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We sleep at night disheartened
with the heaviness of what had happened earlier in the day
and the pressure of positively waking up the next morning
without so much a good night greeting from
the person who means the most

The darkness had broken in
and there are no silent tip taps of rain drops to sing us to sleep
we turn off the light because the brightness is contradicting
with the sun that is nowhere to be seen
in the holes of our souls, the loneliness comes rushing in between

But today is different
and today is good
the sun is rising
and it is just about time to sleep with full hearts
more than anything

The moon had just left
the place is left warm
the subtle light of the room is comforting
and you're all the reason for it
my wonderful, wonderful sunshine
It's 5:28 am. After months of not writing poems! Aaahh this feels good
After a million little doses of wonderful
and more and more
from you
I'm leaving
Because where is this gonna end up anyway
Now what of you
from a place in my memory
from a memory in the past
from the past I barely remember

Is there
any more you will be to me
than a phone number I cannot call
than a photograph in my computer screen
than a newspaper article I've read and reread again and

Are you more of a loss or
a gain- like the profit from falling for love
and the debt from falling apart
in love
and all its constituents from
butterflies to monsters
to daydreams to tear drops to

Because this want works like
fire works
to burn then burn out
but never like the fire in your eyes
of passion and compassion
that builds fire then stays
burning up
unless in exchange of more
match sticks you have for

Will you forever be a thought from night
to day
from all the merriment I encounter
to all the melancholy after
a thought I'll remember
more striking than a bad news typed in

This might be like all the others where I put on a
bold face
to pick up one by one
the torn pieces of hope I set up way too high
but not to fix any part of my heart
fully secured
from similar events from before
tick tock tick tock
there, like time, like them, off you go

Off you go
This is for the boy on my mind today. 4:08 am. May 02, 2015. If you didn't quite get it, it's about...

(May 04) I realized I put the wrong tags!
Leal Knowone Apr 2015
Your birth may drag you into a brutally depraved world, yet it also bring you into a beautiful place remember that
I look at you and I am looking
at fireworks
Bright, blinding and fascinating
But my eyes are wide open
And I'm not interested
That you're way up in the sky
Everybody's looking up
like me
But not everybody's sick,
like me,
of watching bright colors unfold
of watching you ***** perfection
like it has to be gotten out of your system
because it's already too much
even your body can't handle it

Let me put it this way
Imagine all the butterflies
that rested their own chaos in my
Idk if anyone got this but it's about liking someone then not liking them later on. Phrases inspired by other poetic stuff like songs and short clips because my diction is ****.
I can tell you don't mean a thing to him
or to her
to whoever, whatever gender
of that one attractive stranger
you taught yourself to admire
that you can set yourself on fire
they'll turn the gasoline flow higher
tell him your truth and he'll call you a liar
tell her your truth and she'll think that it's dire
you'll accept you are what they think you seem
just a container of tarnished self-esteem
This is just a part of a much longer poem that's still unfinished.
When the sun is up
and our eyes are open
maybe we can talk
even if it rains
even if we're not awake

When my throat's not sore
and your ears are uncovered
maybe we can talk
even if I can't speak
even if you don't listen

When the time arrives
and it's not too late
okay, we will talk
even if you're in a rush
even if it doesn't matter then

When you realize you're still in love
and I overcome my heart and you
no, we will not talk
even if you have a lot to explain
even if I want to
I currently have this extreme case of sore throat and it really frickin hurts my neck
All I can build from
these pieces of me
is a sedimentary rib cage
to protect equally weak
cardiac muscles
that run my feelings so strong
my body can't support
it crumbles down
Inspired from my answer from 3 months ago. Re-reading stuff there and I saw this deep stuff I answered to a question. But really, my diction is terrible.
Sarah Adams Mar 2015
You told me
to look into your eyes
I saw nothing
but two flickering lights
slowly beginning to burn out
Sarah Adams Apr 2014
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Flicker to Flame
Metal to Rust

— The End —