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  Nov 2016 Viral
Nik Bland
I could never find you in the ever present day
Even though your cries seemed a simple whisper away
The grey, it overcame you and the sun refused to shine
And all my efforts came back to tell me I was out of time

And I found that all I could do was get on bend'd knee and pray
With fret and woe upon my face and words that ran away
Could you hear my pleas for you and would you know they were mine
Or is this helplessness a prison to which we're both confined?
  Nov 2016 Viral
Victoria Ruth
Monkey bars/Deep scars
Shooting stars/Chasing cars
Apple pies/Broken cries
Bright skies/Teary eyes
Birthday cake/Smile's fake
Easy bake/Heart break
Matching games/Lighter flames
Picture frames/Lovers names
Car seats/Lonely streets
Candy sweets/****** sheets
Mommy's hug/Addictive drug
Lady bug/ Shoulder shrug
Candy shop/Speeding cop
Lollipop/Tear drop
Play toys/White noise
The child enjoys/The teen destroys
I miss childhood
  Nov 2016 Viral
Logan Schaller
I wanna feel the texture of your lips
Grip my fingers 'round your hips
If loves a drug
I'm 'bout to trip..
  Nov 2016 Viral
Victoria Ruth
I lay in bed listening to the rain
Falling against my windowpane
Soothing but still I cannot sleep
All I can do is think and weep

I wonder when did I get like this
Constantly thinking of those I miss
Worrying about how I’ll end up
Draining the coffee from my cup

It’s 2 AM now I think think think
Further into myself I sink sink sink
My bed is cold and filled with tears
I Feel like I’ve been awake for years

Insomnia has gotten the best of me
My eyes are open, but I barley see
The world is fuzzy through my eyes
Each night another piece of me dies
Viral Nov 2016
Turbulence in my mind
Peace I cannot find
Thoughts I cannot park
Silence screams in the dark

Demented shadow rejoices
Deafening loud noises
Exhausting persistent voices
Debating impossible choices

Don't need anyone to blame
Just Need to numb my brain
Does anyone share this pain?
Does anyone feel the same?
  Aug 2016 Viral
I am living, fighting,
some even say I am surviving,
but inside I'm dying,
inside it smells of death.

Where are my flowers?
Thorns now burst,
I've lost count of the hours
spent crying, wishing for death
and being teased endlessly by it,
only to be told death
had no room for me.

I've thought about scissors
in non-artistic ways,
I've discovered that paper is
not the only thing you can cut,
I've tried teaching my lungs to breathe
Father, they give up on me
and every breath stings,
But you specialize in rebirth,
so hand me a pair of new wings.

I'm tired of fighting,
I'm tired of this war,
I'm tired of wondering what
I am here for,
I'm tired of existing this way,
I'm tired of these chains
I wear everyday.

If I am a free temple,
then why do I feel encaged?
Encaged in my own mind
where light you won't find,
locked behind bars,
wishing on stars,
begging scars to disappear,
hoping nobody witnesses my tears.
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