Sometimes it's better To not have ever Even tried "Never say never" Should come with a disclaimer Spread wide
Watch for the tide Current's make a deadly ride Try to remember More people than not have lied Wrong and right often mingle on the same side A good person's not even a contender
~ Couplet ~ A pair of consecutive lines of poetry that create a complete thought or idea. The lines often have a similar syllabic patterns, called a meter. While most couplets rhyme, not all do. ~ The word Couplet is French for a "little pair" ~
I am a color not found on the puzzle Or maybe visible by the human eye
But I am constantly on the watch For other wanderers
School has very distinct groups, none of which I fit in to. I try to find others who don't fit--no luck so far.
(This note was written by a caterpillar that went to the store to buy some candy but the realized that he could go skydiving instead. When he did that he died because he decided that no parachute could tell him what to do. The end.)