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 May 2020 priya malhotra
Tears were rolling down my cheecks
And you were busy explaining
Why you have to leave.
So far, i have lost people
Because they hated me.
Now i am losing them,
Because they loved me.
Strange, isn't it?
And still you are here,
Explaining why we should avoid each other.
Why we should talk less,
Why we should not be as close as we were.
Strange, isn't it?
The one who wanted to love you
Ended up being someone hating you.
One who wanted to stay forever,
Decided to leave for our good.
Strange, isn't it?
I know it is hard for you as well, and i am sorry for that. Just that one who thought would never make me cry, ended up being someone to hurt me the most.
 May 2020 priya malhotra
That's what i assumed we were.
And why wouldn't I?
I used to share every little detail with you.
I used to share every silly joke which made me laugh like a donkey.
I will tell you of all those habits of mine, which made people call me a monkey.
I used to tell you how my eyes were all red
Soaked in tears.
I will tell you how i dreamt of being taller over the years.
I'll tell you what her new dress looked like,
I'll tell you how bad i wanted to look alike.
I'll tell you how i fell off my bicycle while riding way too fast.
And I'll tell you to go to bed in the last.
Sharing every little thing with you,
Was more of a habit of mine.
That is why i used to call you everyday
In the evening, When clock struck nine.
Youbwant to leave after this,
To me it doesn't sound fine.
My heart has begun to lose hope
And my eyes are losing their shine.
And it hurts even more
When you yourself cannot speak out your heart to me
And to convey your feelings, you resort to thee.
One who wanted to be more than bff ,
Just want to distant himself, if not so.
In the last you just wanted to go.
It is so funny how i called you
This forever sounds so fake to me.
I want to be that close again,
When that again will be?
When someone who you believed would stay by your side no matter what, leaves.....
The pain caused by the same is enough to rip your heart apart
 Aug 2019 priya malhotra
 Aug 2019 priya malhotra
Her veins are full of happiness
Though fake
But yes it exists
She tries to pe happy every now and then
Oh the fun we had as little six year olds,
Laughing loudly and acting crazy,
Staying up till the wee hours laying on the floor watching Hairspray

Oh the hyper times we had as ten year olds,
Sipping a little too much caffeine,
Running around acting like animals in the front yard

Oh the crazy times we had as twelve year olds,
Not afraid to get down and *****,
Camping and sliding down dirt in the ravine

Oh the terrifying times we had as fourteen year olds,
Living together for a whole week,
Trying to **** each other with words shortly after

Oh the bonding times we had as fifteen year olds,
The darkest time in my life,
Where we cried and I knew we would always be friends

Oh the lively times we had as sixteen year olds,
Both getting our licenses,
Driving around everywhere just to take fun pictures

Oh the tiresome times we had as seventeen year olds,
Sitting in your car before school,
Ranting and laughing about every aspect of life

Oh the amazing times yet to come,
Attending college and growing older,
Still talking and ranting and laughing like every time before.
 May 2018 priya malhotra
 May 2018 priya malhotra
It doesn't really matter to me
What the world will think of me.
What matter to me is you.
I write, not because i love to.
I write, not because i wanted to.
I write, not because i want some one to hear me.
I write, not because i want to spread an idea.
I write, because i want you to read it.
I write, because i want you to know what i am going through.
I write, because i want you to know what is going inside me.
I write, because i want you to know what you are to me.....
 May 2018 priya malhotra
My eyes are so weary and tired
But sleep wont come to me
It seems like it has forgotten its way
Too many mindboggling thoughts
Thoughts exploding in my head
Why wont they just go away?
Why can't I just forget?
Why can't I just give up?
My mind is fed up trying to convince my heart
This stupid, stubborn heart
It is still beating in a hope
Hope that one day
He is going to come back
Come back to stay
But this heart is stupid, isn't it?
Wishing for the impossible
He left me but his thoughts still haunt my mind
They just don't leave me alone
Driving through a remote highway in a thunderstorm,
winds howl
deafening the ears craving for a consolatory and palliative sound
the welkin lit by the fire flashing across the clouds.
The rain
****** the cars.
The thunder
seemed like a dying drummer of a battlefield.
The fiery sky
ushered callousness into the deserted streets.
A mixed feeling of fear and loneliness, anxietic trepidation and forlorn..  
appeared a bridge.

Lighted feebly by a bygone light post
like the breath of the dying.
As soon as I allowed the bridge
to place its hand over my head,
the noise dampened.
the uneasiness decreased.
the war ended.
and the drummer took a moment to rest his head upon his drum..
a sigh could be felt.
there was a sense of composure and calmness
Kept hidden in the unfriendly localities outside.
The heart wanted to stay,
to be wrapped in the serenity.
The pacifying feel
like a mother holding her child.  
like a wounded soldier,
who returned from the war zone, being taken care and healed by love.. but soon as I left the warmness of the friendly area..
the thunderclaps welcomed me like they got their prey back..
the winds
growling against my windshield like an unfriendly knock at the midnight.. the blanket of darkness hides away
all the light which once seemed within the reach..
I drove back home..
but with a smile..
Smile, depicting the right prediction of  ending up in the same place from where I had been continuously trying to get out..
with a glow on face..
Glow, created by the fire which had been burning everything in front of me..
The tears, though invisible,
reminded me of the lows I deserve.
doing right, yet losing
was a habit now.
I marked another red on my ledger but without any jolt.
A sigh
was enough
to show that I was back.

That calming, comforting, gentle, peaceful, reassuring, restful, alleviating, consoling, easing, mollifying, pacifying, relaxing, relieving, remedying, softening, warming feeling was you.

That bridge was you.
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