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Teyha Dec 2017
I look up & walk on but something inside me is still wrong, I can't help but cry & I lie, cause I know if I tell the truth, I would be laughed at, but I know it wouldn't really matter cause all they care about is that Snapchat.

If I express the beauty within it wouldn't matter cause I'm not thin, all they care about is that make-up but they are missing from the things they need to make-up.

If only numbers didn't define us & if only we would build more trust, the world would be much better like thus.

Emotions are lost, love is tossed but that's OK, we're all mossed up either way.

If only we could have a world, a world where humanity doesn't fade, where we all could be saved.

If only there were happiness in this black and white world.

Teachers shouldn't just teach, they should give, give what they got, even though it is not a lot.

Let's build world where sadness is not forever but instead be happy together. Let's build a world where your appearance wouldn't matter because beauty is within not on the skin. Instead of doing make-up, let's make-up the time we have lost on judging others.

We could do better, we need to make them proud, our mothers. Let's build a world where freedom actually happens, where being you is not a crime & let the beauty you have inside shine.

Let's build a world where numbers wouldn't describe you, number of likes on Instagram don't matter & it's not like they are going to take you somewhere important.

What matters is you, nothing else & this is not new, you just got to be you. Change your point of view & change the way you say the term "I love you".

Let's build a world where socializing didn't happen through social media, let's not worry about snapping that Snapchat or even stress about what filter you should use, don't let technology take over & abuse.

Our beautiful minds don't need to be destroyed, they need more joy.

In this case, we don't need a beautiful face to match our beautiful mind, we need to be kind & accept what's on the inside.

Let's build a world where your mental health is more important, try to focus on what comes first which is you, your health, you.

Education is important but it would be useless if you died of a mental disease, this will keep on going and never seize.

Let's build a world where families are not broken, where talking to your father is normal & where your mother is by your side all the time, let's make this world shine, let's make it beautiful again. All I mean is...

Make our world a better place.

The end
catherine May 2017
whats up with the world tweeting “humans but no humanity” and ranting about violence and terrorist attacks sweeping the country one city at a time? it’s awkwardly funny when we think violence is just about all these massive issues - terrorism and ****, because haven’t you been told? no matter how big or small, violence is still violence. now we say there’s too little of love left in the world but we don’t even care to look at ourselves in the mirror first before expressing these sentiments. you say there’s not much of it left? how can there be any more of it when we can’t even forgive our enemies. how can it be when instead of praying for the people we hate, we stab them repeatedly in the back with our words, gossips, and senseless accusations. how can it be when we try so hard to be the “good one” but really we’re all just seeking for attention. it ***** to see all of us etching words in these social media platforms about love and humanity when we barely even walk our talks. love starts with the way we treat those around us. after all, we’re all just a bunch of feel-good hypocrites.

P.S. i used the word ‘we’ to be collective and inclusive of myself
not a poem; will delete this soon. i just felt the need to let it out
crackedheart Jun 2016
Why do we choose to hate?
Why don't we just live peacefully among ourselves?
Why do we have to live in a chaotic state?

Can't we all just be friends?
Can't we just love each other like we're supposed to?
Can't we just let hatred end?

It's so sad to see a world full of hate. It's so heartbreaking that we have to ask ourselves if it's okay to go outside without the fear of being attacked, if we're safe to be around other people with the thought of having someone hate us for being who we are. I don't understand why we can't just live in a peaceful world where we are all acceptant. I want to live in a world where I am safe, where I know other people are also safe, where we all love each other. I have only been in this world for a short amount of years and I am subjected into a world where I am not safe. I want to make a change but what can one person out of seven billion plus people do? I want us to stand strong, to hold hands with one another and  do something, change the world into a better one. I pray for the world. I pray that somehow, we can get through this. I pray that we can all find in ourselves a merciful compassion. I pray that our hearts our not infested by hatred. I pray that we learn how to love.
Hi, people of the internet. I have written a paragraph to show how distressed I am about the situation at hand. 50 people of the LGBTQ+ community have been killed. 53 have been injured. I honestly don't know what to say. I am so sad, completely heartbroken and destroyed. I am praying for our world and the people in it. I hope change starts soon. Don't forget to be a friend to someone today. Don't forget to remind someone you love them. Don't forget to show you care.
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
the world before
the world moves you
change her before
she changes you
take opportunities
before they take you,
spin the globe
before it spins you
pray for the universe
lest she preys on you
that's the only way
to live to rightfully
leave the way.
Lilly frost Nov 2015
Pray for Paris?
Why not pray for the world
Each city
Every country
Each province and state
They pray for Paris
Like they should
But pray for the world
And every hero that stood
Pray for the blood of innocence spilt
For this war of belief and silt
Pray for the world in this game of money and power
Pray for the world
To stop these extremes
You can keep your beliefs
But taking innocent lives?
Those people crossed the lines
Not all Muslims are evil
Not all roses are red
So pray for the world
For all who are dying
For all who are dead
Isaac Huston Nov 2015
The city of light
Having its darkest night
Since World War Two.

Double the body bags,
Yet no media hags
Turn their heads.

For there they say
But for Paris nay
And so we pay attention.


A suicide bomb
Over here,
Two hundred dead, we overhear
Wrapped into our daily news.

We pay it
Almost no heed
As the blood drips down to feed
The list of the dead.

We say
It is because we have grown
Accustomed, yet we have flown
Over the Coocoo's best to believe this.

The truth is,
Both for here
And there,
A white life is worth far more.

It is worth
10 Black American lives,
16 Hispanic or Asian lives,
27 Arab lives,
35 African lives,
These numbers
Straight from CNN
And the New York Times.

Do we not bleed the same blood?
Have we forgotten what it is to smile
Such that we cannot see ours are all the same?
What has happened to this world,
Once so gold and bright,
Now a darkened, saddened grey
As it weeps it's tears
Upon the red river
That runs through the valley of fears.
crackedheart Nov 2015
when will i get to see
a world no longer scared?
scared because it scares itself,
scared because of hatred.

why can't we change the world?
because we can't change ourselves
is it too hard to ask for love?
is it too hard to change?

how did all this happen in the blink of an eye?
how did the world suddenly collapse?
collapse in a way it seemed like it could never
ever be fixed again

where will this bring us?
to a place of peace or war?
where will we see ourselves?
as of now, nowhere *far
the series of horrifying events happening in the world scares me, please send your prayers out to the world
Franziska Nov 2015
I am not Paris,
I am humanity
begging to be restored.

I am not Paris,
the terrorist,
the mockery.
I am the part of it
that asks why.

I am not the destroyer
the killer, the monster with a gun.

I am the disappointed , the little voice of conscience,
That tells you to look in all corners of the world
and breathe reality.

Because if you too
You are not Paris,
You are the many,
The past, the present, the future
That beg for humanity to be restored.
(C) Franziska Grech
13th November 2015

— The End —