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 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Lior Gavra
What if life was played in fast forward?
Would you look more, out the window?
See the buildings, the missing trees?
The colors changed, painted in steel?
Focus on folds, beneath your cheeks?
Spend time with the once, called lonely?

What if life was played in reverse?
Would you redo things, differently?
Experience reality?
Change your lack of identity?
Free your mind of not feeling free?
Rethink responsibilities?

What if life was paused?
Would you be doing, what you are doing right now?
What is the first thing that comes to mind?
What about the colors on your brush?
Do you think that they are enough?
Are you still on the right track?

What if life had to be lonely?
Would you use your voice to speak?
Is there a reason to listen?
What rules would you want to create?
Would you understand heartbreak?
Would you bother to hit replay?

Either way we all reach the end.
But we write separate screenplays.
Decide our fate and how we blend.
And how we fast forward our days.

Hopefully we are not the same.
Get to use our voice and listen.
To lose ourselves would be a shame.
Or to move forward, not driven.

Remember, your life is in play.
And should not be thrown away.
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
We have to strive forward with hope
no matter how hopeless it seems
or we lead our children into a life and world
where only nightmares and worry
rule as kings and queens
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Death stopped by the local coffee shop the other day
sat down and said to me
"What the **** is wrong with you PEOPLE!?!?
You have me working non-stop
I never get a moments break
The only family I ever see is War and Despair
Dream, Life, and Love won't even talk to me
And ever time I seee War
all we do Is sob uncontrollably
Despair is the only one you've made happy
and she is absolutely miserable about that
SERIOUSLY... what is wrong with all of you?"
She paused, stole my coffee
Got up, flipped me the bird
and as she walked away said
"I'm done... you are all on your own..."
And I wondered what would we all do
with all our hate in a world without Death
In a world where we couldn't run around
senselessly killing each other
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Remember my love
as the world burns
all around you
and your wings
and flesh and bones
turn to cinder and ash
and smoke
and all things
come to a painful
and bitter end
that with death
we have reason to smile
as in her arms we find
that all that we have suffered
in life is released
to the wind of past
and briefest of memories
as we part do not neglect
or fear the aches
inside your heart
but embrace and grieve
and with each sob
and each tear
to remember
to love always
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
She stole the poetry from his heart
and the color of love on her lips
made him stutter and blush
she replaced the air in his lungs
with the blue ocean
and beauty of sadness
trapped in the Vincent swirls
of magic dancing in her eyes
she gave his blood back
everything that was missing
or stolen or broken
from the life of days before
she was the touch
and the rhythm of madness
his feet needed to
shout again
he would always be falling for her
even when their hands
would never embrace
their lips never trade
soft or hard or long
kisses in the rain or sun or sin
for every poem she stole
she left behind
a reason
a dream
a love
for his heart to beat again
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
She was made of a language
no one could hear
and hand written in perfect cursive
by the scripture of the stars
and made from the sea and salt
of an ocean lost in a tear
and the color of blood
gave her lips all
of its crimson and rage
and she was there
when dreams took their first step
out into the void of the time of nothing
and she weaved his heart
from the poetry of leaves
and his bones from the past
before death had a cloak or a reason
and his flesh from
the soft skin of her kisses
and she tied the string of his heart
to the beat of her own
and no matter the story
or time of eternity
they would find one another
in the pages and between the covers
of the dreams they would have
and the life they would share
as they would invent
and discover and write
and rewrite the books of love
in the language no ears could hear
or eyes could see
but ever heart would feel
in between their first and last beat
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
The 13th hour will be the hour that it is too late
the hour that we will have gone too far
the hour that we have done too much damage
the hour we will all whisper with dread
  “My god, what have we done?”

The 13th hour will be the hour
that the gods and the sons of gods
and the stars and the spirits and the ghosts
will not believe our prayers
and will not speak to us kindly or of redemption
for we will not be able to claim
that we knew not what we did

The 13th hour will be the hour
that mankind despite its genius
despite all its innovation
despite everything beautiful
it could become
instead used that hour
gave that hour
to the hearts
of hate and fear and prejudice
and man
if any are left
after that 13th hour
will have to pay for his own sins
I’ve been illustrating most of this last month for #inktober, they are posted on Instagram under Jaygerr1331 or FB on The Devils Junk Yard
The following quote has constantly been echoing in my head over the last month...
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who standby and do nothing.”
Albert Einstein
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
Please **** me now
I can't handle this anymore
I don't want these memories to fade
But they make me want to die
As they choke my breath away
Then release soon enough to save me

I'm not ok
I need you but
You're never coming back to me
I ruined everything
And I've involved others too
So the cycle never ends
And it's all my fault

Please let me die
I don't want to live with this forever
I'd rather give up everything
Than keep reliving our dead memories

And I can't even talk to anyone about it
They either don't get it or
They won't believe me
Because I never know what I'm feeling

But right now I feel awful
These tears won't stop burning my face
And I feel more alone than ever

Nothing else matters
Right now
I am hurting
And I can't take much more of it
So please just let me let it go

I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to keep breathing
When my mistakes are like cyanide
Seeping through my broken heart
And drowning my lungs
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
His voice said
Nice to meet you.
His eyes said
You look good.
His hand said
I want you to notice me.
My head said
Stay away from him.
My heart said
Kiss him.
My voice said
Nice to meet you too.
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