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Too old to be your Brother,
  too young to be your Dad

These private moments that we share
  our limbo iron clad

You wrap your eyes around me,
  I’m spellbound in your gaze

The years between us melt away
  and drift off in the haze

Too old to be your lover
  yet young with thoughts aglow

Your breath like silk, your touch on fire
  —my heart not free to go

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
A secret smile
A shared glance
Or eye contact that lasted a second too long
You yearn to reach out
Say something
Then it’s over
                        They’re gone

This happens everytime
Those perfect strangers who catch your eye
Who make you long to know more
But it always ends the same
Those perfect strangers
Who had so much potential
But nothing happened
I basically just saw a cute girl in Target today... not a very interesting story I know ;)
Anyways here is another trash poem I wrote at 11:30 pm.. enjoy I guess
 Jul 2018 Sayali Tekade
 Jul 2018 Sayali Tekade
Standing tall, a million soldiers in a field.
Bowing in the breeze to which they yield.
Here one day and gone the next.
With each gust your stalks are flexed.
Growing proud, green, strong and spritely.
Dancing on the breeze ever so lightly.
Come then the drought, dry up the rain.
Green to brown, the first to fall is slain.
Felled by the wind, starved of supply,
Around him others fall, in the same way die.
Then passes months and spring rounds the bend.
Soon the summer rains will bring drought to an end.
As water falls on the soldiers again,
Only then life springs from lifeless pain.
Soon the secret soldiers break the ground, seen.
Still yet small but lively and green.
A perfect example of our lives that quickly pass,
Or maybe the story of the life of grass?
The older I get…
  the more exclusive I become
  with distant mountains to climb  

The older I get…
  the shorter the moods swing
  and the longer I can laugh out loud

The older I get…
  the more vivid the memory
  of what we almost became

The older I get…
  with feelings that burn, the future ablaze
    —the older I get  

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
 Jul 2018 Sayali Tekade
Özcan Sh
If we poets are sad
No tears fall from our eyes
Words fall from our hearts
That brings the blank sheet
And the pen in hand to life
They know how we poets feel
Because they were always
In good and bad days there
Like best friends for life.
Blistering thunder
Cracking asunder
Craters form
High ground being torn
Its ledges are sharp
Concealed in the dark
The rain blows in gales
—ancient prophecy hails

Blistering thunder
Fate pulls you under
Vows you made
Point straight to your grave
Death’s legions await
You fall through its gate
Your last moment burned
—no more chances to learn

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
 Jul 2018 Sayali Tekade
Sam H
they leave behind
invisible scars

they sting my eyes
color it dark

but i love the way
they fall to my heart

as if to reassure me
that i will be okay

they help me sleep
in hope to wake
to a new & tear-less day

— The End —