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969 · Jan 2018
Dead cat bounce
Jeanie Jan 2018
Every 28 days  I am......
Wonder Woman
Oh look - I'm lovely again!
850 · Sep 2017
90% it's benign
Jeanie Sep 2017
Lumpy, bumpy, feeling rather jumpy.

Nodule? Cyst? What have I missed?
Kindness pouring from soothing eyes - ladies in purple who have seen it all, beckoning sirens though to the hall.
Consultant - God, Guru, Man, Father, Lover, Philanderer, Tooth Fairy, Assassin
He checks like a 15 year old boy, passionless, conscientious, circling
Is this ok?

Lump - Yes. Bump - Yes. Am I  going to jump? - Yes

Off to see the coolest man in the hospital - the Ultrasound guy

But first back to sit in cornrows with the ladies who coyly all dressed like me.

Russian roulette - someone will be upset.

Mamm-o-gram - scans your ***** like ham.

Kindness of the operator who's careers advisor could never have predicted this.

And then up and off to be seen by James Dean
James Dean with a wand and gel and a screen
And a squint then a glint  - it might just be ok....?

90% its benign - oh mine the benign, fine, tine-y lump

But we had better double check.... with this massive needle
Please Mrs D please don't wheedle

Eyes shut tight anaesthetic mirroring a it still there?

Then back to see my crew
Of ladies old and not so, a sea of tight smiles and frightened eyes
90% it's benign
90% it's benign
90% it's benign
Jeanie Sep 2017
The Rocket-man and the Dotard went to sea
    In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some ego, and plenty of hardblow,
    Wrapped up in a billion dollar note.
The Dotard picked up his glass of coke,
    And barked to a small guitar,
'O what a *****! A *****, a joke,
      O What a ***** you are,
          You are,
          You are!
O What a ***** you are!'
RM said to the Dotard, 'You massive *******!
    You soundeth just like a dog!
O let us send nukes, no need for the troops:
    Turn the world into rubble and fog.'
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
    To the land where the Rhetoric grows
And there in a wood the 20th century stood
    With a tear at the end of his nose,
          His nose,
          His nose,
With a tear at the end of his nose.

'20th C, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your compassion and knowledge and learning?'
    'Compassion' said he? 'Get down on one knee.'
But neither could bow to the world’s yearning
They instructed their slaves, to send Hbombs in waves
Their anger writ large with aplomb
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
    They danced by the light of the bomb,
          The bomb,
          The bomb,
They danced by the light of the bomb.
Jeanie Aug 2017
Our grandfather was a grandfather you would draw
He would make pennies appear from our ears and remove his thumb for our delight
He whistled to say hello, and had a voice that made green grow the rushes
He embodied the joy of a child and so the fairies came to live in his garden to whisper messages to us

Our grandfather greeted us with an apple or pear or cucumber or something of Bob’s best
He would dress for our arrival making a belt of string and show us the latest marvel in his treasure trove garden
Our grandfather hugged like a bear and gave kisses so freely that you would never forget how deeply you were loved

A man of principle, a man of courage, a man who fought the titans for the Lilliputian’s of this world
A man who did not live on his knees, but stood and looked you in the eye, respected you and with compassion put forward his truth
Our grandfather taught us right from wrong in front of his fire, as the clock chimed and the chandelier shivered and the scarlet chaise longue told you how far this man had come

Our grandfather withstood pain in his life, sang songs with prisoners of war, made great machines and dreams for his grandchildren
His soul shone out and people loved him, not just for who he was but for how he made us feel
468 · Sep 2017
Ode to a stuck pig
Jeanie Sep 2017
Snorty hog of russet red
I wish that you were dead

But not bleeding- gone peacefully in your sleep.

— The End —