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 Apr 2019 Sipaas
Flowers always die
But it’s their beauty that makes
the world beautiful
:) don’t ever succumb to other people’s judgemental thoughts , rise above stay strong and be proud to be you :-)) xxxx
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
ok okay
Soft skin
Tissue thin
I pray to God
That you won't sin
Cuts and scars
Ropes and knives
Please don't commit
I don't believe in God, but I do when you say you might end it all.
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
ok okay
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
ok okay
The moon is bright tonight
Stars are displayed far in the sky
The air is crisp
And the wind is gentle
Yet no metaphors appear in my mind

The moon is just a moon
The stars are just stars
The air is just air
And the wind is just wind
Words are just words and nothing more

I feel indifferent tonight
I don't know what it is
Maybe I'll just write down some words
And call it poetry
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
All I Can Do
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
It’s all I can do
trying to stay in your view
losing ground to you
 Apr 2019 Sipaas
if i am the artist
you are a collage
of all the things
i love the most
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