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359 · Mar 2020
A Long Travel
Meghana Mar 2020
Rushing through space and time,
A seed fell where none could see it pine
It longed for fresh earth, like the opening to a door
Was it too much to ask for?
It thought as it lay in the dark

Just as it had gave up hope
When it could not cope
A wind came up carrying it
It flew farther and farther to finally sit
Upon what it had longed for

It grew, and grew, and grew
To call it short, would be untrue
So much it had changed
From that seed, in a little body caged
To a huge tree

Tall and glorious it stood
Supporting all the life it could
It was like a parent to all
Until it gave birth to seeds small
And it realized that it had produced life of its own
240 · Mar 2020
Forgotten Temple
Meghana Mar 2020
A proud forest was cut down
To give way to a temple
None did mourn
As they built and assembled

Yet the face never came right
For no matter who shaped the main sight
No matter how much they tried
The idol never smiled

The huge temple was opened, shining bright
Bringing pilgrims from over the world, to this place
Yet the frowning idol did not generate light
And as the time passed, the temple was forgotten

The grass and creepers flourished
In this abandoned place, trees left seeds
The plants occupied the temple, now finally in bliss
The creepers and plants touched the idol's feet
And it finally smiled
226 · Jul 2022
Meghana Jul 2022
I wonder what its like
Being invisible like air
Very much alive
But no one knows you're there
204 · Mar 2022
Funeral song
Meghana Mar 2022
Many soldiers in war
Died and went far
Fighting against the enemy
Defending fair memories
But the enemy was told quite loud
To leave none alive on the battleground
They were told that their enemy
Would destroy fair memories
And an equal number died
As they did on the other side
In war, no side is right or wrong
All I can hear is the funeral song
198 · Oct 2019
Meghana Oct 2019
As the birds migrate to warmer places,
Forming beautiful patterns in the sky
And the leaves turn golden and then wither,
To carpet the ground in shades of brown
You’ll know that it’s winter

As soft snow covers the roadway,
Into which boots sink,
And the white capped trees,
Glint red in the sunset
You’ll know that it’s winter

As the sun shows less and less often,
With a weak glare that warms no one
And the mist surrounds the air,
Making it colder
You’ll know that it’s winter

As the lake is covered with frost,
With the trapped fish calling out for help
And the waterfall frozen over,
Like a white sheet of ice
You’ll know that it’s winter

As the bells jingle,
Over the white snow,
And presents dropped near children
And as the happy roars of the youngsters,
Break the eerie silence
You’ll know that it’s Christmas
187 · Feb 2021
My light was on...
Meghana Feb 2021
The last lights faded away
Leaving the darkness behind
And watching this from my window
I wondered why all was not dark
Then, looking back, I saw that my light was on
This is a kind of funny poem
180 · Apr 2020
Born From Ashes
Meghana Apr 2020
A huge glowing ball of heat
Collapsed due to gravity
Pulled and pushed, till the ashes were scattered
The only remnants of what was once great

Yet a foe may be a friend to another
Gravity pulled together the ashes
Calling the fragments back
To build with the remains

They spun and spun
Fast merging
Until they formed a spinning star
Which was born from the ashes
160 · Mar 2020
Tinkling Water
Meghana Mar 2020
The water ran wild and rough
with no control over itself
Supporting no life, providing nothing
driven crazy in its freedom

It was in the early days
when the earth just formed
Too fast and tough to be controlled
till it was repaired

For life took some of it
and drank to fulfill their thirst
Their soul flowed in to soothe its rage
and it was finally tamed
149 · Mar 2022
Saturn's moon
Meghana Mar 2022
Standing on Saturn's moon
Looking at the orange sky
I am on Titan

My telescope lies a distance away
It always points at Earth
I can't bear to point it anywhere else
My home is the only place I see

I watch as a methane thunderstorm unfolds
Drops of liquid methane all around
I have longed to swim in the lakes
But I know I will freeze and drown

Thunder in the sky above
Methane is raining faster
I wish i could say I am thankful for my suit
But no, I really can't

I want to run barefoot on the methane ice
Breathe in the fresh carbon dioxide
And in the few seconds I have left
Living life to the fullest

I wish I had said adios to my friends before
I have lost hope that I will come back home
148 · Jul 2022
Candle Flame
Meghana Jul 2022
I see a candle flame in the wind
Guttering and flickering
Threatening to go out, threatening to die

A little bird watched through his cage
Bound and tied
And he knows his soul is flickering the same way

Another soul in captivity
Another caged bird
Another candle flame
Flickering in the wind
When will it ever stop?

Here, little bird, your feet are untied
Your cage doors are open
Come on now, take flight

I can see a little spark
As you fly to your freedom
Where you land, I will never know

As I watch from this cage of mine
Bound and tied
I watch you fly so far

I gave you freedom
Knowing what its like to be
Another candle flame
Flickering in the wind
Another candle flame
Flickering in the wind
142 · Oct 2019
Meghana Oct 2019
I roamed with my leg sore
Weary  in body and soul
For I was a traveller tired of the  lore
Which was learnt by my father before

The mountains loomed overhead
With arches that led
Deep in the ground which bore
The weight of these hills ages hence

The grass grew fresh and green
In meadows that weren’t seen
My footsteps were the first
My footprints stay here forever

As the flowers grew sweet and colourful
I knew it was time to explore
For I was a traveller weary of the lore
Which was learnt by my father before
137 · Apr 2022
Meghana Apr 2022
The brown butterfly
Landing gently on the vine
and sits on the passion flower
Still wet from the recent showers

But as she leans to sip the nectar
She asks the flower

'You colors shine so gay
I wish I were like you, I say
How do you find such joy in life
When you know, very soon, you will die?'

