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Dave Robertson Sep 2021
Calling all ears
all guts and sneers
every daft-deft writer who would be

Write your soul, your boots
your fight, your fears,
your misbegotten loves
tucked behind your ears

Roll with punches,
belch and rattle at your stars
as they are truly indifferent
gaseous, asinine orbs

Pull rank on the nothing
my lovely, living friends
as your truth is beginnings and ends
and I love you

#poet #writer #write #love
Mark Wanless Aug 2021
i am the writer
you the thinker thank you
for your blessed service
Sandy Aug 2021
on the day
of the hearts sun
the glowing bloom
which shed upon her

his first ever love
couldn't even recognize her
still he look back
to catch a glimpse

of the divine beauty
her eyes present to him
his heart was forever sealed
in cage of her skin
Jami Samson Aug 2021
The writer woke up
One day no longer pouring
Her thoughts over tea
Without a warning
The writer slept
Throughout every 2AM
Not tossing or turning
And hearing the walls speak
One day no longer to be found
The writer disappeared
In the pages of her history
Along with scars healed
After the storm
With the calm
Amidst the quiet
One day no longer needing
The writer in her story
Aug 15, 2021
Mitch Prax Aug 2021
From heart to paper,
thoughts have a way of getting
lost in translation

12:49 AM
Srujani Aug 2021
i wish i could be a writer of my own character
who can cherish the happy
and abolish the sad moments as dream
still bearing the pain
getting the lesson to gain.

i wish i could be a writer of my own character
who can disappear at a threat
and pop in at an urge to meet
but again
wasting no vitality on the feet.
i wish i could be a writer of my own character
who can skip the casual boring days
or can pause on
some busy tiring nights,
just breath forgetting all fret.

i wish i could be a writer of my own character
who could wipe away people and garbage
and replace mind with some more savage,
add few more memories
and make a life of no worries.

i wish i could be a writer of my own character
who can make out any reality as an expectation
and expectation as an illusion,
removing regrets at least from the heads
just to lessen the sleepless nights.

but wait!
at the end
I can anyway be a writer to eligible
but can that book be a legible?
when I stuck between the dreams and reality...
hazem al jaber Jul 2021
Just the writer ...

I'm just the writer ...
nothing do more ...
collecting letters ..
with an aloof choice ...
from all languages ...
just to get ...
a great sweet words ...
within a deep heartfelt ...
to the poem ...
that makes people ...
feels as they want ...
as they want love ...
and want to be loved ...
as they dreams told ...

yes ...
O people ...
o my readers all ..
i'm just  the writer ...
who known ...
as the lover ...
to kind of words ...
and that's why ...
the called me ...
poet's love ...
so crazy ...
and more ...

i'm just that poet ...
so ,..
who need ...
to be into  my poem's words ...
to get a happiness ...
and to fly over the sky ...
with every of my words ...

hazem al ...
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