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Sajini Israel
Sajini Israel is a writer and poet
24/F/Cebu, Ph    Heartache is what she is Accompanied with brewed drink and ink
Clifford Smith
35/M/Rockingham, NC    I've been writing for a while but I never let anyone read it. In my town we are unnoticed and I want to read great …
Louidjy Francois
Philadelphia Pennsylvania    "Writing is not a hobby or a passion, it is a way of life" "Anger can either build you up or tear you down" "Don't …
Turfloop campus   
Deborah Brooks Langford
Someone once said today will be yesterday and tomorrow will never come... so love today with all your heart, tomorrow might be too late... Friendship …
Kenneth Knowlin Jr
M/Savannah, Ga    A mind is a terrible thing to waste; and so are the words that remain hidden in that mind.
Kelley A Vinal
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somewhere in the universe    This allows me to have wings and fly and be a stone at the same time. PS, please no one steal my stuff, it's important …
Roger Turner - Poet
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. …
M/Iligan City Philippines    life is integral it never be seen :)
Mike Essig
Mechanicsburg, PA    I am a monk, minimalist and anarchist. I now live in Mechanicsburg, PA in a shotgun apartment (without a shotgun) with only a neurotic cat …
I am the shape of unfinished poems.
Giuseppi Martino Buonaiuto
Florida; Italy    Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees …
The  Good  Pussy
43/M/Springfield Illinois    Hopefull Poet This is the blog of a writer who is sussing out life through living, reading, thinking, and writing.
I am a poet ( I write in both Arabic and in English languages). I am a translator - an interpreter ( English - Arabic …
India    Two options each has given thee. Let me give you options three. You can hate me, you can love me, And you can even ignore …
Tiberias Paulk
I'm only wondering in rhythm
Chase Gagnon
Harper Woods, MI    "pain is gone, tears take the rest" -Allen Ginsberg My blog
Peter Tanner
22/M/United States    Poetry is my way of expression. It is a way to share the words I wouldn't say otherwise. I write about nature, love, loneliness, and …
Washington    Egyptian & Kurdish Born in Syria Raised in Washington Trilingual Serenity. Equality. Unity. I enjoy expressing my thoughts and feelings through my writing, and reading …
London    Name's Rhian and this be my story... Part of my Heart anyway The rest most will see day to day. A place to vent and …
A small town    Just a girl with some bad luck who found an outlet she loves.
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