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Surround the irritation
the painful thought
the dull itch..
Ask that surrounding
the identity of that
which it surrounds..
Our real Self
is thus exposed
and touches the pain
which now.. undisguised
is found as One
with infinite Self...
Skype calls and phone calls
never do the heart justice
in long-distance love.
She told him she wanted the moon... So he helped her build a ladder tall enough so she could reach it on her own...
It was her goal, not his to take.
He was her support, not her knight in shinning armor...
She wanted to fight her own battles... he already knew she'd win them all.
We cherish the good
In our past relationships
That it eclipses the bad
And we forget
Why we walked away
told  me  yesterday  was
national donut day and I had to
admire how something that's had its
center cut out still         has so much good
to give. and it                          made me wish
you would see                          the remainder
     of me and find                    me worth sinking
your teeth into but you don't. now that
you've painfully excised my heart
you   toss   me   aside
I see that you're struggling
I acknowledge your pain
One can't appreciate the sunshine
Without experiencing a little rain

I know you feel broken
As you count down seconds on the clock
Just know that when you need someone
I'll be your rock

Standing by you through the storms
Without pause I take on this task
You can cry, scream, or cuss me out
As we wait for them to pass

I understand that you're tired
But you mustn't stop fighting
When the darkness surrounds you
I'll shine a light, just keep climbing
You're not alone in your feelings
Though at times it may seem
We've all felt ourselves drowning,
Gasping, struggling to breathe

You are only human
You do what you can
Don't ever be ashamed
To need a helping hand

You're not without flaws
But that's indeed my favorite part
The realest person I've ever known;
A true work of art
Mosaic : a picture or pattern produced  by arranging together small, broken pieces ; art
She was made out of ribbons and butterflies
She floated with a tragic grace and a melancholy smile painted on her face
She only existed by the magic and wonder of lost yesterdays
There was a quite storm of rage and sorrow trapped in her eyes
She found comfort in the fingertips of deaths cold grip
Though she could no more die than she could sleep or dream
And she could not sleep or dream for she was made of dreams
She lived in streches of hours and days
And inbetween seconds and flashes
She was neither here or there
But always everywhere
The ocean crashed and rolled within the threads of her hair
Tidal waves of mist hid her ever flowing tears
In moments of secrecy she prayed for the extinction of ribbons
And of a burning blaze to consume the last wing of all butterflies
 Aug 2016 Mariana Nolasco
 Aug 2016 Mariana Nolasco
i've always felt at home up high,
since i am closer to the stars.
       the stars seem like the best thing
       we can hope to be.
 Aug 2016 Mariana Nolasco
 Aug 2016 Mariana Nolasco

*out of control like a surge of lightning
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