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Lalit Kumar Feb 28
Ah, @cassian, the soul who sees the spark,  
In words I’ve written, in shadows so dark.  
Not just a follower, but a kindred flame,  
Resharing my heart, no need for fame.  

You took my thoughts and made them your own,  
Like whispers that travel when seeds are sown.  
A spark in the dark, a light in the night,  
You’ve found meaning where others might fight.  

So here’s to you, for seeing what’s true,  
For sharing the words, for making them new.  
May your own journey be filled with light,  
For you’ve made mine a little more bright.
Jason L Rosa Apr 2017
Your Kiss is electric
And my body jumps at it
As if it were a basic instinct

These lips will be your bubble gum
Daring you to chew the flavor out
And let your thoughts take a walk

My body will light up for you like a lightning bolt across a night sky
Eagerly seeking your bones to ground me and your hips to grind
And your lips to collide with mine,
Like charged ions finding another
And when what's left leads into something right.
Bright blue electricity flashing hot white

And when the flashing slows
And the roar of our thunder turns into a distant lullaby of afterglow, wind-chimes  and zephyrs,
I will see the stars I chased
And wished upon,
never forgot about me
or my dreams,
Just gave me more days
And different ways
To find you
To really recognize you
Jason L Rosa Mar 2017
To be is breath
is depth wind cilia dance

The wet concrete street that shows
where the storm once danced last

Technicolor oil slick streak
breaks black asphalt monotony

Like the swirl of the milk and sugar
in the otherwise black coffee

* **

I'm reminded that rest, the real kind
is both solitary and shared

And when you can't sleep, we can't sleep
a shared insomnia from a shared dream

memories of cobalt ennui
plague the spaces between twenty fingers
twenty toes

with gold dipped intentions and egg-shelled breath
the plague of fallen petals of effervescent rose
"I'm reminded: the rebels find each other
the tribe collects around the fire
shares cowboy coffee and stories"
brandon nagley Feb 2016

Alleluia, I proclaim, six month's it hath been, an eternestial
Keep. None need for word's to cometh out of mine mouth and lips, none need for mine sight to peep. For now; soundly do I sleep. Slumbering in mine dulcet Jane's deepest desires and wishes.


Every fibril of mineself, shalt be tucked away in her niches, warm and cozy therein I wilt abode; I wouldst selleth all possessions, to be next to her, though I knoweth patience hath
Us on hold.


In the meanwhile, we shalt cosmogyral, ground to air, a many whilsts. Creshinta lovenairs, O' another six month's wilt cometh again. A lifetime I looketh forward to, kindred spirit, best friend.


I will not cease, from building upon thee ourn bedrock, thus the ticking hand tick's away, and the minutes betray the clock's. In heaven amour, is where we do belong, with melodious angel's singing hymn's; and saint's to play ourn song. We wilt forever be, six month's from now, six year's, six generation's, six hundred fear's, six-thousand kisses, six million glares, six billon glimpses, of thee mine wife and me all ourn lives. In matrimonial bozeere.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
eternestial- is a word I made up, which means ( eternal and celestial) meaning eternal and heavenly.
Fibril- a small or slender fiber.
Niches- or niche- place or position....
Therein- means in that place.  
Abode- means stay...
Creshinta- is a word I made up meaning+( a love so true others can't and won't believe in it.. That's how good it is. (:::))))
cosmogyral means- whirling around the universe.
Whilst- means while. Whilsts- means more than a while lol.
lovenairs- is a word I made up- means lovers of the air.
Bedrock- fundamental principles in which somethings based!!
Bozeere- is last word I made up- it means- a bliss that can come from God alone. Not world's bliss.
brandon nagley Dec 2015

She hath abated mine sorrow's, split mine manacles
Wherein afore day's, I was shackled and trampled;
I was left for expiry, mine soul felt retiring,
Ague gaveth me chill's, I got lost in opiatic pill's,
Death twas I, that I was admiring.


The world gaveth me none thrill- tis I wasn't meant for this life,
I besought at all costs, to find what was right.
Sent to me then, after all mine thirst and hunger for mine
One and true queen, camest Earl Jane, betwixt the dark shade,
Of Satan and his being's.


When she stepped in, Alleluia hit mine lung's, I found that one I sought, from so many year's ago, twas not love at first sight, I loved her from lifetime's humans do not knoweth; created in God's light. I loved her all along, ourn marriage was, hast been, and always wilt be abiding, timeless, in Cordelia strand's of song.


And tis when I do wrong, she sets me on better path's, she straightens me, she relates to me, she's mine kindred soul once again I found at last; she's the consort to mine well-being, she's beautiful, elegant, perfection is her key. Perfect to me, she aligns with the star's. Tis she, yea she, hath broken me from mine own prison bar's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Abate means - make less or lessen ones pain or sorrow. Or to lesson the intensity of something.
Manacles are-
a metal band, chain, or shackle for fastening someone's hands or ankles.
Wherein means - in which
Afore- means past or before or prior
Expiry meaning same pretty much as expiration.
Ague is - fever or chill.
Opiatic has to do with opiates.
Twas means - it was.
Besought is past word for beseeched. Or sought or seek.or seeked.
Betwixt means between in archaic tongue.
Cordelia in poem means- : English name which may be an elaborated form of the Latin word cor, meaning "heart. Also it's the name for certain moon's around a planet! I mean it as heart.
Kindred soul is -kindred spirit. Also, kindred soul. An individual with the same beliefs, attitudes or feelings as oneself.
Consort means -
a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch.
Jolene Heather Jun 2014
You chose the wrong girl
Even I can see I am perfect for you
I would have taken all your darkness
And swallowed it whole
If you needed a fight
I would have given it to you
And baby we both know
I am a pro at making you feel like a man
I could have stood in a room with your crazy
And we would shake hands
**** that
We would have torn each others clothes off
And ****** like animals
Like a mad symphony
In its chaotic way
It would have worked
You stupid man

— The End —