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Zywa Jan 26
Discontent: standing

like a cow in driving rain --

your *** to the wind.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 6.5

--- Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Immortality Jan 19
i love them,
"do you?",  whispers my mind.
"i do," murmurs my heart.

but i stumble,

words slip,

i don’t deserve them.

a tear falls.
the mirror blurs.
"it’s over already," the mind sighs.
I love my parents, I know.
But I have hurt them already...
why do I never try to understand them?
I try to do.... just probably the worst daughter alive maybe....
saying things I never mean, then crying as its hurting me...
I can feel the heaviness in my heart

Why the hell am I the way I am???
Zywa Nov 2024
I chose the wrong cake,

and then it started: the Great --

Cardamom Quarrel.
Column "Een leeg hoofd" / "Een vakantie als exposuretherapie, de psycholoog zou trots zijn" ("An empty head" / "A holiday as exposure therapy, the psychologist would be proud", 2023, Frank Huiskamp) in NRC, August 14th, 2023

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 20s"
Zywa Jul 2024
They keep arguing

in my presence, obviously --

I need to know this.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) and "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - April 1st, 1967 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa Jan 2024
Swear words jump around

wildly in a steaming cloud --

of squabbling voices.
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", part "Limoges. Le marché (La grande nouvelle)" ("Limoges. The Market (The Great News)", 1874, Modest Mussorgski), in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (*****) on January 21st, 2024

Collection "org anp ark #342"
Zywa Oct 2023
Sometimes she answers,

she is very indignant --

and doesn't talk to him.
Novel "De eeuwige jachtvelden" (1995, "The happy hunting grounds", 1999 Nanne Tepper), the paragraph after the story "Vertigo" (Second book)

Collection "Within the walls"
Zywa Mar 2023
It did not happen,

you cannot remember that!

I was not like that!
"Het Bureau - En ook weemoedigheid" ("The Office - And also wistful", 1999, Han Voskuil), page 152-153

Collection "Not too bad [1974-1989]"
Nigdaw Feb 2023
we build a bridge
one brick at a time
that will hold our weight

so we can run into
each others arms again
i am
the roses
in our garden
with thorns, shared,
kept / kept distance
ensnares me's
& you's, all
too my purpose:
to inspire, to provoke,
and "I do" both
Zywa Jan 2022
On the times they had

a quarrel, she lectured him --

from his own poems.
"Außer sich" ("Beside Myself", 2017, Sasha Marianna Salzmann)

Collection "Ya, a tightrope walk"
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