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His name dazzles
the void in my heart

Emptiness grows
when He is present

A chandelier of stars,
a million votives and
all the suns in the universe
fly to His feet

O Luminous One
You can never leave me
and I can never leave You
They are calling me...
They say I'll get ill if I stay too long
inside this modern teepee

My body belongs to the raven Earth
and warm breath to the hooting owl winds
turtledove spirits are cooing
thunder flashes a lightning smile
Sun opens his golden parasol
for the Divine mother
long braids of willow branches swing
down trunks with stories
too numerous carved on them

The air kisses my face and
I remember I have wings

There is a songbird in my throat
and a campfire always burning
in the woodlands of my soul
Forest bathing with David
lush jade tropical oasis opens its portals
It's been pretty **** steamy and humid here
so I love this ... Attunement

Together our eyes rest on the frog green
bulrush stalks shooting up from
the edge of the gully
diving into refreshing shades
mint, turquoise, parakeet,
filtered silver light, amber browns, pink lichen

A cool feeling pervades our spirit
we allow ourselves to be swept away
from red hot lava pavements
into dense dark yin recesses
of our mini Florida jungle
David tells me they actually prescribe
Forest bathing medicinally in Japan

Shamans of the forest
Healing hands of our
tree brothers and sisters
ozone breath
soft earth shadows
kindly touch our bodies

Elder pine's deep emerald gaze
Bestows a benediction:

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
—Chief Seattle, 1854
I danced for my Lord after the hurricane squalls
A thousand arms, feet, eyes
moving in all directions
tell the classic, ancient story of a timeless, eternal love:

"If my heart were a bird it would nest in Your
heart and sing from dawn to dusk -
Sai Govinda..Sai Govinda...Sai Govinda"

"Noonday sun in the marketplace is hot and humid
carrying a basket of flowers on my head
I forget myself chanting -
Sai Govinda...Sai Govinda...Sai Govinda"

"My eyes are brighter than the full moon
embracing star bejeweled skies
All I see is You -
Sai Govinda...Sai Govinda...Sai Govinda"
awknight Sep 2019
Your eyes, over breakfast, are where I find
my morning prayer to an unknown God. Thanking,
loving, and worshiping the divinity
reigning down on my head as small toes
wriggle  within my body.

My mind is overwhelmed with wound up
time, ticking, endlessly without ceasing
into the prism of your soft, searching soul.
Hands inside, hand outside — we find our solace
in you. A creator of the created, still both in womb.

Stopping time is your specialty
over breakfast, I see you — seeing me.
answering my prayer.
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
We are all spark people, I believe,
Always evolving, ideas we conceive,
I believe no one is alone,
We bring our sacred space home,
We must have faith in destiny,
The future of humanity,
We pass our baton on the young,
Their steps on Earth have just have begun.......
Feedback welcome..
Heart shaped Kisses rise from my lips
like a thousand butterflies
twinkling across the baby blue skies

I love You Divine Mother and Father
Thank you for this sacred day

I kiss the gawky trees
zip-lining down the streets
and avenues

I kiss the young birds
squawking intermittent rounds
from their nests

I kiss the ginger brown
good luck rabbit
nibbling palm nuts on
our front lawn

I kiss the teens
their heads bent adoringly
over their phones
bungling reluctantly onto
the yellow school bus

I kiss my darling hubby
strolling with me
down Perry Street
taking in the beauty
of this sacred day

I kiss Lord Surya peeking
from behind gray rain clouds
His hand raised in blessing

I kiss you reading this poem,
my dear Brothers and Sisters
Peace Be With You Always
The night is benign

As long as Hari is with me

A Thousand eyes fill the firmament

With iridescent gaze

Silvers splashes

across my pillow
He comes to me with

wings of the morning

Sunlight in his eyes

I awake to love

Dawn rises in Krishna's eyes

Hear the celestial Conch

I awake to love

The Splendor of His breath

Fulfills me

a glittering star

I awake to love
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