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Kabelo Maverick Jun 2019
Think like a Therapist, Ink like an Exorcist…
Soul Proprietor
Aaron LaLux Jun 2018
Cold as Hell,
as paradoxical as that seems,
I know I might seem humble it’s true,
even though on the down low I’ve got high self esteem,

watching Indiana Jones on the big screen,
got little time for nonsense,
even though we seem to make a big scene,

it seems,
that nothing is as it seems,
feeling like Indian Jones,
is it a *** of gold or a hill of beans,

more Jack than Jill,
more Mulder than Gillian,
and things are getting word like the X-Files,
some of the Lizard People are Chameleons,

or better yet Camillions,
money is their sun they bask in it,
on a rock in an ocean call it a continent,
not content at all with the poetic tragicness,

feeling repelled as 2 negatives,
yet as attracted as a magnet is,
anyways what’s my point,
I don’t know I suppose it depends on what your perspective is,

I just call it like I see it,
no filter unedited,
no hashtags just a hash bag,
actually I don’t even smoke that ****t,

not even a little bit,
that’s not my favorite intoxicant,
anyways I should probably get off my soapbox,
because I seems I am on a rant,

so that’s it I’m done,
heading back to my house in the clouds,
where I can write in silence,
and let me words be as loud as Hell,

cold as Hell,
as paradoxical as that seems,
I know I might seem humble it’s true,
even though on the down low I’ve got high self esteem,

watching Indian Jones on the big screen,
got little time for nonsense,
even though we seem to make a big scene,

it seems,
that nothing is as it seems,
feeling like Indian Jones,
is it a *** of gold or a hill of beans…

∆ LaLux ∆
Dream Fisher Apr 2018
I have this bass in my skull
So now all my thoughts are pounding
But come out with an emotion that's dull
They want me to speak a little more serious
I laugh off the world's issues because if not I'd be furious
Everybody believing everything they read
Knowing no one's really reading because very few believe in me
Rather splatter the internet with a rumor or scheme
Then trust that they're soaking your carrots in chlorine
I mean,  what if you took the time to research and truly decide?
I'm not a god or a prophet, sir, I'm just along for the ride
As you drive into the unknown,  you follow that front wheel
But what if your bike has a mind of its own?

They've got us distracted off on a less than beaten path
With another sweep to knock you off your feet
Left to be eaten by Chuckle Teeth.
They smell fresh meat quicker than Jaws
Then you're stuck in a loop in some fictitious claws.
"But look at the validity and all of these facts"
If you found it that easy, they planted the evidence for just that
And nobody's listening just fighting their case
While I stand on the sideline and awkwardly pace
Samantha Feb 2016
When I first met you it was dark
underneath the society in which you favored yourself the plague
I shook your hand and smiled
but you already saw through my mask
I was never good at lying
and I would never be close to lying to you

I watched you from the passenger seat
the rain pelted my windshield but all I could hear was you
You spoke in big ideas, like stars and planets
you wanted me to picture myself among them
but I was rooted into the ground like the old oak in my backyard
turn left, then right
the pavement dancing past so thoughtlessly
it had no idea of the brilliance that drove upon it

I loved you when you weren't listening
when you were laughing to yourself about your own joke
and I joined you
hoping you would understand
but you never did
I bought you coffee and knew your order
Hours with you felt like minutes
and when you left the hollow in my chest grew
I loved you so heavily with every hug and hand hold
every minute of every day
but nothing seemed to show you how I was feeling

I lost you too many times to count
Sometimes it was on my terms
other times it was on yours
but bullet wounds hurt no matter which way you shoot
When I lay in bed and watch the ceiling
I think back to when I first met you
I wonder what I could have done to convince you to join the real world
but my world had become you
and yours me
and in that light, I didn't want to go back
low key about mulder and scully eh

— The End —