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Clive Blake Aug 2017
My heart was very battered,
It was also broken,
It had endured so, so, much,
Of which I haven’t spoken.

With your love and tenderness,
My heart pounds once again,
Our hearts now beat together,
And there they shall remain.

Now …
My heart has found its true love,
My heart has found its home,
My heart is yours forever,
My heart is yours alone.
Clive Blake Aug 2017
There's a fence all around me,
It keeps people away,
It gives me space of my own,
It keeps others at bay,
I constructed it myself,
It's the price I must pay.

It goes up for a mile,
While still touching the ground,
People have searched for a way in,
But one has never been found,
It's an impenetrable barrier,
That no sledge hammer can pound.

Does it make me feel claustrophobic,
Or does it make me feel secure,
Once I knew all the answers,
But now I'm not so sure,
Shall I make a hole in my fence,
Shall I fill it with a door?

Here I am stuck
In a defensive retreat,
I once so craved victories,
But I feared more a defeat,
Should I tunnel under my fence,
Should I dig really deep?

Should I stay here in my cocoon,
Or should I go out and explore,
Should I try again to embrace life,
Even though I failed once before,
Shall I cut an hole in my fence,
Need I bother fill it with a door?

My fence was to keep others out,
But it is both friend and foe,
For it also keeps me in,
When all I want is to go,
Shall I place explosives around it
And wait for it to blow?

All right you win, I'm coming out,
Waving a white flag up high,
I hope I fare better this time,
'Cos I'm reaching for the sky,
I'm taking off my lead boots,
This time ... please help me to fly!
Clive Blake Aug 2017
Meadow quiet,
Meadow sweet,
Meadow flowers
At my feet.

Let me play,
Let me explore,
Let me stay
Clive Blake Aug 2017
I heard a noise ...
Could that be food?
I peer outside;
I’m really shrew-d,
My sight is dim,
But I am not,
Though small, I’m fierce,
And hunt a lot,
So stand aside,
I’m coming out,
Don’t bar my way ...
Or I’ll sort you out!
Clive Blake Aug 2017
Another 'Major Improvement' ...
This time it's a road,
Another victim croaks his last,
Goodbye Mr Toad ..!
Mans 'Major Improvements;, might not be viewed as  Major Improvements in nature.
Clive Blake Aug 2017
Love and friendship makes
The world go ‘round,
While hatred
Applies the brake.

Let’s pray that love
Will long prevail,
If only for ...
God's sake.
Clive Blake Aug 2017
Born to search,
Born to seek,
Born to help,
The mild and meek.

Born to rule,
Born to lead,
Born to show,
We can be freed.

Born to Mary,
Born to atone,
Born to break
The hearts of stone.

Born to rally,
Born to rebel,
Born to dampen
The fires of hell.

Born to save,
Born to die,
Born a Saviour
For you and I.
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