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 2h Aishu
The way that dusk
is the bed of dawn,
enveloping its light
with a blanket of stars

The way her body
is intimately drawn,
to the shelter of night
caressing her scars
We can't change people who they are,
But we can accept them as they are,
By being loving,kind and patient.
 2h Aishu
And when I met you for the first time,
I felt like my soul recognised you,
And yours mine.
Words free to corrall
Untamed, wild beasts may bite
Loose from mouth unleashed
Words are powerful beasts
In the reflection
of your eyes
there's the yellow glow of warmth turning
forever blue

The offering of a hand full of goodbyes
slips off my fingertips
crystallized ìn sunshine
tears and whys
She was well known
Everyone had heard of her
All over the world
Her works were second to none
No other artist could top her
The definition of her pieces
The colors and detail
The choices she made in expression
She was truly the best
She had been around forever
Perhaps since the beginning
Her works were priceless
They were all unique
She was able to touch everything
And everyone
Mother Earth
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