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Sep 2020 · 110
Alive Sep 2020
Everybody getting likes
Just scroll past mine
Get’s to me, crazy
How come you can grow?
Charli D’amelio an influencer by just dancing?
When I have the words to help somebody
who needs it most
But I understand
just keep scrolling
Sep 2020 · 1.1k
Alive Sep 2020
Like a carrot
When growing
It may not look like much
But underneath the dirt
You are growing
Just believe in yourself
Sep 2020 · 189
His Life
Alive Sep 2020
His life was full of nonsense
His life was a jigsaw puzzle
His life was stone cold
His life was not looking both ways before crossing the street
His life was a masterpiece waiting to be finished
His life was a sad song
His life was the worst memory
His life was full of chaos
His life was surviving
His life was a thought in the back of your head
His life was a tragedy
Sep 2020 · 145
Alive Sep 2020
Light and Free
Far off the ground
Can’t touch the stars
Can’t reach the moon
I reach out for you
Something to hold me close
As soon as I touch you
You’re gone
Sep 2020 · 204
Alive Sep 2020
Softly caress my skin
Slowly encounter my body
Touch the scars
Weaving my body
Etch your hand
Against my form
Parade the scars
Show society
Scars are beautiful

— The End —