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 Jul 2014 Aurelio
 Jul 2014 Aurelio
I keep spelling your name wrong.

Scribbles, cross-outs, dizzying cross-cross of ink adorn these pages.

The 'i,
the m's
double ss

y, o & u.

My mind and soul clearly does not want to forget the
linger of your lips and fingertips
on their
broken & bruised
Hihihi darling readers!
Hope you like this nonsensical writing!
 Jun 2014 Aurelio
Joe Cole
5:30 am
 Jun 2014 Aurelio
Joe Cole
I sit here by my crackling fire
surrounded by all that I desire
nature for all
Bacon frying in the pan
coffee in the mug
the morning sun there in the east
small birds fly up above
I sit and I do wonder
how long can this beauty last
against the greed of man
We spew pollution in the air
about acid rain we do not care
for we now have got the cash
Our fair land now ripped by open cast
in our search for coal, for gold for wealth
but that wealth is but for the few
The multitudes who bend their backs
the ones who have the cough that wracks
and tears apart their lungs
still labour for a paltry sum
not for them the holiday in the sun
the bosses can afford
And so for the years that I have left
I will enjoy the nature that is left
 Jun 2014 Aurelio
So happy I could die*

(so drunk that I might)
 Jun 2014 Aurelio
Take your seat
Your love gifted me thousand buckets of memories all are smeared with tears
Drink the caffeine-tears I shed for you
I want to know the feelings of lacerating me that you nourish in your heart,
I am trapped in your love
Like a fly trapped in a spider’s web
If you are not a picaroon, if you are not a sorceress,
If you are not a heart breaker, if you are not the heart snatcher
If you are not the birth giver of my poetry, if you are not my chimera
Reason of my all phantasm, if you are not an oath breaker
Then you are not my woman.
For you my poems are the best caffeine that you might ever have….
 Jun 2014 Aurelio
Friday, June 13th, 2014
the last night of the full moon!

Be aware what lurks about.
A full moon on this day, is truly rare.

You say that you don't care.
But be aware!

I swear it's rare.
You should care!
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