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What we learn, and see, then believe,
Is how we live our life each day,
Our life, a maze of situations,
Our thought’s, actions, and ways,
Decide, if we move forward,
Change directions or stay.
Our experiences, from our past,
Along with watching others, work, and play,
Creates, who we are, along with setting up,
Our home where we stay.
We are each on an individual, limited tour,
A piece of this unlimited universe,
Your spirit inside, honest advice, along your way,
My soul remembering, the first Christmas day,
Our savior Jesus Christ, born, animals in the manger,
Sharing their bedding, a bright star, guiding the way,
Everything, peaceful, calm, strangers gathered.,
Listening to feeling, the message, in their souls,
True, positive thoughts, guidance, for all of us,
They were all, lit up, by the guiding light,
Shining on everyone’s, face, a gleam in each eye.
We are losing touch with the true meaning of Christmas.
Still the best wireless communication today,
Lay down your phone, stop and say a prayer,
Thanks for the first Christmas day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/17/2021AD
We never know when it will happen,
It does come around, often too many times,
We are sorting through many questions,
Thought’s circling, in our mind,

We each have our  ideas, emotions,
Inner feelings, then others, try to pull us,
Their way, they could lead us the wrong way,
Confusing, us the rest of this life’s stay.

Sometimes, you have to juggle them around,
We have to evaluate the situations,
Some we may be able to see live now,
Others empty promises, and dreams are never found.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/8/2021AD
It was January, twenty - four, in the year 2019,
I was hurting from an infected, tooth, it was 2:00,
In the morning, I saw myself in A dream.
My image was standing, in the corner,
Looking about, 30 years younger,
In clothes, I use to wear, I could not believe,
I had to get up, and walk over there,
I was not afraid or scared, more curious,
Excitement, flowing in the air.
I remember, saying you are me, I reached,
To shake hands, only A blank face,
A motionless, body to see, The sound, of a vacuum,
Distracted me, I thought, it was early, for the maid,  
What could this sound be, I saw an image of my maid,
With her glasses, hanging, down from her head,
Then I woke from my sleep, I was lying in bed.
Was the infection, that bad, I was about to fall,
Then my subconscious, said, not your time,
Then gave me a wake-up call
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/10/ 2021 AD 7:00 AM
A question, with different answers,
Coming from every which way.
If you always looking for something,
Different or more, or comparing, with others,
Satisfaction, will, be here and gone, a short stay.
Always look for the positive, in others,
Hard in this negative, world we are in,
People are loud about, what they do not like,
Afraid to release, their true self, from within.
If we are serious, about exploring, in this life,
We must be open minded, willing to change,
Many talk their whole life, to impress others,
Wasting time in this life, wishing to rearrange,
We each have a purpose, individual mission,
We get hints, and advice, we can, explore,
The longer we wait, the choices start to fade,
Every year, fewer open doors.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2021AD
This life, we are traveling through,
Our classroom, to learn, respect,
Very important, accept, be thankful,
So much to explore, always try,
Different ideas, at any age
Your best talent, maybe,
On the
Other side of the door,
Even if a garage, is center stage.
Our body and brain, are to be used, they need movement,
They give us signs, aches and pains,
Then negative thoughts, passing through, a board brain,
Do the same, start forgetting, can’t concentrate then insane.
Our fuse is lit, we never know, when we will go,
Forget, the sayings, I can’t, I wonder, what if, …
Take the time, be proud, even if you’re slow.
None of us know, the best day of our life,
Or when we will die, until our last, goodbye.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/21AD 5:45 PM
As Christmas day will soon be here, our journey,
This life, has taken us through, another year,
Enjoyment during the season, full of cheer,
Take time to think, why are we here?
So much talk, commercialism, starts earlier each year,
We all hold memories, of the holiday, in different ways,
Always remember the first Christmas day.
Much talk about gifts, colorful, decorations,
We need to look at our life, the roads we travel,
Our special, inner inspiration.
Many plan for weeks, to create, a special day,
We all need to arrange our life, remember,
Our final destination, be prepared, every day.
Our travels in this life, will soon enter the year 2022,
Share, help others, this world is for all to learn.
Look for, talk about the good in others,
As you would want them to do to you.
The Original Tom Maxwell ©12/06/2019 ( original 2002 )
Creating a stronger, smarter, human is fading,
Look at evolution today!
Raising children, no respect, or manners,
Thinking cell phones, and video games,
Are the path, to a successful life today.
No common sense, making rules, as they play,
Some get too deep, then the gray bar motel, they stay.
A lot of crazy talks, not a clue what they mean,
A bunch of words, no job, they can’t afford a cone with ice cream.
Spending, their grandparents, and parents, retirement away,
Not showing, any love or compassion,
To those who care for them, every day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
12/04/2021 AD
7:00 AM
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