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Lupus- Jun 2020
Yo la quiero, la amo
Y sé que siente lo mismo por mí
Pero hay veces que dudo de ese amor
No porque no lo dice lo suficiente
No porque no lo enseñe todos los días
Pero porque no creo en mi misma
No veo lo que usted ve
No escucho lo que usted escucha
Estoy toda rota
En pedazos
En necesidad de milagros
No me veo capaz de hacer algo bien
Una buena para nada
Una imbécil
Cerrada y callada
Soy incapaz de
No soy digna de su cariño
I am not worthy of your love
Lupus- Jan 2019
Why does life have to be so hard
You can never be happy like you write on a card
There are problems always running around
You have no hope left, you can just cry on the ground
Sadness is what you feel every single day
You don't have good thoughts and no spirit to play
You feel alone with no one to talk to
There's no one to listen or to understand you
Can there ever be a time when you're feeling alright
When your heart isn't pounding and feeling so tight
Would there ever be a time when you won't feel so guilty
When your soul isn't so hurt and awfully filthy
But I'm losing hope that that time would ever appear
And we're all going to be living in days full of fear
Would someone come and help us when we need it
Or would they leave us alone in the deep dark pit
Why in life do we have to suffer
So that our hopes and spirits can go under
With all our hard lives we go through
There is nothing much in the world left to do
Lupus- May 2020
Am I the one to blame
For my insecurities and shame?
Do I cause my own pain?
Am I the reason I'm going insane?
Do I allow the pain to enter?
Am I my own offender?
Do I let myself surrender?
What do I do with no defender?

I can feel myself get worse
And yet I don't do anything to change it
I feel how I welcome the curse
And make no attempt to disarrange it

I cannot escape the monsters inside of me
I lost all hope in becoming the kind of person I wanted to be
I smother myself with fears and anxiety
I am my own worst enemy
Your own mind can end up being what hurts you the most... and you don't do anything to make it stop because what's the point, it's the truth. All the hate you show yourself, you deserve it and more
Lupus- Sep 2019
My mind is not here
My thoughts are not clear
My words are not right
Creating another fight
Frustration takes over easily
Becoming someone I don't want to be
Then it's not me who acts
Believe me, I'm stating the facts
I don't know what happens until it's done
And then notice what I've lost and won
But it's not my fault
I can tell from the start
It's another part of me deep inside
That is difficult to hide
A part leaving me in doubt
Not knowing what it's all about
A part creating me into a monster
Bringing me pain and torture
This is no lie
A side I can't control even if I try
Lupus- Jun 2020
Le pido perdón
No merezco su amor
Por todo lo que he causado
Por todo el dolor
Yo tomo toda la culpa
Porque usted confiaba en mi
Y le quede mal
Es corto y pequeño ... pero la culpa es tan grande.
It’s short and small... yet the guilt is so huge
Lupus- Mar 2020
There may be reasons to cry
There may be reasons to fall
But someway, somehow
I'll find a way through it all

There may be reasons to yell
There may be reasons to scream
But I won't let anyone
Dare ruin my dream

There might be reasons to fight
There might be reasons to protect
I'll find all possible ways
To accomplish what I expect

There might be reasons to change
There might be reasons to not be the same
I won't continue playing
Life's little messed up game

I may be getting weak
I may not live any longer
But experiencing all these problems
I'll find a way to get stronger
Lupus- Apr 2020
Run, hurry, don't stop
We can't let our hope drop
There's a future waiting up ahead
Can't turn out dead

Danger lurking around
Stay close to the ground
Don't separate from one another
Just a bit farther

The home left behind
But got to keep it out of mind
Thirst and hunger, there's less energy
No, move on, even if empty

The desert seems endless
Trapped in a tremendous mess
Seems to have no end
Death has become a close friend

Got one injured when fell
Another ill, not feeling well
The number decreases
Left downhearted and in pieces

Heat is killing
Blood is spilling
We have risked it all
We cannot fall
Could this be what goes through immigrants' minds as they cross the border?
Lupus- May 2020
I don't want to become that person
I don't want to be anything like that one
It's the last thing I want to be
The last thing I want to see in me
I'm not that person , not one bit
These personalities just don't fit
Nothing similar between the two
There are differences in what we do
You can't say we are alike
Because I'll tell you that's not right
I don't know what you see through those eyes
But they are complete lies 

oR aT leAsT yOu fOrCe yoUrSelF tO beLieVe tHaT 
YoU fOrcE iT tO bE tRuE 
YOuRe tHe oNe wHO cReAteS thE liES 
yOU dOnt wAnt tO sEe tHe rEAl yOu 
iLL lEt yOu kNOw tHeRes NotHInG thAT sEpeRaTes tHe tWo oF YoU 
nOtHinG tO mAkE yOU sliGhtLy diFFerEnT 
tHeY lOoK iNtO tHe MiRror 
aNd yOu wiLL bE tHeiR rEfleCtioN 

