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Mark Toney Dec 2019
6/3/2018 - Poetry form: Footle - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018 - A footle is a 2 line, 2 syllable trochaiac monometer poem with an integral title suitable for light, witty pertinent, topical verse. So there! Now you know :)
Mark Toney Nov 2019
6/4/2018 - My footle poem phase begins :) A footle is a type of poem that is actually very short. It is a two-line poem that consists of two syllables in each line. It is generally written to be light and witty. It is one of the most simple and yet most difficult poetry types. Simple since it's only two lines and two syllables, but difficult because with those two lines and syllables the author must make enough impact and create an entertaining enough poem that it can be memorable and enjoyed by the readers. - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
Diána Bósa Jun 2018
I am like those SETI-scientists,
clinging on radiowaves;
noise-melodies from outer space,
questing after truth with huge telescopes
and scanning the visible light with satellites,
seeking desperately the limits of worlds apart,
searching for signs of intelligent life
in the desired-to-know universe.
Just to communicate with the extra-terrestrial;
to achieve certainty: there is someone out there,
someone, who is different, yet alike,
who is able to speak my thoughts
without knowing my language,
who still can easily translate my feelings
into the secret programcode of the universe.
An astral-traveler,
who can tame the waves of gravity,
someone, who is faster than the speed of light
and could eat the distance between us.
To be my interstellar compass;
my one and true guidance,
to help me explore this unfathomed life.
Someone, as David Bowie sang at once,
who is able to believe the strangest things,
who is able to love the alien.
Ronjoy Brahma Aug 2015
अनजालु अनजालि फरायसाफोर
दिनै आं नोँसोरनो सोमो गोनां दोँसे बानायलु सल' खिन्थागोन।
सल'आ ओरै-
मोनसे गामियाव सानै सिखोलाफोर दंमोन।
बिसोरनि मुङा बैसागि आरो सासेनिया सनास्रि।
सानैबो ओरैबादि आखाफाखामोनदि रावबो फेजेननो हाया बुंजाबायनायमोन बयजोँबो।
दानाय-लुनाय, गायनाय-फुनाय,
रायज्लायनाय-फरायनाय बिसोर सानैबादि
सिख्ला जेरावबो नागिरना मोन्नो थाङामोन।
बै सानै सिख्लाया ओरैबादि समायनामोनबोदि
रावबो सेँग्राफ्रा हास्थाया लासे नुब्लानो थानो हायामोन।
सानसेखालिनि बाथ्रा-
बै सानै सिख्लानि गेजेरावबो दानिया सासे नङा सासेथ' सेथियाव थाथारनांगोन।
नाथाय सानैबो नैथियाव थानो गोसो गैया।
बेबादिनो जेरावबो जेरैबो मोनफ्रोम बिथिँआवनो बादायलायनाय जानायसै।
थेवबो सानैबो समान समान।
फेजेन लायनो हायै सानैहाबो जेन्नाय गैया।
सासे ओरैबादि मिनिनो रोँगौदि
बेबादि दासिमबो मिनिनो गोरोँ मोदाय
उजियाखै होन्नानैनो बयबो सानोमोन।
बिनि मुङा बैसागि।
जै बे मिनिबाय बयबो सेंग्रा मा बोराय
दंनायमानि हौवाफ्रानो फाग्ला जाजोबनो नागिरोमोन।
थफिँहां थफिहां बिबारफोरानो समायना गेवलांजोबथारोमोन।
सानसेखालि सानैनि गेजेराव मिनिनायनि बादायलायनाय जाबाय।
बेयाव गोरलैयैनो बैसागिया देरहाबाय।
बेयो ओरैबादि देरगाबायदि सनास्रिया थानो हायाखिसै।
सान हर गाबबाय थाबाय।
नाथाय बेहा अब्लाबो जेन्नाय गैया।
मोजां सान नायना सानसेखालि
लाजिनायनि बादायलायनाय जानायसै।
बेयाव ओरैबादि लाजिनायनि फाव खालामबायदि
सनास्रिया थारैनो देरहामारबाय।
बिनि रोँगौ आखुखौ बयबो बाखोनायबाय।
बियो देरहाबाय थेवबो बैसागियाबो जेनाखै।
मानोना बियो मिनिनायाव देरहाखांबायमोन।
दा सानैबो समान समान।
नाथाय सनास्रिया सिगांआव जेनग्रोखाबायमोन
बे बाथ्राखौ लानानै बैसागिया सनास्रिनि सायाव सोँखारिबाय।
नाथाय बेबादि नङा सनास्रिया बुंबाय-
लाजिनायनि बादायलायनाया जाग्रोबा आंनो देरहाग्रोगौमोन सिगां।
नांज्लाय नांज्लाय उनथाराव सानैनि गेजेराव गिदिर दावहायानो जामारबाय।
ओरैबादि बार बारनायसै,
सार-अन्थाइ दैबाना बायदि बुंफबनाय।
नाथाय बेल' नङा जोबोद खोमसि,
जोबोद खोमसिथार जानायसै।
रावबो सहायनो हायै बे दावहाखौ
नायना थानो हायैनि बयबो रायजोफ्रा
गाव गावनि न'आव एब्रेजोबनायसै।
बैसागि आरो सनास्रि सानैबो जेना जेना।
जोबथारनायाव सासेनि उनाव सासेया
सोर्गोआव थांजोबनायसै।
सोर सिगां थांखो,
सोर उनावसो थांखो,
रावबो रायजोफ्रानो मिथिनो मोनाखिसै।
नङाब्ला जोँ मिथिगौमोन-
जायनो सिगां थांदोँ बियो सेथि
एबा जायनो उनावसो थांदोँ बेनो सेथि।
अदेबानि सासे नङा सासेथ'
सेथि जाखाथारगोन नङा होनबा??
I squash ant that sinks teeth,
Biting my enormous otherworldly knee
Amidst fray of fleshy fingerprint
Most heroic exoskeleton betrays
A life ended,
Should i wail upon battlefield?
Come aliens forth on scale of mighty gods
What fire
What twist of fate they might bring
Upon silly little
Pink and squishy me
I shall name him,
Heroic Anton.
We come in peace?

— The End —