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Queen of the kingdom
The heart of Sàngó,
Giving Sàngó courage.
Sàngó's betrothed
Goddess of wind, tornado,
Yet the owner of the marketplace.
Queen of all seas
Creator of lakes and rivers
The waters knows your name
Goddess of storms
Orisa of death and rebirth
The mother of nine
The undergoddess of Odo-Oya
The unbeatable warrior
The summoner of rain
Sàngó's princess consort
Thou who walketh through fire with no burns
Queen of courage
Goddess of speed and energy
Symbol of faithfulness
Goddess of devotion and perfection
Goddess of war
Oya, our fiercely warrior of old

Written Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This poem eulogies Oya, who is the goddess of courage, war, rain, wind, tornado, speed, energy, death faithfulness, devotion, perfection, rebirth and the wife of Sàngó.
Nathaniel Stella Aug 2018
A thunder strike carving like it's
Laid visibly on her bare face
Given to her by her race
On a sunny Beautiful day
Forever to be and there to stay.

A stigma of reference
Without any offence,

A significant Identification
That requires no introduction.

Iya mosura,
A woman of story
In the course of history.

Iya mosura,
Our proud okola
That commands a noticeable awareness
Because of the culture of her lineage
That she wears as an image.

Iya monsura,
A beauty of her graceful tribe's delight,
A flawless woman of much worth,
A woman undoubtedly with nature's touch.

     ©Nathaniel Stella
Rex Verum Regem Jul 2018
I wake up
I bath
I work
I finish
I go home
I sleep
I repeat

je me réveille
je prends un bain
je travaille
je termine
je rentre à la maison
je dors
je répète

Mo ji
Mo wẹ
Mo sise
Mo pari
Mo lọ si ile
Mo sun
Mo tun ṣe

أنا حمام
أنا أذهب للمنزل

Watashi wa
watashi no basu
watashi wa hataraku
watashi wa oeru
watashi wa ienikaeru neru
watashi wa kurikaesu

Ego surgere
et bath
ego consummare
i Vade in domum tuam
ego dormio
ego iterare

aš atsikeliu
Aš maudytis
Aš dirbu
aš baigiu
aš einu namo
aš miegu
aš kartoju

Rex Verum Regem
Some pains and sadness trancend race, colour and language.
We all follow the same painfull process to survive slaving away and receiving minimal Reward.
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Ogun owed Oxun for the fee he paid
to divorce Yemayá in the watery deep.
Babalu Aye‘s messenger delayed
(no *** in the bargain – price too steep)
until San Martín, divine caballero
deceived the third wife of el Indio Guerrero.

(Obatala‘s beats got lost in transit
the rhythm robbed by macumba-bandit.)

Eleguá cleared paths for He Who Opens Pores.
Black roosters smoked puros at midnight. Outdoors,
Santa Muerte was asked to turn down the noise
so Nana Buluku could get some sleep.

As she gathered Ashé, reduced to a heap
of Yoruba fool’s gold anointed with blood
Oduduwa pretended he understood;
but his mother-in-law knew he never would
until Olódùmarè returned from the feast
having sacrificed roosters while facing east.

The santero drew me a pictogram
to protect me from forces my poem conjured
but the blood of a sacrificed perfect lamb
affords more protection, I knew. He wondered.
ruby stains Dec 2014
[eyes gazing out beneath heavy lids]
i've done that a lot lately, walking
[mind twenty-odd miles away]
into doors that haven't been opened
[feet move faster than my head]
yet, fingers clenched around a ****
[nose hits first; check for blood]
that's only been halfway turned.
[won't happen again, sweartofuckinggod]
lokan lori ọrọ : mind over matter in yoruba form

— The End —