Once an angel,
Searching answers,ran.
And on surface of knowledge,
She found a swan.
Oh ye bard,
What do ye write?
Beyond your vision,
Or the words of thy sight.
Neither do I know,
Nor does my palm.
I write of my heart's,
And it becomes a pslam.
Oh ye Bard,
So why do you write?
To live like the ocean,
Or to fly like a kite.
I want not to drown,
And I want not to fall.
But for the pillars of mind,
Be strengthened and tall.
Oh ye bard,
For who do ye write?
Helen the charm,
Or Hercules the might.
I write for the one,
Who knows not him.
Who lost his path,
And lives now in grim.
You answered me so true,
So I bless you my word.
From the names in epics,
Thy name never get discard.