No that can't be, you can't be for real 
Because it's not what I feel 
Just like the hot and the cold 
We're different, I mean that's what I've been told 

eVeN yOU beGiN tO dOubT 
yOu kNow YoUrE boTh tHe sAmE 
yOU weRe molDed fRoM tHe sAMe clAy 
YoU bOTh bUrN fRoM tHE sAmE fLamE
This is a inner fight with yourself. You've been compared to someone else your whole life and you've always told yourself you won't ever become them. But as time passes by maybe that is not the case. Maybe you are becoming the person you wish you wouldn't, maybe you are just like that person. There isn't much that makes you any different, you are just as bad.
Lupus- May 2019
Sometimes it's best to stay in silence
To be able to hear life's hints
Sometimes it's best to be left alone
To learn to think clearly on your own
Lupus- Oct 2019
We can be together
We'll become forever
A dream come true
Alongside you
Please don't leave me
I don't want to be left in agony
If you do, I'd be in need of aid
More insecurities would be made
I need you with me at all times
To get rid of the how's and why's
I need you because when I'm left alone
My heart hardens like stone
I'm scared and afraid
Please stay
Lupus- Jan 2020
Was all this suffering worth it?
Was it best not to quit?
From my loved ones did I have to separate?
Do I still have to wait?
Is all this pain going to get me somewhere?
Would life end up being fair?
Do I have to keep on fighting?
Is there a reason to stop crying?
I came here to offer you a future
To give you a life more safer
I gave up everything else for you
To give you a change and something better to do
What kept me moving on
What caused my crying to be done
Was the idea of what you would be
Now tell me, are you going to take advantage of your opportunity?
Lupus- Sep 2019
Take life seriously, don't play around
Don't leave your dreams lying on the ground
Use your life for something useful
So that your ending could be beautiful
Create something good out of you
Make your purpose real and true
Make yourself feel proud
Take your pride and make it sound loud
Don't become a reckless one
Because one day your life will be done
Lupus- Mar 2020
The person behind me
Preventing any fall
There making sure
I get over it all
Never looking back
Forgetting the past
Moving on
And moving fast
Pushing me forward
Passing the limits
Never backing down
Placing my foot where it fits

The person beside me
Providing some advice
The person to prevent
A mistake from occurring twice
Not allowing there to be
Any distractions
Keeping me on the path
Following all directions
Never leaves my side
Always watching over
Never abandoning me
Always being there

The person in front of me
Keeping my eyes
Straight forward
Imagining the prize
Seeking for the best
Helping create a better future
Allowing no stops
Even under the pressure
Pulling me away
From what I leave behind
Leading me to my dreams
The ones I keep in mind

Without them what would I do
How would I continue
How would I go through
I need them to move on, don't you?
Lupus- Feb 2020
There it is again, the red in my arm
Crying out red tears because of the harm
What's left after all this is a scar
A reminder of what has happened so far
People tell me it shouldn't be done
But yet there's always another one
Something always happens at the end
Bringing back my dear old friend
Either a line or a shape, but always a mark
Representing the misery visible even in the dark
A story behind each whenever it appears
Caused by my sorrow or any of my fears
The red in my arm, what I love and hate to see
The relief, the punishment both showing up to me
People think it's the idea of suicide
But really it's the tears I hold inside
I'm finally able to let go of my pain
Though from hurting myself what do I gain
It's my only way of escape
Whenever I lose my hope
Sometimes I regret my actions
My thoughts, my decisions
But it's the only way to make me feel better
The red in my arm makes me feel stronger
Lupus- Jan 2019
There was a time where I used to live
There was a time where my love I would give
There was a time where I had no struggles
There was a time where care wouldn't have tangles
But all that changed
The love has just been mazed
To find it, it's terribly hard
It's between hundreds of guards
There was a time where I had no worries
There was a time where I had happy stories
There was a time where I had belief in real families
There was a time where I had no tragedies
But everything is not the same
My life is now filled with lots of pain
I need a guide, help me please lord
My life has just been stabbed by a sharp sword
There was a time where I would be kind
and that doesn't pass through anyone's mind
There was a time where I would care
But everything's done, there's nothing to share
Lupus- Sep 2019
Things happen because that's how it was decided
Stories begin after others have ended
There's always a reason for things to occur
Reasons that we can't always choose or ignore
Sometimes we have no control over situations
Moments are created not always because of our actions
Things happen because it was meant to be
To create a future that we would soon see
Lupus- Mar 2020
Perfect, we have to be perfect
For others to be pleased
No mistakes are allowed
Errors aren't what they need

Similar, we have to be similar
There can't be any difference
We all have to be alike
Unique loses, reputation wins

Smart, we have to be smart
They won't accept a dumb one
We got to have their smart ideas
A mind as powerful as the sun

They want us to be a certain way
For others to notice we're here today
A perfect image of us all
Showing how we never fall

Prevent the rumors and the gossip
Hide the scars from when we trip
Making us create and show
A new person we don't know

We have to follow their rules
We can't look like fools
We have to obey their orders
We can't create any disorders

