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Vira Feb 18
There you go my beloved friend, I let you go
to the unspoken words,
to the unrequited love
to the embarrassments and the need to be right
between unsaid words and unmet eyes - I let you go.
I give you up to the embarrassment and the right doings,
What shall I do with the ocean of feelings I hold inside that I thought I will express them one day.
I thought volcanoes erupt flood gates open but this love of mine will die inside me
by disintegrating and killing me day by day hour by hour - paining me with its every shrink.
That’s what I hold for you. Alas, you will never know.
Vira May 2024
She was a little star in your fabulous night sky,
You are the brightest full moon.
She never wanted to be in the center
She always wanted to be a little dust that mattered
But, you turned to that star  and she shone as if she was the center of the universe
The little star was ecstatic and her life was suddenly meaningful!

And one day just like that, you turned away…
To the other side, leaving a dark sky
There are always many more stars in your world
Something else became the centre of your universe.

She waited and waited…
But only to realise that you would never turn back,
She never understood the waxing waning and the seasons of you.
Your night sky is spectacular as always.
The tiny little star went behind the clouds,
No one noticed, least of all, you.

The little star hides behind the cloud
For she could not bear to be just another star in your world.
She watches the splendour and grandeur of your night as you carry on
But could never find confidence to come out in to your sky
And she trembles watching her worst fears come true..
Never able to forget the love that existed in your eyes for her.
The dance continues…
She is now a dust that merely exists but not seen.
Vira Mar 2024
From far away, you seem
Distant, quiet, and closed  
Discard anyone’s company but prefer to be in your own!
I came a little bit close, I saw you are -
warm, wise and witty,
Kind and one of your kind!
And a delight to meet!
Taught me a life lesson in humility in one evening!
It’s not very often I meet people who can inspire me so much in one meeting :)
I met a man who is an absolute delight yet so humble and shy.
Vira Jan 2024
I realised that the pattern was repeating over and over.
One day, I decided to face it.
I opened my wounds and surrendered.
Praying for healing,
Feeling the pain.
Then, it came.
I mustered enough courage to sit with the sensations in my body, feeling them, instead of
shutting it, numbing it,
running away, wishing away,
I stood there and faced it.
It was painful.
It felt like
my heart was shattered into thousand pieces.
my gut was wrenched out.
the nerves in my head pulled in all directions.
as if I was looted of every ounce of blood from my body.
It was raw.
It was cathartic.
Tears weren’t enough to bear them. Self pity did not help.
I cried, I begged, I screamed, I wallowed.
Finally, I gave up.
I breathed.
I just breathed, feeling the breath.
I had to let it all in before letting it all go.
Then, came some relief.
I see glimpses of freedom and joy,
It feels like a triumph.
It feels soft.
It feels calm.
It feels good.
It feels god.
That must be the healing.
This is how the process of healing trauma seems to me. I did not know where the pain came from.
Vira Dec 2023
I went to God, crying
Begging for release from this cycle of
Neediness, lack of worthiness,
desperation and pain.
She told me…
Why are you asking for pittance of love,
When I have an ocean of love pouring for you…
You are me and I am you.
Take it all and have it all.
With Grandeur and Glory.
This entire cosmos is yours to claim.
Don’t deny it to yourself…

Many come to me seeking this and that,
My offer is the same,
But will you allow yourself to have it all?
All that we need is always inside of us.
Vira Dec 2023
Good bye anxious days,
Good bye anticipation,
Good bye expectation,
Good bye stress,
Good bye over commitment,
Good bye bad attachment,
Good bye cravings,
Good bye pretense,
Welcome freedom
Welcome Boundaries
Welcome free will
Welcome choice
Welcome new possibilities
Welcome space
Welcome carefree-ness
Welcome authenticity
Welcome My self.
Vira Nov 2023
I am clear in my head and perhaps in heart that it is not love,
It is my own lack that I look to fill through you.
Isn’t it true that you also felt that you could fill your void with me?  
Isn’t it all what we look for, in a relationship?
Sometimes I want just that…
Why can’t we have our cup filled by someone?
Why is there an image of ideals and perfection…
That we have to be all for ourselves,
Not needing validation.
Why do we strive to be all?
Some thoughts after it doesn’t mean what it was anymore. But there is always the softness for the person…that makes me melt.
Knowing that it is not meant to be yet longing for it…
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