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 10h Aishu
I want to live,

Not just in my scripted mind scenes,

I actually want to live.

call it improv, taking a chance,


I want to be here.

Could you help me?

Get me off my head,

Ground me, pull me near

Bring one of those moments

That sweeps me off my feet

Don’t let me think about it.

Don’t let me ruin it.

Just let me be in it.

No, I am not ready.

But I am real.

And I am here.
Take a chance, out of my head
My pen is my transport,
My paper, my portal.
The moment they touch,
I end up somewhere else:
The late victorian age with
a story of tragic romance,
a mystical realm
with the most fantastical lore.
Perhaps the roaring twenties,
Or the age of rebirth,
Maybe classical Greece,
Or somewhere else—
It doesn't even have to exist!
I could do whatever
My heart desires
With just paper and a pen,
And some inspiration in mind...
I find true solace when I write.
Just this thing I wrote after finishing ALL my homework
It's a question I have to everything.
Why do I hurt ?
Why do I feel so empty ?
Why... does the world stop when you look at me ?
Most of the whys are simple answers
Why do the birds fly south ? (to get warmer climates)
Why does the earth spin ?  
(because there are no forces acting to stop it.)
But I have no answers when I ask why I feel the things I feel for you
I know I shouldn't.
I know its wrong.
But yet the question still poses
I knew there was bound to be a collision
And I knew I would have to be the witness
So rather than avoid it, I anticipated it
I waited and waited, planned and plotted
The exact place and the time for inevitable to set in
The moment it occurred, I was numb
Envisioning it daily, relief flooded in me
Now it presented me, an opportunity to not ponder outcomes
I could enjoy the life as it comes
The collision was not in my purview
I had no investment whatsoever
But still got sleepless night for it.
Drift light with snowflakes—
a snow bird invisible
in a world gone white
White | Haiku | 1/5
An haiku inspired by the poem—The Wretched Feather
from Dario Tinajero
My heart was always
bluer than the sky—

I asked the sea
if it might
wash my pain

but the sea
will carry nothing away
that I don’t let go.
An open heart waits
while closed eyes chase fleeting light—
paths never converge.

An haiku inspired by the poem—Is This True?
from Cassian
Growing older is
a privilege not everyone
will experience

6:01 PM
Sometimes I
think about all the
places I could have gone
but never did,
wondering what versions
of me I would have met
in all of these countless
It's the solitary nights
I cherish the most.
The silence and shadows,
the thoughts and theories-
these are the things that
keep this heart beating-
this is what it's all about.
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