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Travis Dixon Oct 2010
For the words
that heal & heave
boulders through
walls, meaning-
less barriers of hate

For logic & reason to
forge tomorrow today,
this moment that ebbs
& flows so fluidly
through paradoxicity

For the meaning of
being, life & love,
colors of things beneath
our luminous sun, reflected
in the iris of time

For dreams forgotten in
the dead of night, the moon
carved high in the void
of lives borne & buried,
half-remembered, but…

For what matters
between something & nothing
though we can’t see it
clearly, it’s there
begging to be found

For the choices
that carry forward, not back
against voices of truth
that bellow deep within
these fleshy heaps of sin

For my soul’s intent,
which seems hell-bent,
or at least inflamed,
with desire to puzzle,
create, pattern & game

For the joy gone
hiding in plain view
that beckons laughter
out of silence, droning
across the roads

For inspiration
bubbled up raw, collected
scoops of sinewy thought
whizzing & whirring faster
each cycle, begins anew

For clues to history’s
key, to unlock our stories
for all, together at once
with abundant humility
to sustain this tree

For the blocks & atoms,
wavelets & platelets bouncing,
skipping, hissing & twisting
reality betwixt our view
with simple pleasure

For the purpose
in this poem’s lines,
words & characters forming
a lattice-like guise, all
in the name of feint surprise
Travis Dixon Sep 2010
Your aspect ratio’s wrong.
Stretching the truth
this long sows fertile ground
for artifacts, glitches,
quirks & bugs, worming
& squirming beneath pixel
shrugs. The worst kind
plump the frame to god-
awful proportions, bloating
bigger & bigger & bigger ‘til
vision’s engulfed.
Or the kind that squeeze
spaghetti confetti onto
our plates, drenched in
the Sauce of the Week
that “can’t be beat!”.
Your skewed parallax
attacks the facts at hand.
Recycle your *******
fax machine this second before
it grows smarter than
you. Yes, you—with the rolly
polly eyes & feint surprise—
quit pretending you’re dumb,
'cause you ain’t that numb
to the stings & pangs of change.
Your sloppy hacks produce
quantity @ the cost of quality
to benefit the greedy & satisfy
the needy, becoming seedy
to the logic of reason.
Correct your inputs to render
outputs worth tender & please
remember, it’s what’s within
the frame that’s important,
so get it right.
Travis Dixon Sep 2010
Our scar is broad,
& we’re told to
never forget.

How could we?
We all felt the collapsing
& silencing of souls
across that horrific
Tuesday morn.
The burning flames ignited
our fiery passions,
anger & revenge, ones
that many wish to fan

Let’s remember
love’s power to transform
fear into courage
& use our courageous love
to conquer revenge
& spite, useless
in love’s embrace.
Let’s extend this grace
to those who despise us
& want to destroy us,
for their reasons
are as physical as ours—
born from the tragedy of loss
& focused through the lens of revenge.
Let’s heal our scar
through the lens of love
& shine it
in the face of fear.

United we stand, divided we fall.
A cliché too true for us to brand,
& a lighthouse to guide
our wayward hearts
across this ocean of strife.
Let’s not only stand together,
let’s march together—
not in lock-step, but in
beautiful gaits that shine
our unique
character traits,
most of which resemble
the freedom
we carry forward.
Let’s carry it & remember
that its woeful weight is
but a small toll
for life’s endless
Dedicated to all who perished on September 11, 2001.
Travis Dixon Aug 2010
I feel the changes.
They’re scary but I’m keeping calm.
Panic is good for no one.
Life is exhilarating.
You have to move with it, not against.
The hard part is figuring out which way you’re going.
But it doesn’t matter; we’re going wherever the hell we’re going,
so you’d better pay attention to the ride.

You mustn’t fight your unique way of life.
It is yours and you chose it for a reason.
Accept that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
All is well in the universe.
Suffering is the struggle to accept change.
Accept change with an easy laugh and the suffering goes away.
The synchronicity of life is part of the joy of shared existence.
It proves to us daily that solipsism is but a selfish naiveté.
We have never been alone, even in the depths of our loneliest nights.