They decide what we need to be
They decide what they want to see
They would do what others agree
But what about me?
Lupus- Aug 2019
Start appreciating more
Than what you've done before
Start showing some care
Treat your loved ones fair
Don't worry about the stuff you want and are missing
Or the things that you are hoping for and are wishing
Think about the stuff you already have and worry
You might be left all alone making you feel sorry
Be thankful that you at least have something
Not like others who have nothing
Be glad of the stuff you own
And that you at least have a home
You say you deserve more but you don't
You're not loving what you have, so getting more you won't
What you possess, the ones you got
Those who remain by your side are worth a lot
You continue to push everyone away
May it not be too late when you admit it and realize
Selfishly you led yourself to darkness and isolation
Soon everyone will be vanishing before your eyes
Lupus- Apr 2019
When something goes wrong
You cry for so long
When something isn't right
Your heart feels so tight
Lupus- Mar 2019
Who doesn't want to be loved?
The answer is nobody
But why is love always getting shoved
Is it because some people don't want to live happily
Maybe people like to act strong
To prove that they're not weak
But without love how can someone live for so long?
You can't because it's what we all seek
Many people try to reject love again and again
Obviously, it's not at all the love's fault
It's their pride they want to protect and defend
They just don't want to end up with a soft heart
We all want love whenever our faces are full of tears
And we want it to appear pretty soon
We want love when we're forced to deal with our fears
But sometimes people try to hide their true feelings behind the happy tune
It doesn't matter what anybody does to try to hide their true feelings
It's obvious we want love all the time
Our actions aren't the same and all have different meanings
But one similarity we share is we all want happiness to shine
Lupus- Jul 2019
I write poems because it helps me let go of what I hold inside
It's almost like a diary writing down my thoughts and what I decide
It's fun creating words out of my feelings
To write down many sentences having similar and different meanings
I write to forget the terrible moments I lived just a few minutes before
I write to remember those happy moments and to wish for more
I write all about life, others or mine
Either it's a positive or negative time
I write about the dreams that I have and my wishes too
But I also write about the pain that I go through
I get inspired by quotes and lyrics from a song
Talking about what I think is right and what I feel is wrong
There are so many reasons for why I write
It could be to escape from another big fight
Or because it takes a lot of creativity and is so much fun
But the main reason is because I feel as if I'm good at something, at least one
Lupus- Mar 2019
Everything seems to be going wrong
I ask myself "What is going on?"
Nothing ends up being right
Almost everything turns into a fight
No one seems to like me
I'm always left in misery
There seems to be less fun moments
Because everyone else turned out to be my opponents
I wish something good could happen
But happiness is what evil's trappin'
Nothing great is going to happen soon
All I could do is cry every night under the moon
Why do I have to deal with pain?
My broken heart is driving me insane
Why do I always have to use the joyful mask
"Why does this happen to me?" I always ask
I can't take this all
My heart is soon going to break and fall
There's just that one question stuck in my head
And that is "Why me and not someone else instead?"
Lupus- Jun 2019
Why think twice
If you're sure you're not in doubt
Why think twice
If you know what you're talking about
Why think twice
If you know where your heart will belong
Why think twice
If you want your life to last for so long

You know what you decide and know what is real
Because you're pretty sure you know how you feel
You have no doubt in what you're saying
And know exactly what you're doing

Why think twice
If you know you want to love
Why think twice
If you know that care you don't want to shove
Why think twice
When there's nothing to re-think
Why think twice
If you know the truth is so heavy it could sink

There's no need to think twice if you know what you're doing
If you're sure that you won't end up losing '
Once you decide you should know that there's no way back
Your decision should be very strong and should never show a crack

Why think twice
When you know the result would be good
Why think twice
If it would cause you to be in the best mood
If you know what you're doing then you should hurry up and not move slow
If you're determined, then you should never let that person go
Lupus- Feb 2019
My heart was broken
My happiness was stolen
I can't continue
This can't be true
Everything is ruined
The beautiful world was polluted
Nothing can hold on
Everything is going wrong
In this damaged world no one can stay alive
There's no way to survive
No one can live with the big mistake
It's too much to take
Nothing is going right
One single thing turns into a fight
Everything is a problem
And with them I go down to the bottom
Nothing is going the way I want it to
These tough situations, I can't go through
And because all these things changed
With no hope I stayed
Lupus- Nov 2019
I won’t let you down
In your face there won’t be a frown
You’ll be pleased and proud
Your joy will be loud
Count on me and I’ll do it
Believe in me and I’ll get through it
Just know you could trust me
I’ll be real and show integrity
I’ll make sure things are correct
Things will turn out perfect
I promise things won’t go wrong
Know it was a great idea to trust me all along
Lupus- Jan 2020
All you know how to do is make fake promises
Killing me as if you were one of the deadliest diseases
You made promises but was always lying
With every promise my trust started dying
You were never able to keep your word
Ending with a sorry. How many times was that heard?
Made one promise after another
Now I could tell the future
Nothing changes, everything’s the same
Living the same life, playing the same game
Every time ending the same way
In the same position we always stay

— The End —