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 Apr 2016 Urmila
sabrina flowers
I'm sorry if I resemble a sparrow
With a fear of flight
When I shield my abdomen
With apologetic arms.

As if my trembling elbows
Could avert your glances
Long enough to distract you
From your examination of
The inadequacy
That lay beneath.

I'm sorry if my fingers stumble
Upon yours when you
Glide them across
Skin that's already been
Rewarded in stripes
And metal kisses.

I only say sorry
Because If I could,
I'd place my regret
In a envelope
Addressed to your eyes,
Entitled the parts of me you
Dare not see.

The parts that make me
 Apr 2016 Urmila
 Apr 2016 Urmila
Some want to be remembered
for their touchdown record.
Some want to be remembered
for their body count.
Some want to be remembered
for their brilliance.
But I want to be remembered
for my kindness.
I will admit, I look back and remember the boy who always scored the touchdowns that always made our student section roar and fill with happiness.
I will admit, I look back and remember the girls who told funny, yet repulsive stories about their adventures of sleeping with random guys.
I will admit, I look back and remember the brainiacs and how they could make something as minuscule as a piece of gum a deep conversation starter.
But I will also admit, that looking back they have no significance to me.
Looking back, I remember the people who were kind above all else, I think of those people more frequently and hope they are doing well.
I remember those people and admire them for staying positive in a world so hopeless and full of hate and negativity.
I remember those people and feel a little less alone and know that they would be there if I called.
I wonder if those people are out in the world right now, spreading even more positivity and making others feel a little less insignificant.
I aspire to be remembered by kindness.
 Apr 2016 Urmila
Hope someone has the generosity to dance on my grave
 Apr 2016 Urmila
Hao Nguyen
Many of the most profound pieces of poetry
May not have been dreamed and transferred
In particular manners professional,
And many of the most practiced writers
May not have been as noble nor indicative
As their readers would imagine and preach.
This concern thus produces a humorous conclusion
That through probability, possibility, and realism,
Many of the greatest and most inspiring words
Passed down to our misguided generation,
May have been conceived, scribbled, and explored
From the humble origins of atop a toilet.
 Apr 2016 Urmila
We danced to Cuban rhythms
Late into the night
I twirled my skirts in girlish glee
Giggling in delight
My heart it started pounding
As you held me tight
I waited for the kiss
That would bring me back to life
Brutally it struck me
At the stroke of midnight
You were just an apparition
Your kiss turned into frostbite
A phantom on the dance floor
A cruel trick of the light
You melted into nothing
Just a shadow in the moonlight

(C) Pixievic
I was invited to be  a guest writer on a blog about Ghost Stories - this is what I came up with! You can find the rest here .....
 Apr 2016 Urmila
Lost Poet
Don't promise me forever,
Who knows what dawn will bring,
Just promise me this moment,
For unknown are the tales the future sings,

We will take the days as they come,
And forever may come true,
But days ahead are uncertain,
So I live in the moment next to you.
 Apr 2016 Urmila
 Apr 2016 Urmila
Not every lonely soul
Is looking for a saviour.
A person's solitude
Is the only company
They need.
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