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Eyithen May 2024
They called her basic
As though it was such a a bad thing to be
But it was not bad at all.
For how could it be bad to like what millions like in turn?
To have something in common with those around you?
There must be something great about those things for millions to pursue them
So to the girl apologizing for her vanilla latte...
No, to be basic isn't so bad.
My friend came by the other day.
As a leaf in the wind he has blown
From street to street
            Town to town.

A wanderer he may be
but not at heart.
He longs to be attached to a tree
                             Any tree.

In spring and summer the leaves are green

Summer slowly dries them out as the tree
                      Prepares for winter.

My friend, the dry brown leaf
Blows in his perpetual autumn.

We all grow in our own time and season:

Winter dormancy

         Spring regeneration

                   Summer fulfillment

                             Fall  preparing for the
season of death.

These  seasons of the soul
Are the very essence of our existence.

They teach us

                        Temper us

                                   Fulfill us.

But there are those who do not see
The purpose of the seasons.
To them winter means only




Spring means only




Summer means

                             Beauty to mock
                                The heart in winter.

I trust in the wisdom of the seasons.
Nature teaches us lessons in her cycles.

Let the l
fall to the ground.
Let it rot into cold




Spring will come.

Bleak gray will become bright colours
                  Of spring.

The beauty will fade again but will
Reappear in winter's own stark beauty
Though it may be cold and gray.
Then spring will come.

          Spring will come!!!
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker
mmikee Sep 2015
No, don't look at me
Nobody asked for your judging stare
Nobody asked for your pity as well

Don't say I'll be okay,
'cause I'll never be
I am always scarced
always scared.

They say life is beautiful
but whenever people look at me
I see hatred, despise, and worse, judgement
No, life is not beautiful

Let me be
Let me be alone
I would rather look at myself
I would rather love myself

don't look at me
don't try to be
nobody asked you
I didn't asked you
so don't
don't be.
I am feeling so low today. I have always been cheeky and happy, but today seem to be different. I am not being myself, I am so scared of the world, I am so scared living my life.
I have always advised myself to live my life to the fullest, everyday if possible, being heard, being able to express my self...

It's just that... not today.
Abigail Ramirez Dec 2014
Silky sheets, cool against my bare skin.
Moonlight from the window, cascading in.
Eyes adjust to the darkness,
shadows morph into something more.
inhale a sharp breath, as you enter my very core.
Your body is sculpted,
like your creator knew what he was doing.
But don't get the wrong impression,
this is just another life lesson.
Not an obsession.
Our bodies are in sync,
i've never felt complete.
Rush of ecstasy as i curl my feet.
My Virginity has been sweet,
but those are words i can no longer claim.
You took it with every ****** you gave.
Caught no feelings, felt no pain.
Dropped you as fast as you came.
She stands in her garden watching daffodils dance in the breeze
Her own hopeful waters sail in a boat where prayers reach her knees
Her mind only clear when her garden is near

Visions of somewhere, anywhere, but here

What’s that river running fast through the veins
Where’s that place where the mind can remain
free and clear
Where the mind can be clear

She never threw dirt on his grave, gave him a stone watching green fields
His own hopeful open space, freedom to die from a living too real
His mind only clear when no one was near

Visions of somewhere, anywhere, but here

What’s that river running fast through the veins
Where’s that place where the mind can remain
free and clear
Where the mind can be clear

Visions of somewhere, anywhere, but here
Since I'm a songwriter, many of my poems have that flavor of "hey, that could be a song.."  This poemsong is about people I know who live their lives to be somewhere else.

— The End —