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 Apr 2017 Winn
Sydney Marie
Man Made
 Apr 2017 Winn
Sydney Marie
"What is loves biggest fear?"
He whispered.

She spoke back.
 Apr 2017 Winn
Pagan Paul
Grave stones
Pebbles in the Stream of Time.

Grave stones
Grains of Sand in the Story of Stone.

© Pagan Paul (04/04/17)
 Apr 2017 Winn
Distress Call
 Apr 2017 Winn
       +         +

   +           ma-            
king d-
istress call-
          s in silent night      •     +
       +      kindling signals in   the          +
  dark•flames   casting  need-
ed light•requ-     esting aid, lo-
+          oud and stark         •embers red-            
den mad and          angry•glowi-
ng and thirst-        ing for more•
thrusting wood in this dem-
on's belly•fuelling large
its crackling roar•

imploring  passing
vessels     •to save      all that
   is dire            •see me          stripped
  of all                      mettle•                 as i pit
    my h-                           opes in                      this here

 Apr 2017 Winn
Pagan Paul
I am the ******* son of Nero,
the sad product of licentiousness.
A fact about my life
that I should really mention less.

My mother was a famous Queen
or so it is that I am told.
Unable to acknowledge me,
to the slavers I was sold.

But pirates attacked our galley
a few miles out to sea.
Bold, daring, fearsome men,
their life appealed to me.

Plundering, fighting on a ship,
I loved the pirates life.
Until one day I floundered
and took me a beautiful wife.

She bore me two boys and a girl,
I gave them all my affection.
Mourning the loss of my childhood,
my severed parental connection.

The children grew and flew the nest,
so leaving just two alone.
Then the plague paid a visit,
my grief weighs heavy for my home.

So now I am just a humble poet,
Withdrawn and cold, but serene.
Throwing words at a paper audience,
waiting patient for the final scene.

Well, wait there a while longer,
this ******* is not quite done.
I am not so ready to die just now,
that epilogue is yet to come.

© Pagan Paul (19/04/17)
Pure fiction :)
 Apr 2017 Winn
G Valentine
The keys. The keys are on the kitchen table.
The car. The car is parked just outside.
My bag. I've packed it with clothes, not much else.
Money. Not a lot of it, but probably just enough.
My phone. In my pocket, turned off.

Is it really just these things i need, to run away from this place?

Leave my life behind fly out wide, deep in space.
Running away, leaving all the challenges I face.

Would it really be that easy just to leave this place?

In a metaphorical prison, surrounded by concrete walls. It's lucky that my mind's ever seen sun light at all. I mean physically the door's right there but mentally I continue to stall.

Why? Why do I stay, looking out the window through the bars? Dreaming of a life I'll never have from afar.

I never understood why the caged bird sings, i mean what does it have to sing about? Locked in a cage, alone with my thoughts, I begin to shout...

I AM NOT A CAGED BIRD! Please let me out?!

I could open the door, but I'm fighting in my mind,
part of me says that it's nice here, the other part knows this is just irrational fear.

So grab the I keys, open the door, I feel as though I'm ready to explore.

I wonder....will I ever miss the cage I lived in before?
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