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 Jan 2018 Aurelio
 Jan 2018 Aurelio
I learnt what 17 meant: recklessness, glassy eyes and a firestorm in someone else's chest.

19: a smile carelessly left in the crook of my neck, an hour shy of a sunrise and a firestorm in my chest.
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
My thoughts about you are like police sirens underwater-
loud but blurred

I guess what I'm trying to say is
Your face doesn't leave my mind
For even a second
The way your hands would trace my spine
Still gives me chills

Even though we are not together
You haven't left
You're the piece of the puzzle I lost
From the once completed puzzle that took me years to complete
I'm sorry
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
i listen to songs that were once ours;
maybe they'll lose their meanings
if i play them for hours.
shuffle, pause, play, repeat,
save me from this misery by memory;
yet i show signs of masochism,
opening wounds then rubbing salt,
unknowingly singing these songs
     in thought of you.
ps. The song is I Miss You by Blink-182
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
All in one
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
The mouth is a killer, the sinner,
the kinder,
part of you.
It's December now but my heart is still in July.
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
 Dec 2017 Aurelio
Let gravity do its damage.
Slow and soft. Short and sweetly.
 May 2016 Aurelio
Joe Cole
 May 2016 Aurelio
Joe Cole
I wander the hills and valleys
In the wet and in the fine
Searching for answers to unasked questions
Answers I know I'll never find
We all have unanswered questions
Breathing in,
Exhaling smoke from my lungs
An elixir
A rhythmic motion to ease my mind
Euphoria on my tongue
A space in time,
Closing my eyes,
It's hard to define the same feeling
With any other action
A reaction
To you dealing out metaphors
Double meanings and fake lines.
Exhaling you out my mind
The cloud wraps around my head,
Settling in my hair,  
Like your scent on my sheets
Inhaling on repeat,
The memories burn slowly
Until they eventually fade out
And the smoke cloud can be seen through clearly.

**Until I light my next cigarette and your scent is the smoke and your face is burning at the end, yet I can't quit you or just put you out of your misery, it's too addicting.
 Aug 2014 Aurelio
Sometimes I tell myself that it's okay to feel this way,
that God gets tired too,
that sometimes He is the small child
slaving over a sewing machine
turning thread into warmth,
but not every sweater He makes
is made without a few loose strings,
or pockets sewn shut
or mismatched buttons.
My knees sink into the end of my bed
as I rest my elbows on my window sill.
I think as our hands face each other
and touch for the millionth time,
it's like a silent clap
that only the angels can here,
sometimes I apologize
to those resting in peace
for making their home sound more like
the ending of the movie
instead of the end of the book.
I greet God the same way
I greet your headstone.
I ask Him how He is,
why He only speaks in light,
and then I pretend to talk to Him,
when really I am talking to myself
or your headstone...again.
I say, "It's okay to feel this way.
I think it's okay to watch,
to write in depth about strangers,
I think it's okay to detach
yourself from the weight of existing.
Everyone around me built
themselves kingdoms,
they kept fire breathing dragons,
rolled out their drawbridges like red carpets
and I built myself a cardboard castle.
I built it on the highest hill
with a view of all of the kingdoms
and you know what?
I was alone,
but I had room to breathe
and sometimes that's all  you can ask for;
an empty room with a closed door
and open window.
I said grace at dinner earlier,
but I said it out of tradition,    
not out of genuine thankfulness.
So, thank you for the empty room
with the closed door and open window,
I know you're tired,
I hope you can respond when you get a chance."
 Aug 2014 Aurelio
Amitav Radiance
The mind is comfortably numb
Unaware of the repercussions
Holding guard at the gates of Eris
Invoking the discord with intensity
Gazing endlessly at dull perceptions
Anarchy is just a breath away
Holding our breath just to stave away
But the cries of horror are unheard
The mind is comfortably numb
According to Greek Mythology 'Eris' is the Goddess of strife and discord and chaos.
 Jul 2014 Aurelio
Levi Andrew
 Jul 2014 Aurelio
Levi Andrew
I'm so glad we've started over.

I'm glad we're forgetting the past.

I've been thinking.

Why are you still here for me?

Just leave.

You deserve better.
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