True, we feel apart,
but it’s merely an illusion,
the sleight of distraction
spurned by our need
to generate income, which feeds
our fears & desires,
coddled & enflamed
by a fierce media
creating dreams
for others to buy or believe in
but hopefully both
because then
the machine

No blame.
Forgive, then remember.

We’ve a break, a recession or depression,
or whatever session you want to call it,
it’s reality — you get what you pay for.
You make an honest living or invite problems down the line.
A problem is still a problem even if you postpone it.
They don’t just disappear; you fix them.

Each problem is unique in structure,
the way it weighs upon you,
the ins & outs of unknown routes
& dark “what ifs” that persist like cysts
in the back of your mind, little vortexes
spinning wildly about, ******* us in
when we get lazy & distracted.

But it’s not all hard, not all the time.
Some problems are like puzzles that are fun to solve,
which may be why we have so many lying about.
The problem is that instead of solving puzzles
we should be loving each other.

Unconditional love isn’t easy, but that’s part of the work.
Some say no good deed goes unpunished.
That’s part of the work too.
Invite the life you love,
not the one you hate.
Every choice you make in life
carries the balance of this weight.
Travis Dixon Aug 2010
This techno—
logical revolution
is nothing but
our evolution,
a bio—
logical institution
founded for the reason
we strive toward
& expressed in
the singularity
that pulls forward—
the infinite alchemy
wants us to
accept it,
connect it,
& let it be.
This sim—
plicity just might be
as simple as we want,
as beautiful as we want,
& as perfect as we are.
with life & death
in the moment,
for now is the time
to thank your being
for existing,
& listening
to the logic
of it all.
Travis Dixon Jul 2010
a warm glow shifts softly
in space & rhythm.
i pull the curtain aside & sit in the back--
a handful of seats, but only one
gets worn, the others
fool the mind into believing
imagination defies physics
to drink from the creative cauldron,
that ever-boiling vessel
churning out new
patterns & threads,
weaving fresh fibers between
spirits & minds.
the holographic hardware,
whirring too fast for ears.

our mind is the web & we spiders
spin the silk,
carefully or sloppily,
connecting the strands to catch
not flies but images,
sparks, bulbs & flashes.
often small, but once caught
emerge as a garden of gems
whose faces refract & reflect
until nearly all gems become one.

what's required is
a bright enough light
with fluid agility,
to illuminate & reflect
the whole nebula through
one, clean face--
perhaps the original gem itself;
for what would our mind be
without that raw crystal
forged in the stars?
Travis Dixon Jul 2010
there's a room inside me
whose warmth is unmatched,
no floor boards, just grass and soil
watered from a blue sky ceiling,
each drop reflecting the room inside itself
before splashing into tiny crowns.

in the soil dwell my bugs
whose bustling towns get the jobs done
so that night may pass peacefully
under the soft glow of stars.

in the corner dwells my tree, old and wise,
more than a million rings wide,
and it releases a sigh every time
i enter the room to sit beneath its arms.
its roots grow endlessly below,
silently nourishing itself & my room,
providing a sturdy balance for the structure.

in my room the walls are not solid,
they sway back and forth with the wind,
made of vegetables and vines,
plants and flowers of all kinds,
reaching up toward the sun just like me.

in my room there's a sheep dog
who sleeps near the tree, until i arrive;
his head pops up, tongue pops out,
and tail wags all around. his eyes offer
a gleam of companionship and understanding.
we both drink from the pond, where ripples spread,
slowly from side to side, always bouncing back
smaller ripples to cross once more.

in my room, i like to lay on the floor at night,
and watch the moon cross above me,
like an ancient alchemist transmuting
the sun's gold and pouring silver into my room.

this room inside of me, i want to share
with a girl who also watches the moon cross;
a girl who has a room inside as well,
so that a door may open between them
and someday form a home.

one day my room will perish, or perhaps
it will fuse with that ancient alchemist,
and a new room will emerge.
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