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what is the most important thing,
Keeping all of us alive today,
Love, children, our parents, a job,
Food, water, beer, drugs…
Everyone has a different idea to say.
Most answers, could be swept under a rug.
Go outside, in the afternoon,
Look high into the sky, that burning out star,
The sun, without the warmth it provides us,
Very quickly, every living thing on earth,
Would freeze and die.    The End

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
4;15 am
Our attitude, and what we believe,
Is a big part of this life, every day,
How we react to certain situations,
Can lead us forward,
Or leave us where we are to stay,
It’s the same, for everyone,
No matter where you’re from, your work, or how you pray.
Our beliefs, will always change,
Examine both sides of each situation, every time,
Rules, laws, along with many other circumstances,
Were created, to keep negative thoughts and fear, within our mind,
We have to have trust and faith for ourselves,
Have confidence, and always watch for positive signs.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/10/2022AD
7:45 PM
Does it seem like a hundred thoughts a minute,
Often race through your mind, often worried about,
Getting somewhere on time?
Doubting, your thoughts, some things you do,
Thinking others are watching and wondering about you?
Feeling, like your body is running a fast race inside,
Uncontrollable, as if riding a scary carnival ride?
Speaking before others finish, what they have to say,
Or thinking of something else, as if they were in the way?
Taking time to criticize, what others say or do, only quick,
Complements, or positive statements, come from you?
When talking to others, often telling them what you think,
They should say or do, It's an insult if they do it to you?
If any of these rings a bell in your mind, you’re not alone,
Millions are the same, in this life, this time!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/28/2006 AD
Revised 1/7/2022 AD
Wrote in 2006 some things never change...
We are traveling, caring for our soul inside,
As we search for, what we should be doing,
Our personal purpose, in this short life,
To help the soul get closer to perfection,
So, it can move on, at the end of this ride.
None of us will know if we discovered,
Our purpose, until after our body dies.
I never was a reader, never planned to write,
It was August 31, 2002, twenty years ago,
A friend called crying, a friend of his, died,
Some voice inside was saying write a poem or song,
To help my friend, relieve his sorrow inside.
I remember arguing with myself, I cannot write,
I tried, it only took me about two hours, to finish,
Jamie’s Song, it seemed easy, I was on my way,
Now, around 2,000 complete, hundreds, I started, let lay.
Often it seems so easy, they just appear in my mind,
All honest stories, messages, for the future, my purpose,
I will never know, till after my heartbeats, the last time.
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/4/2022 AD 7:50 AM
Alone, in front of your computer,
Or with your phone in hand,
Looking at pictures on the screen,
Many are cute, ****, honest nice,
Always beware, some devious plans,
Is the person in the picture, the same,
As they say, wanting you to believe,
If you never have a meeting plan,
It’s just a fantasy, in your hand.
Wherever your thoughts, or decisions,
Take you, stay cool, don’t feel blue
Keep a good attitude in 2022
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/1/2022 AD
4:20 AM
All the words, I print out of letters,
I do not read over… to impress me,
I’ve experienced the visions, in my thoughts,
The best feeling inspiring others, as they read.

This life is not, a selfish journey in space,
Sharing positive thoughts along, each day,
Helps others and myself process this life,
As we travel on our paths, in different ways.

None of us would survive, on this planet earth,
Without the ideas, from past, and recent times,
Now mixing our knowledge, and suggestions together,
New generations, will sort and separate in their minds.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/16/2018
This journey has taken me, through the woods,
I have passed along, countless miles, of streets,
I could not begin, to remember, all the faces,
I had the pleasure to meet.

Many are now, just dreams, when I sleep,
It’s not all smooth, and easy,
I’ve had my share, of sore feet,
I am still searching forward,
After admitting, many days, I was beat.

Some days seemed short, others long,
Hopefully, we made the right decisions,
Now that our life, has moved on,
Some day, we will all just be memories,
Like the words, of an old love song.

The Original; Tom Maxwell ©
12 / 21 2021
5:00 PM
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