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wablah Jul 2016
You see .. Far there,
A little far from here
A light, A light I can escape
Escape from chaos to another gate
Escape from normal
To find the abnormal
Escape from hurt
To find love
Everyday I look
Everyday I dream
Of my mind to be at peace
By Marly :)
wablah May 2016
Finding it funny how people change
From a best friend to a nobody
Like a spaceship that leaves earth
So fast, so loud, then it's gone
No longer able to see where it is.
Moving on isn't my issue
  Apr 2016 wablah
VS aka Jason Cole
Loving me ain't easy, I'll be the first one to admit this
And I was so wrong to be right, when I loved you

Don't forget this

People can say what they want, and do as they please
People can walk out of your life, and never even leave
Seems to me the pages are getting thinner as the story unfolds
And for the first time, I need someone to hold

Loving you ain't easy, you'll be the last one to admit this
And you were so wrong to be right, when you dumped me

Don't forget this

People can play with your heart, with the greatest of ease
People they can twist your arm, and never touch your sleeve
Seems to me I'm just another rich man in poor boy clothes
But for the first time, I need someone to hold
Song poem.
  Apr 2016 wablah
Angela Moreno
I saw the way you smiled at her
And in that moment I realized
That you and I will never be.
Not because you love her so
But because I would never allow it.
Your happiness is always first.
It is all that matters to me.
And in that moment it was clear,
She made you happier than I am ever capable of.
I watched her give you something that I can never give:
Joy upon your face.
All I have ever given you
Is my worry,
Paranoid apologies,
Desperate tears,
And the promise to love you unconditionally
Forever and ever.
But I can not make you happy
So you will never be mine.
wablah Apr 2016
I stay watching as he takes you out
Walking out the door to the new world
A world where I'm not with you anymore
A world where you're now with him

I stay watching as he holds you tight
I stay watching as he kisses you right
Right where I used to do it
And said you loved it

I stay watching,
It's breaking my heart
I miss you,
I need you.
I'm afraid of this
wablah Apr 2016
It wasn't long ago
Long ago from when I didn't know how to react
It felt like I was just being attacked
Everything seemed to just pass slow

I've outgrown it
grabbed it, tossed it and disowned it
I changed,
Changed to something new and better.
And from this experience, I know how to get around it

Never will I let it get to me again
Came too close to lossing some close friends
The one's that mean everything to me
The one's that are there for me
To help me

How can I ever pay them back
For saving me from something I didn't want to be?
When the time comes
I will be there for them
As they were there for me
I was saved before it was too late.
wablah Feb 2016
I don't want to be that guy
The guy that gets jealous when I see you with other boys
That's not me..yet
You guys are close, and I accept that
Always going out...without me
But you love me
You're just...spending more time with him
And I trust you baby, I really do
But at night I always ask myself
Is there something I should know?

You're allowed to have male friends
I wont keep you isolated
Because it will just backfire on me
Make things complicated
You guys seem to always be going out
Keeping me out
I'm not there, not knowing what's going on
Is there something I should know?

I have become that guy
the guy that gets frustrated when you're with him
When you look at him, talk to him
I now see his ways
He's acting like the perfect friend
but in reality he's trying to get in your pants
I'm a boy, I know how this works
and he ******* knows we're together
But he's...better?
Stronger, Taller...
Better looking... yes, You told me...
Now that I see it this way I cant stand but ask in my head
Is there something I should know?

I've lost it
I've officially lost it
**** him, **** your friendship
**** it, I'm done
I  can't do this any more
The world is spinning around an atmosphere full of questions
Even just a hug, just a single hug
with him is enough
To make me lose my mind
He reached it, your trust, confidence
Now he says  you should move on
find a new man because I'm not good enough?
I knew something happened that one day
The day I restrained myself from asking you in person,
Is there something I should know
I love her, hate him
Both with all my heart
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