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 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
raine cooper
i've never let go of your hand, even when you don't have the strength to hold mine
 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
Her eyes so bright;
Do you ever wonder where the sun goes at night?

The rain, dancing on the pavement
in no specific arrangement.

Luminous flames eat away at sharp skewers,
Her eyes silver-grey, clashing with the tables of steel.

Barbecue roasting, impaled through the middle
The pain paled in comparison to watching you smile.

A toast to me, myself and I, a glass of sweet solitude.
I watch tall wine glasses clang drunkenly together, alone.

A pin drops in the distance; no silence to accompany it.
Unnoticed it goes, by the arrogant lords and goddesses.

Pick a flower, compliment her hair; devil may care.
She's walking away, I tell her 'Ma'am, have a nice day'

Left alone to stumble back home,
sipping champagne royally; Mockery.

Spilling champagne and it swirls down the drain
I tilt my head back, laughing carelessly all the way.
 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
brandon nagley
Even though I'm a beastly undeserving human being,
I was still overly privileged,
For God to send me a sublime queen....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa Angelica dedication
 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
I've lost my mind,
when I awoke
It wasn't there to find.

The last time I used it,
We were playing
"tenuous tides"
Move in
Move out
We couldn't decide.

I've looked for it
under the couch,
behind the stove,
out in the shed,
in the cat's bowl,
I even looked in all the drawers
where we used to store
the important scores.

I went down the block
putting up
on every telephone pole.

Now I sit on this porch,
waiting patiently
for my phone to sing,
watching hummingbirds
******* or fighting
hard to figure out

waiting and waiting
for my mind
on its little
to come down the lane,
running on home
 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
raine cooper
maybe love is to watch a thousand winters pass, and still stand by his side because you know he's made of spring
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