Your time will come
When least expected.
When you've all but thrown in the towel
finish line in sight,
the agony of defeat
at your door
This is why you must persevere;
Because all those times
When you were doing things right
And nothing worked out.
When you put in the hard work,
But no one seemed to care..
That time when you learned what it meant
to put your best face forward,
Or your pure heart,
And have it crushed in unforgiving ground
Under sullied shoes - by careless men
Or just cruel and callous life herself -
The time when you were dragged through the dirt
for endless miles
And came up broken, hardened and brittle
You were weary, blood stained,
With a bridge-less abyss ahead
And cold ashes of a dim hope left.
You still kept your light.
Those times
Were but a sentence
Served in the name of resilience
A training ground for
purity of heart
And true resolve.
A battlefield
where Your warrior spirit
Was put to the test.
In a stadium
Where a silent crowd
cheered you on.
Now that you've allowed all to take its course
Yes, when you finally lost everything!
You will find all you had efforted for
will come to you with ease
Your touch will
Manifest abundance
Your thoughts manifest understanding
Your breath manifest Compassion
Your vision manifest light.
The time has come
When it is asked of you to accept
That all you touch
will turn to gold
It is the golden rule
That is yours alone...
The ray that honours you.
Now is the time
To learn to
And receive your glorious victory,
Hard earned and
gallantly sought,
Graceful Ease.
It is written. Your time will come. You're just experiencing what it felt like to get there.