Assassination's ...    
My ... " Vocation " ... !!!!!!!    
NO Relating ... !!!    
Just Straight Berating ... !!!    
For Characters HATING ... !!!    
Those Whose Station's ...    
… Next To SATAN ... !!!      
LYING And CHEATING ... !!!!!    
Because Their Being's ...    
Lacking The STAMINA ... !!!    
To Be A STRONG Character ... !!!    
If ... Seeing Is Believing ... ?!?    
Then BELIEVE THIS Son ... !!!!!    
I AIN'T The One  ...      
To Be Treated Like ....    
.... A HEATHEN .... !!!!!    
I Can Hear It In Your Speech .... ???    
You're Breathing Needs ...    
...... "RECEIVING" ..... !!!    
It's Clear That You Are WEAK ... !!!    
And I'm ABOVE Your Ceiling !!! ...    
ENLIGHTENED ... Yes ... !!!!!!!    
So DON'T You Test ... !!!!
UNLESS You Express ...    
To Get ... DISTRESSED ... !?!    
See Your Character LACKS ...    
A … GOOD Defence ..... !!!!!    
So I Think It's Best ....    
That YOU Just REST .........    
Before I PROSECUTE ...    
Right To Your END ... !!!!!!    
And It DOESN'T Make Sense ...    
For You To REFUTE ....    
Your Characters' DEATH .... !!!!!    
It's Better For You To just Be Cool ...    
BEFORE You Get Schooled ...    
On Your .... " ISSUES " .... !!!      
See I've Seen Em' Come ...    
I've Seen Em' ... GO ...    
Most Get Struck ...   ...    
By BIG VIRGE Prose ...    
Cos' It Flows It groWS ...    
And Eventually BLOWS ...    
A ... Force Ten Gale ... !!!    
That Then DERAILS ...    
ANY Train of Thought ...    
That Is NOT PURE ..... !!!!!    
So Son Be SURE ... !!!!!!    
BEFORE Ya RUN Your Jaws ... !!!    
That Words You Use ...    
Air … LOGICAL VIEWS .... !!!!!    
Cos' I'm A  Logical Dude ...    
Who AIN'T Confused .... !!!    
Does Confused Define YOU ... ?!?    
If It Does You Should Choose ...    
To Do ... LESS SPEAKING ...    
Come On Now Son .... ?    
Before You're Caught Short ...    
Cos' of Views You Court ...    
That You SHOULD ABORT ... !!!!!!    
See That's A Character FLAW ... !!!    
Running .... " BIG TALK " ....    
When You Should ... LISTEN ...    
And STOP Your ... Hisssssssing ... !!!    
See That's A Trait of SNAKES ...    
Or A ... Straight Up FAKE ... !?!    
Well NOT QUITE Straight Up ... !!!    
Just FAKE As .... WHAT .... ?    
NO NEED To CUSS ... !!!    
Cos' My Vernacular's ABOVE ...    
Those ... TARANTULA Bugs ... !!!!!    
Ya Know ...    
"Creeps that crawl and don't go to The Ball    
cos' their mouth's TOO BIG for the shoe to fit !”    
Characters Who Enlist ...
Behaving Like ... PIGS ... !!!    
Feeding From The Trough ...    
of Those NOT STRONG ... !!!    
YUP Those Who WREAK ...    
of ... "FEEBLE SPEECH" ... !!!    
Who Like To DICTATE ...    
Then ... EXTERMINATE ... !!!    
The Type of INGRATES ...    
Cos I'm A ... " CHARACTER ASSASSIN " ... !!!    
Whose Flows Are EVERLASTING ... !!!    
And Sometimes Kinda Funny ...    
Just Like  THAT ****** Bunny ... !!!    
"So, what's up son ... ???"
"The Doc's been hung !    
Your time has come to face questions ?"    
"What's that you say ... ?    
I ain't so great, okay okay,
well let me set you straight      
with these last lines !"
See My Character's STRONG ...    
While Yours ... BELONGS ...    
In A VERY .... "small box" ....    

Where Your … very small **** … !!!    
Can Feed Your Brain ...    
With ***** For Your Demons ... !!!
Son You Should REFRAIN ...    
From Taking AIM ...    
At Those Whose Prose ...    
Shows CHARACTER Bro ... !!!    

Cos' Your COLLATERAL ....    
Could Get DAMAGED ... !!!!!!!!    
When FACTUAL Words ...    
of ... Seminal Verse ...    
ERADICATE Those SLAMMING ... !!!    
Cos' Tha' Brother BIG VIRGE ...    
Is … Simply THIS ....    
The ........    
... "Character Assassin" ...
Cyclone Dec 2019
With that, chip on your shoulder, it's hard to mold you, I see you soldier, we're deranged, engaged pain, the strain scolds you, blood is colder when we look over the boulder we strapped, so when we clap our own caps, we get trapped, was every act its own rap or gaps that happened either by mapping or slacking the use of facts, I'm slapped and almost snapped, harassed but always laughed, my path may stash the cash but blood baths makes that ash, whoop my ***, you last only to get slashed, passed every task, but add math of GOD'S wrath, you grew like grass, I'm clapping cause I'm your only witness, really I'm an actor, my tractor assassinates your business!, within this, it's hard to finish the fitness of a pro that wishes this, replenishing of his innocence, who knows of PHOTOSYNTHESIS??!!!
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
Nobody wants to be like,
Liked yes, similar no.
I know twins,
Both their initials begin
With R, RR And RR.
They are known as the
Orrorrs at school.

There is no need for like,
Not even of minds.
In poetry,
( to my way of thinking )
Like is a joker in the
Pack of words.

Heaney was fond of it and
Mary Oliver even began
A poem with it.
" Like Magellan, let us
Find our Islands ".

Like assassinates metaphor
And debases simile.
But who am I to criticise
The masters of whom I
Aspire to be Like !


This poem is based on two
American girls I met in France.
Reina and Rhona Roberts.

— The End —