The flower smiles at the sky
And then she replies

'I am beautiful, you think
But my beauty will soon sink
I may only have a few days to live
But, more than my life, it is the sun i cherish

You see, even he will die one day
But he gives life to so many on the way.'
134 · Mar 2020
Black Hole
Meghana Mar 2020
Everything was spinning,
Churning, Turning,
Glowing like the Milky way
As bright as the night sky
As light ran around

Everything being pulled in
Barely managing to stay out
Sprinting in circles
Forever and ever,
Not being able to break away

And in the center
Lay the giant ogre
Leached of all light
Forever hungry
Always devouring
Never stopping
127 · Jun 2020
Something Missing
Meghana Jun 2020
Whatever I do, Wherever I go
A certain image flashes in my mind
And a feeling wells inside me
One of a mixture of sadness and hope

That there is something left to do
Yet when I try to recollect that image
There is nothing
It disappear, leaving no trace
And leaving me with the feeling
That there is something missing in my life
114 · Apr 2020
The Lone Survivor
Meghana Apr 2020
The  war raged on
All fighting alongside
Men fell wherever I looked
No matter what their side

Blood flowed like water
Bodies all around
I slew the last enemy
Triumphantly, looked around

***** enemies lay together
All embracing the final rest
None answered my victorious cry
And none was left to mourn

When I heard the peaceful silence
A dread settled on me
As I looked at the battlefield
I knew I was the only living among the dead
I was the lone survivor
#survivor #battle #war #win
109 · Apr 2020
The Feeling
Meghana Apr 2020
The warmth in your heart
A little spark of joy
No matter how dark the days
Or how lonely the times
The feeling arises from
A thought that
You are loved by someone you Love
Love Hope Lonely
108 · Jul 2020
Meghana Jul 2020
The rushing of a river
Eager to meet the sea,
And the whistling of the wind
Shaking the gentle leaves,
The song of birds
In the golden trees,
And the carpeted ground
Waiting for one to pass
Reminding us of childhood
103 · Aug 2022
Meghana Aug 2022
The dead were carried to the forest
Killed by gunfire
Blazing bullets in the dark

Around them mourners stood
Wreathed in shadows
Lowered the bodies into the pyre

Flames burst through
Rising, curving skyward
A thousand torches in the dark

So many have died
So less have survived
And as they stood by the silent flames
Tears shone in their eyes
102 · Apr 2020
Nature's Tune
Meghana Apr 2020
Most of us are blind
Going on with our lives
Sticking to hectic schedules
Not bothering to look

Nature hums melodies
All around us
The wings of a butterfly
The fragrance of a flower opening

You might want to ask
"Why should we look?"
Let me answer this, my dear friend
By asking you a question

Why do we live?
We live to look
We live to marvel
We live to listen to nature's tunes

Yet do we?
It is pleasant to just look
At all the beauty in this world
That is why our heart beats
And that is something we should do
101 · Aug 2022
Meghana Aug 2022
The eyes yearn to cry
But are silenced in their tears

The heart longs to pound
But is silenced in its fears

The lips wish to move
To speak to express

But are tied in silence
Nobody notices nobody cares

Oppression is a powerful weapon
If only you chose it to be

But is you break those bonds of yours
And rise high

If you don't let your feelings
Be your obstacles, but your wings

If you let the world listen
to your voice

If you can make them notice
Make them care

You will know that you're powerful
You will know that you're free
99 · Dec 2021
Nine glass beads
Meghana Dec 2021
Hanging outside, in the night
Were nine glass beads
Strung on a string
One for each life, they said
Though what they really meant to say
Was that for each life, there is a death
And the beads forever honored them
95 · Jul 2021
The Rainbow in the Sky
Meghana Jul 2021
The colors flew in the air
Dazzling fireworks flared
It was a rainbow in the sky
A madhouse to the eye
Nobody did know what to stare at in their sight
Everything was gleaming and bright

In the crowd, a girl stood, listening to the shouts and cries
Trying her best to suppress a sigh
She saw neither the fireworks up high
Nor the rainbow in the sky
Only black was visible to her eye
For she was born blind
85 · Aug 2021
Meghana Aug 2021
A brave man is not he
Who stands tall in the bright sun
As it shines in all its glory

It is he who
Never shivers in the night
When the ghosts once more enter the world of the living
And no sun holds them back
77 · Aug 2021
Meghana Aug 2021
The boy was walking down the street
Looking for something which he was in need

He heard a clear ring
As the blacksmith hammered the metal
The warmth of forge holding his heart and soul

The drill of the carpenter's saw
Like the working of a busy ant
As he made beautiful creations from wood

He heard the hard clang as the farmer's till
Ploughed and struck rock
The rains would come, and the seeds had to be sown

The soft scratch of pens on paper
As the scribes sat scribbling
Their thoughts straying far from the world

But at last, the boy heard his favourite sound
The loud jingle of silver bells
As the door to the candy shop opened

— The End —