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Jack Addler Feb 2017
It's my dying wish
your suffering be equal
to your betrayal.
Lee Morrison Feb 2017
You reap what you sow
Soon you will know
The angel of death
Is not an angel at all
It's someone cheated for the last time
A pound of flesh I say
Mark my words
You will learn the error of your ways
You've lied to me for the final time
The reaper is coming and his name is mine
Hal Feb 2017
Don't ever forget that you are fire, gentle enough to warm the hearts of others, yet strong enough to burn anyone that dares to play with your flames.
-A lesson I wish I learned sooner// I should've scorched you, instead of letting you steal all of my heat
What is revenge?
To love the love.
To hate the hatred.

What is justice?
To help those who help you.
To harm those who harm you.

Revenge is justice.
Honest is the justice.
Beautiful is the revenge.
Just some written down...
planths Dec 2016
Oh how glorious war is!
How efficient
And adequate!
The way it entertains the gods
When we shoot fireworks and missiles into the sky
It accustoms young women to waiting
Awards men for slaughtering men
Inspires tyrants to deliver long speeches
Adds pages to history books
Gives politicians something to bet on
Brought tears to Einstein’s eyes
Leaves men scarred for life
Gives poets new themes
Like Bukowski and Cummings
It produces less mouths to feed
Teaches historians that history is always repeating itself
Gives governments something to brag about
Pulverises countries until nothing is left
Accomplishes equality between killer and killed
Keeps the industry of artificial limbs in business
Gives grave diggers a pat on the back
See how glorious war can be?
This poem was written for an assignment I was given to do about war, during this task I chose to take a sarcastic turn about the topic instead of being traditional and using this task to take my anger out on war..I hope you enjoy my work.
you slip into my mind once again
as i slip into unconsciousness
guilt plagues my insides black
and all i can see from you now is red
why did i not leave you a note?
no, i was much too prideful then
it got in the way
but you must know i had to get out
and you can't blame me for not wanting to stay,
but don't blame yourself either
it was a haste decision,
dear, you must know i took your old cassette tapes and cinnamon scented perfume
i was with you for a year
but i felt closer to you when i was holding those objects in my hands
than i was holding you in my arms
i had to drive out of the state
get away
because i knew as soon as you came to find me gone
i was not going to want to see your doe eyes fill to the brim with your crocodile tears
and even thinking about it now makes me pity your cherub face even more
it's not that you are unattractive
(quite the opposite in fact)
you were always intellectual,
you were generous
but yet there was something off putting
and without reason, i will leave you now
sitting at home, trash overflown
with tissues and stained dreams of finding someone who loved you
p.s. the milk in the fridge is old and starting to smell. please, for your own sake, dispose of it.
Alissa Rogers Mar 2012
The throbbing headache and nausea
I can endure; I've had worse.
Right now I could cry,
such a raw hope consumed me
as I thought about you, desperate.
It was still dark for me then,
when I needed you. Now it's day.
It brings a true smirk to my face
to know you are nothing more
than a night of binge drinking:
a foolish part of my youth,
a consequence of boredom.
I could not hold your liquor,
I vomited all that bile you said to me
in the hedges outside. Don't fret,
this is not a bad memory, in fact
you might never be a memory at all.
I am well. I will drink better and
far more dangerous poisons.
I am today, you are only last night.
Vultures and hounds need my blood  
Contempt and hatred ooze like flood  
With their dark and ***** faces  
They portray their dishonest races  
They aspire to ask for the rights  
Without duty search for delights  
They take advantage of my sincerity  
They take me granted for their clarity  
But now I decided to set a trend  
Where they will not be able to defend  
Their ulterior motives their heinous sins  
I will throw them to the dust bins  
They have had their chance in plot  
Now my turn to be ready a lot  
I will pay in same kind and cash  
But still in balance not too rash  
I will leave them to time tide  
Where their own vice will ride  
Vice can not superseded virtue  
It will return with a a share due  
My success is my right path  
Their damnation is ultimate wrath  

Col Muhammad Khalid khan  
Copyright 2014 Golden Glow
Holic Jan 2017
My love for you is like a sunburn
Painful as an opera, itchy as hell
O, a lesson I have learned
Love is a sickness that does not heal every well
I lay in bed--waiting for the day
Planning for the time my revenge will be paid
And with a smile painted on my face;
I will send you to your cold, heartless, fiery grave.
I'll sit by your tombstone with fresh, strong skin
You craved my soul into the deepest of caves
And so the Laws of Right and Wrong I will bend
To replace what once was mine, I take on a sin.
In the dead of night, you will hear me sing:
Witness what you have done to me
For I am your new King.
Thank you for reading!
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