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T2m Sep 2014
The sugâ galantly stand around
with their spears
Dressed in goat ' s skin with painted
faces and hair
Their countenance say ' do not dare '
A direct contrast of the square ' s
light air,
Which is exagerated by the
tipsiness from the locally brewed
beer .

With dances the festival began in
earnest ,
Each dancer stamping hard to
make his beats the loudest.
The tipsy audience laughing and
cheering their best ,
Men, like chimpanzees , beating
their bare breast.
Mandiang is all, anything else is
being put to rest.

The drull drum is a - play for the
sugâ dance
Marking the ****** of all that has
and is to chance ,
The majestic monarch march for
the entrance
And the time for the rain - making
ritual to commence.

So it, at the end , rained as usual ,
The welcome crown of this annual
ritual .
Mandiang is an annual event
amongs my tribe , it is that time of
the year set aside to appreciate the
past havest and hope for regular
rain and good croping season.
Sugâ is a soldier in our ancient
kingdom. NT all this now is
ceremonial with no spiritual
T2m Sep 2014
Again and again
Those same words you promised
you wouldn ' t say
Even when it causes us both pain
And take away laughter from the
way we play
This must be a boomerang I dare
say .

The bet is made and the cards laid
The path we must here create
The path to that place of bliss we ' ve
And away from the destination we
Though we momentarily strayed
Back to the right track we ' ve
always steered.

Look with your minds eyes
And you will see the beauty of these
Where true love , in wait, lies
Always ready and handy with his
To fence us from tears and sties
From all our wrongs in words and

We may ail but love always heals
Let it hurt a little
For it is a lot better than all lost
T2m Sep 2014
With a quill over paper
For muse, we are excavators
We pour out our hearts
So joy, love, peace to impart
To hold a torch over emotional darkness
To fill each others hollowness
Its for the love we write

When we write
We are called poets
A name fitting and right
But your theft just says you are mentally poor
Reducing you further to a mere thief
And nothing close to a P
Not to talk of a poet.

The moon is not a thing you can steal
Trust me its pure folly
That's a dumb idea to conceive
Posting others' poems
Posting like a poet?
Like seriously
How does that sound to 'your' hearing?
Even so, to even dare, you must be too dumb to realize its dumb

To acknowledge is not so hard
Its just adding one more line on your pad
I want to deceive myself that you are not too dumb to know that
If you didn't know, now you do.

PS: You could post my poem
That does not make you a poet
It just makes you a thief
Suffice it to say, the worst kind
Without robbing me of the fact that I'm a POET
  Sep 2014 T2m
Why do some feel the need to steal?
Does it make them happy
knowing that their work,
isn't their own?
How can you sleep at night,
when you've been taking
the hard work of others
and stating it as your own?

Who do you think you are?
Do you even know yourself?
I think not.

Why you may ask,
because you can't even post your own work.
So how could you know who you even are
if you have to steal others work
and claim it as your own.

I think that's sad.
So very sad.
You can always ask for help,
but you should never steal.

No one would look down on you
if you ask for help.
But if you steal,
then i'm sorry for the horrible backlash
that you will receive.

i'm not sorry for that backlash.
For what you have done is wrong,
so very wrong.

You could have posted the poem,
and then state that it was someone else's.
Give credit where credit is due.

But you didn't.

And now i'm angry.
I'm so very angry.

I'm writing with a vengeance now
so you better watch out,
whoever you are
stealing poems.
You do not deserve the lovely comments on those poems,
because they are not yours.

So either take down those poems,
or say who originally wrote them.
Because they are not yours,
and they never will be.

It is so selfish to do such a thing.
So selfish to steal.
All you care about is what you want.
Not what the other person feels.

But **** am I furious,
so angry that it is so difficult
to write this.
So very difficult.

For you stole a poem
that one of my friends has written,
and that is unforgivable.

You mess with my friends,
then you're messing with me,
and I am not someone
that you want for an enemy.
So I suggest you stop now
before this entire community
stops you.
No one respects a thief.
I don't like thieves and selfish people.... That's all I have to say.
  Sep 2014 T2m
I'm so sorry guys, it seems this is never ending.

Here is where I've found new stolen poems

The user is
(you may need to create a free account to check his posts)

and he's posted

Flying Fingers ~ Pamela Rae under I Wonder Who Reads My Stories with no link

Know the Beauty of a Woman ~ Cataleya with no link and not only that, in the comments when he was congratulated for a great write he said 'Thanks mate'

new link 1 Release ~ POETIC T with no link and his comment was it was from his soul

new link 2 I Am A Writer ~ Madalyn Beck no link

new link 3 A Kiss Upon a Blank Page ~ Kalypso no link, comments claim it as his own

new link 4 A Thousand Colours ~ Amrutha no link

As you can see, I could sit here all night and point out the stolen poems however, I will now just encourage everyone to visit this link
join the site (it's free) go to the left hand side menu and click on Stories and see if you recognize your work (you will know the instant you start reading the post!) Then give it to him with both barrels! Like I said in my notes, I'm almost certain they are a member here!

Please share!

**i have edited the links in here because he has changed his user name if you are looking for it, he dropped an e off the end... because we are sooo stupid....
anyone listed above that does not want to confront this person, I have created an account and will be happy to post on your behalf pointing out each instance he has breached copyright. I believe he is a member here as he's reposting Daily Poems... also, I haven't said a word yet in the comments to him so go get him if he has stolen from you, otherwise I will ;)
T2m Sep 2014
Every everyday
You inspire in a different way .
A friend among friends ,
One that (every second) wishes me
well ,
In my heart you will always dwell.

You always push me up life' s
ladder ,
Giving me reason to go further .
“ It will be better ” you would say .
Around you I find a new reason to
smile ;
The energy to go a few more miles .

You, my friend , are a blessing in
many ways ,
In so many ways that I can not
eloquently say .
If you had wings, I will be the first
to call you angel.
May God furnish you with grace,
And under His wings take you to a
higher place .

If , ever, I have to choose again ,
You will be stuck with me like a
stubborn stain .
I appreciate you and our
God chooses how best to bless us,
You , my friend , are my own bundle
of favours.
  Sep 2014 T2m
Crossyde Gimp
You judge my color I judge your accent
Either way I think we’re both right
You think my color makes me dark inside
I think your accent makes you worst outside
So it ends with you and I in a fight.

Why do we seek flaws in this God-made beauty?
If my color makes me stronger
And your accent makes you wiser
Don’t you think it makes a team whose strength is broader
And it sure will please Him if we held hands and walk together ?

Why think me less human
While I see you more of a beast?
When you and I are equal before Him
Because when God made man and gave him his image,
Carefully crafted to perfection, much to His pleasing

So it is not about how I see you or what you think of me
But it’s about how the Father sees us.
He came and bled on our cause
Making obvious why He chose to die on the Cross.
It's crazy that sometimes we are quick to forget what makes us complete, which is the unity found in our diversity. Our differences should not be the reason for differences among us rather, it should bind us to each other.
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