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Master builder of hanging audio of the hearts,
Tapping and mapping
kind of music through the vocabulary of arts,
conducting  the harmonious sound of unique violin orchestra
a crowd of fiddlesticks rima …
up… and only ups…
never downs.
I will go…true or false.  
That’s what you ask for it. If you ask me to stay, I would never say no.
Have you ever seen me on the occasion of disobeying you?
Neither yes, nor no…
Thirsty and aridity,  
Words dance glamorously in the silence of the mud of bricks
You will construct the magic towers of the world gust (crust).
On the apex
Trapper of heights
Shaking hand for all ant size human shape creatures
In down.
I’am member among.
Time flies and melts in icy doom of the word “why”… burning agitatedly on the white eyes.
Don’t look at me.
Whatever had been shaped, like thunder of emotional burst digs …digs in insomnia of rapid nightmares
of mine.
O' liberty…
Don’t be dubious of what you are going to do, Master architecture of heavenly domes of long treatise of eloquence and good sounds.
Hissing….sooozzzing….biippping ….buzzzing….moooppping….murmers….
Claps and shouts.
Ant shaped creatures gather under the grand dome and waiting for miraculous mesmerize.
No more I am among.
Master builder of raw materials
in vivid shape of “new oregano (m).”
Time runs and I am not “going to catch a falling star.”
Time of demise.
Heavy lock on mouths. Death of both of us in constructing the luxurious roads never ended in dead end of not being honest and neither being wise.
Master designer of unique arches…domes…abstruse stairs…
Audio…audio. I will go…for you and ours.
Master Builder:  a drama by Henrik  Ibsen
Go and Catch a Falling Star: a poetry by John Donne
Novum Organum: a philosophical book by Francis Bacon (16th century)
Anais Vionet Oct 2022
It was one of those gray but somehow bright-skied New England Wednesday mornings that made you sad for anyone who wasn’t there. Fall freshness demanded my attention, like a hungry pet, from every open lattice-window in our stuffy common room.

As I watched, for a marvelous moment, the world was a cartoon whirly-gig. Trees, writhed, animal-like, to be free of their multicolor leaves, shedding them - like bad blind-dates. The four-color debris was immediately drafted away on gust-streams, those invisible elves, and politely scattered in corners.

I’m waiting for test results today and time seems to be passing with vegetable slowness. In uncertain hours like these, some students armor themselves with alcohol while others indulge in religious solace. Not Leong and I. Leong’s a communist - it seems that communists grumpily tough things out.

I was raised a Catholic, so I rightly deserve whatever bad thing’s going to happen. In Catholicism, failure and guilt are accepted everywhere, like the best credit cards. Any success is automatically categorized as unexpected, undeserved, if not fraudulent, and above all, temporary. In fact, life itself is little more than an inconvenient test on the way to wherever.

“We’re living in the age of crisis.” I announced, agitatedly, to the otherwise quiet common room (where the usual crowd was attempting to study).
“Figured that out all by yourself”? Sunny asked, “You ought to go to Yale,” she added.
“Hear me out,” I say, as if anyone cares enough to stop me. “Our parents had their war on terror” I say, with air-quotes, “but we got a pandemic, a crazy President complete with insurrection, a faltering supply chain, a cost-of-living crisis, renewed nuclear war threats and the climate meltdown. It’s hard to study with all that going on.” I self-declared.

“It’s hard to study because I’m out of watermelon.” Sophie said, digging through the fridge.
“You aren’t anyone these days unless you’re battling a crisis.” Sophie noted.
“Your parents are ALIVE,” Leong said dryly, “I MET them and they’re going through all that too.”
“And are we (mankind) going to take any real, adult steps to address these issues?" I asked, looking around to see if my outrage was mirrored, “apparently not.” I sermonized rhetorically.

“YOU” Lisa said, shaking her head, “are a hopeless optimist - you left out a few crises.”
“WhatEVER,” I declared, “It’s still hard to study,” I reiterated, while distractedly chewing on a #2 pencil that Lisa had loaned me.

Later, we’re outside, taking in the semi-sun and reclining on our fold-up “better beach” lounge chairs. We’re off-and-on playing “That’s why I am like I am.”
“When I was in 10th grade, I had 22 detentions.” Sunny revealed.
“22! What for?” Anna asked, looking over at Sunny while shading her eyes from the sun that briefly pierced the clouds and decided to stab her fiercely in the face.
“Talking in class.” Sunny admitted. “Wow, THAT’S a shocker.” Lisa laughed.
“Shut up!” Sunny laughed, adding a ******* for emphasis. “I got those detentions on purpose. I had the love-jones for my English teacher, and she supervised lunch detentions.
I would bring in these lesbian paperbacks, like “Keeping YOU a secret,” to hold up and pretend read - while eying her, seductively."
Anna gasped, “Did she ever respond?”
“No,” Sunny said with a sigh, “My love was unrequited.”
“That was a lot of trouble to go through.” Lisa commented.
“Being gay isn’t that deep,” Sunny observed, adding the tag, “That’s why I am like I am.”
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Writhe: “to twist” usually in pleasure or pain.
Rainswood Aug 2021
Sitting on her clutch of eggs
agitatedly growling.
She plucks out her own feathers-
a warm belly for incubation.
Depriving herself of nourishment for days.
Her eyes glaze over, crazed.
Maternal sacrifices run deep
through her hollow bones.
Watching a broody hen reminds me of how depleting it can feel when you are a new mom.
Viki More Mar 2021
The remained was eternally desired affection,

Alas! That was only a fantasy, a sad confession.

