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Dw1234 Jun 2018
Love someone’s problems
Patch all their holes
People love the remedy
That makes them feel whole

Some call it selfish love
It only benefits you
This is loving yourself
And giving back to who?

You view others as
something to gain
But there’s a flip side to this
Your partners the same

By loving another’s problems
We begin to see
That the love i am giving
Reflects back at me
Dw1234 Jun 2018
Safely behind a wall of glass
I can see the life outside
Existing beyond, but told
the grass is not always greener

Wood walls, remain safe
Desks, continue to produce
Results, the resources gained
Coffin, the inevitable result

To take the door, or continue preparing?
For what do I risk from remaining?
Gain to never use
Use to never gain

Living without smiling
Surrender to postponement
The itch to run, the fear to arrive
Opportunity versus Opportunity Cost

What are the profits of opposite?
Green bills or memories?
Do they exist only apart?
Execute for profit, execute for joy

Creating equilibrium
A life long journey of seeking
To grin often in the faces
of those who have most
Dw1234 May 2018
Beauty, all of its forms
Holds in her hands
Nurturing insignificance
Holds our every breath

Live by order
Die by design
Thoughts are control
Feeling, the result

We give to receive
We see to be seen
We die to live
We live to die

Old as time
Desire innate
Behind perspective
It’s all here

Breaking the ties
These laws that adhere
Unequalized and raw
Of unpolarized origin

Can’t perceive
what we aren’t
Once we do
Hello Beauty

— The End —