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The day light was getting shorter,
A beautiful October day,
It was after dark, I was at the cemetery,
At my dad & moms, and my brother’s graves,
My sister and the lady I married, are buried,
In cemetery’s, about 80 miles, different ways.
I was there for my final, last family function,
Burying, the ashes of my parents, yellow lab, Ginger,
Mom’s final request, before she passed away.
Thirty- four & thirty- three years, the last time,
I saw my sister & brother, ten for dad and four,
For my mother. After burying the ashes, I spread,
Grass seed on the graves, including mine,
Where my ashes, will lay.
I look at people different, than most,
Who just take those who love them, for granted,
Every day. I know I’m next in line, everyone.
Who truly loved me, passed, when I die,
No one left, to pray, or cry.
                                            Tom Maxwell 10/12/2021 AD
honestly this is true, I just have to keep pushing on...
I sit on the deck, staring in A trance,
Watching the leaves, take their last dance.
They twist and turn, as they fall to the ground,
Landing so gently, never bouncing, up and down.
A few, still hanging on branches, with beauty, so bright,
Showing true colors, as our days, grow longer at night.
They have all turned, red, yellow, gold, or brown,
As the wind blows, they fall, one by one, to the ground.
Leaves provide shade, from the suns bright ray’s,
Breaking the wind, on A breezy day.
Each one different, in shape and size,
They show us their shadow, when the moon light, rises,
Leaves stay, for only one growing season,
So much beauty, in such A short time,
Leaving colorful memories, Pictures, in our mind.
So, fast we forget, the beauty they gave,
We all have choice words,
As we rake, them away.

© Tom Maxwell 12/13/02
No one has a perfect life, on planet Earth,
During this journey; period of time,
For our Soul, is here to learn, many lessons,
As we travel, through good, and bad signs,
We have to look at, negative situation,
As one of life’s experiences, when were in a bind,
A mistake, we repeat, at least twice,
If we change after the first,
It was a lesson learned, within our mind.

                        The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                    10/22/2021 AD
A big part of who we are,
A major ingredient of our life,
Without, ideas, we would always be the same,
Something needs to be adjusted, in our life
Only ideas, with plans, and the right resources,
Can create, positive change, we never know,
The value of our ideas, until we release them,
Take action, play with them, like a game,
As we examine a situation, with an
Attitude, to rearrange.

                                                               The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               10/21/2021 AD 4:20 am
I had an idea, wrote about it..
No one knows for sure,
Where we are, in our journey today,
A puzzle for our soul, along the way,
Some live under lights, others, in the darkness of night.
Life, is all about our soul, making it perfect,
Like snow at night, falling under a street light.
Most roads we explore, have been traveled down before
We are to discover, creating, learning, and seeing new sights.
We each are here for a purpose, our roll,
To find, Peace, Happiness, & love, for our Soul,
None of us are to know, before, our time to go,
This life, one short stop of our travels,
As we prepare our soul, for our final goal.

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                            Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                         10/14/2021
True love is like this current life, we are in,
Our hearts will beat, until the end,
It's real, do not be a fake, or pretend.

Each of us have a soul, we can not totally explain,
It's easy to loose touch, in a world, of evil games.

Be yourself, honestly try, away from life's lies,
Work to discover, true love, your soul, before you die.
We often have to choose between things,
At different times, for the wrong reason,
We twist it around, convincing ourselves,
Confusing our emotions, that it’s right, in our mind.
A stranger waving, the right candy, in front of,
The right persons, face, can change A persons,
Direction, in life, for A very long time,
Follow your gut feelings, special signs,
The path may, not seem as fun, or exciting,
In this life, we are to learn, and share,
As we prepare our soul, for eternity,
And it’s final journey there.

                                                                                                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                   09/03/2021 AD 6:09am
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