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 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
i'm choosing different parts of me
i suffer from an excess of reality
a war between ideal and real
id's demons unloosed
trampling super ego
but not without Gods retribution

a self divided by fragments
of loving and loathing
*** and mouth
and the speed of things
accelerating cause and effect

an anorexic history
that feeds on ephemeral visions, metaphors, signs and symbols
and wares it self out counting time
days worked
money made and paid

a ****** possessed
of a fictional self in a run on dream
of passed and future
absent of a present
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
A flower picked
may be short-lived,
but its birth
and death
was meant
to celebrate
this event,
of having courage
to love again.
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
keeping to the shadows
But when you need me
Ill step out into the light
and PROTECT whats mine
Ding Ding Ding!
All aboard!
Call for lost souls!
We will be departed at oo.oo hours
Travelling through
Nowhere in particular
Nowhere inbetween
Nowhere special
Stopping to meet with the dark shadow figure of death
Where you will be reawakened to all less seen
Hop on!!!
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
your name
 Nov 2017 Jenn Linh
head pounding
eyes swelling
body shaking
mind yelling

blood pressure raising
tears falling
body shaking
vision blurred

this is what i feel when your memories visit

captivated by your mind is scary; as scary as the ocean being captivated by the shore.

you taught me that the loneliest star was still loved because it was a planet of its own

you said to me "i will not let the vastness of the way you feel take control over you"

i can't seem to remember the way you used to touch my hair i cant remember the slightest curve of your collarbone

you told me to not only feel but breathe what i wanted and that is exactly what i did.

i breathed your name
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