I regret the failure to bond a great relation

I have never been kissed, a remorseful expression.

Would you kiss me? He had asked

I remained wordless and shocked.

Now I see him in frozen dreams,

The handsome body immersed in to the streams

His tender touch couldn’t reach up to me,

Like he is lost in horizon far away from sea

Oh come back my sweet love! Come back again!

You shouldn't have resisted the feeling,

I hear unknown voice in my ear whispering.

So I woke agitatedly in the middle of dark night

And wondered gazing at the glittering star

If he'd come and kiss my ****** lips with a delight

Then I realized and collapsed knowing he’s already gone far

Kiss love
Viki Jun 2014
The remained was eternally desired affection,

Alas! That was only a fantasy, a sad confession.


I regret the failure to bond a great relation

I have never been kissed, a remorseful expression.


Would you kiss me? He had asked

I remained wordless and shocked.


Now I see him in frozen dreams,

The handsome body immersed in to the streams

His tender touch couldn’t reach up to me,

Like he is lost in horizon far away from sea

Oh come back my sweet love! Come back again!


You shouldn't have resisted the feeling,

I hear unknown voice in my ear whispering.


So I woke agitatedly in the middle of dark night

And wondered gazing at the glittering star

If he'd come and kiss my ****** lips with a delight

Then I realized and collapsed knowing he’s already gone far

Cherished are the dreams where you are in my arms

Wretched is the reality where you are lost in storms
The city at its busiest mode,
when the rush zoomed past him,
what was this man doing on the road,
was he lost in daydream?
He was looking up a tall tree
oblivious of the surrounding
pacing sideways agitatedly
he seemed to be searching something!
What was it he looked for amid the foliage,
a bird he had heard in the din,
that he must find out to add to his knowledge,
or was he just awed by the green?
I moved on as I had so little time
to stand and stop with him
taking with me a moment sublime
leaving him to merrily daydream!
The bacteria within my clogged nasal passage fight to see the light
My sandpaper throat takes up arms to be heard over the deafening din
Come into the light, she says; embrace what you are, how you look...
Who you seem to be;
But I can't, I don't want to, I shan't.

I turn around, take a step away
Two steps now, my black socks getting dirtier every second,
Every minuscule moment of this pathetically dull existence
Words, spinning within my metaphorical brain
Hurtling around: subsonic, then super
Uncatchable first, incomprehensible now
Raw, wild, honey & dates
Thaw, mild, funny fates.
Intertwined, intersecting
Neutral, calm, unaffecting.

Lo, and behold
The minty phosphorescence of a happy soul
The harsh contrast of a cerulean one, serene and calm
Bells in the distance, tolling
Strolling along a cherry blossom-lined pathway to nowhere.

Light cutting shapes through the dusty fawn net
Reflecting off the velveteen cushion, scarlet
Dancing now, on the sequined gold but torn
gold, but torn
Torn table cloth, snagged by the claw of a domesticated feline.

Tail wagging, agitatedly
Fast now, then slower
Claws exit the sheath
The fire within causing the ringing of multiple high pitched alarms
No smoke to do the detecting
Old bloke, what are you protecting?

Of that old but weary
Leatherette case, rexine perhaps?
Yes, rexine. You are the rexine of the universe
cheap, spoilt and ugly
peeling off
looking in the mirror at myself
yes, she says, I am rexine.

But no, I am the dancing celestial light of 3 AM,
I am the beginning of a cat's purr.
I am the lost dusty books of an auctioned abbey
I am the last drop of water.

The sky on a bad day,
Clouds gathering
Soap lathering, (Made in France (c))
It says.

I am the 2% navy-dark-ink-pale blue of an underappreciated sunset
Viewed from a filthy beach.
I am the cracked glass in the cupboard that someone has forgot to dispose of

I am the unregistered number plate
the first dry petal of a once fresh marigold
Offered out of sheer boredom, playfulness

I am the sticky key of an old 1989 keyboard
I am the grease stain on your favorite shirt.

I am the betraying exposed underwire of your favorite bra
I am the lost button.

The maybe, the perhaps, the never
The maybe the perhaps, the ever

The gestation period of a tiger, she says
Is 113 days.//
cmp Dec 2020
in my realm lite folks state
watch what i say
thereafter sesame street letters t h g i f
quickly approach you and severely assault you
for not initially doing as instructed
unlike pacifist light bulb folks
whom agitatedly state read my lips
commonly toward delinquent folks
whom aren't hearing impaired
mlia Dec 2018
in everyday conversation everything is a bit quieter. colours are duller, reactions more distant.
but what is really farther away, is you.

Like a shadow, it follows, unrelenting; and in the darkness,
encompasses everything.
It’s hard to concentrate, focus. Contribute. when half your mind is constantly preoccupied.  

so you speak softer,
because you are unsure. About what you are saying, about your thoughts,

it's as if your body no longer belongs to you. every inch of it he had touched has been contaminated. corrupted
that’s not something you can escape from. because it’s you. It’s always you.

It feels like your body is rejecting itself.
Haunted shivers slither down your spine.
your heart flutters agitatedly as your body desperately tries to break free from itself- this tainted prison.
Icy fire sweeps across your skin, a raw cleansing of everything there is. Everything you are.
except not. This is not something that can be swept away.

half frozen. moving slowly, as ice.
it’s a strange feeling.

— The End —