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i come home
around 10pm
after musical

i come home to
a silent and empty

its like im
being rejected
from my own
i'm biding my time.
i'm not sure what
i'm waiting for...
all i know, is that i'm
ive burned a
lot of bridges

whether it was
on purpose or
an accident-
i still don’t know
i can’t say
anything right

so why do
i even try
to speak
at all anymore
time keeps wasting away
i sometimes hear the clocks

it's maddening.

i don't know how to
use time effectively while
taking care of myself.

there's too much to do
in too little time.
ticking clocks
it feels like i'm stuck in
a never ending
night terror.

it's on loop and
won't stop
going and
going and
going and
going and
going and

this is my cry for someone-
anyone to help me escape.
i can't handle it anymore...
a friend once told
me “you are light.”
i’m trying to be light
to all of my friends
and everyone around me.

i think i like being light...
it’s a very good place,
mentally it isn’t draining,
it isn’t emotionally
draining either.

i think i’m happy again
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