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Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
Telling one of my older brothers about it all, from last Fall's shenanigans to now, he said, "it's sad."


Not when a summer's lengthy hours avail,
But now the blackness of night's cooler sense
Culls crickets to play serenades frogs thence
Reply in bass notes to, write in betrayl.
As Mozart's timeless strains lend that detail
Of class I did not feel ere, and lo, hence
A notion of too many years 'go, whence
I nestle like I"m twenty' gain, what's bail?
Joe's contact info.  Ha.  What is that fer,
Eh?  I've called twice, to tell him of it to
His face ("yes, if I'm gone to bed--") and were
La, texting useful, I have done that too.
Oh silence!  Friday evening's late, and's poor
To harp on that.  But how I miss who'd woo.

...I suppose the question was what exactly he labelled as sad?  I pressed him to no avail after wearing his ear off detailing it all.
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
Dream on, Baby.  Waking up won't be fun, but whatever.


Those bubbles on my tea, as kisses' pale
Touch augur that according to the sense
Of ist tradition? and both cuppas thence
Wear crowns of...what Joe gives me--in betrayl?
I'd rather his dear lips than froth's detail,
And we're off to a start, for all intents.
Ist funny now I"m his these bubbles fence
Dawn's waking note as breakfast 'non avail?
Or how we've jumped from playful to as twere
The thing itself, 'til Dad knows what we do,
To say "you think you've got a boyfriend fer
All that, eh?"  Ya, which part is odd.  He'd woo.
It's been well-nigh two months since Joe would stir
My sheer complaisance.  And I'd love him too.

Susan Jarvis (no, I won't disclose her married name, umkididdles) generously sending me that handbook on British tea time and etc. bubbles on your tea signify kisses.
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
(Well, I was sitting in the car that time.)


Orange Tiger Lilies in a cluster, frail
Yet nodding to soft whispers' vagrant sense
Wink as we slowly gain on whither hence,
Some tractor's clearing space for which detail?
Along the field thet prairie grasses hail
From, and when Joe has time, he calls me thence
A "doll," to net "I love you" fr'intents,
To say he'll try to call this weekend:  bail.
It's so--yes, what?  For now he'd notice fer
Whatever what I'm wearing--"is it new?"
No, what I'd worn the day he 'gan to stir
My heart with that petunia's purple.  To
That lo, he must go pick another.  Were
Fun ah, passe, I'm loving all he'd do.

Shall we now quibble over grammar is it? and challenge putting the name of those first flowers in proper caps?  *sigh*
Or wait...that was then [please note date of sonnet] and this is now.
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
La dee....his eyes tantalized me with mysterious looks until the day I yielded.


Lo, yesterday 'bout now...we talked, from whence
What, eh?  I've dreamed of what in sheer betrayl
We might, erm, name our daughters.  Sons?  oh, they'll
Have yes, their father's name, I hope.  Ya, thence
Laugh oer my folly when Joe's not fr'intents
Yet even called or answered emails, pale
As hopes built on his kisses ist?  Detail
I dunno what, and patience is good sense.
Ah, Joe.  I love...his eyes, how frankly fer
Aught he looks into mine.  His face dear too,
Those kisses to my hand my lips as twere
Are jealous of, I'd cherish each inch to
Etern'ty if the LORD grants us.  Is't poor?
If only I could tell Joe:  I love you.

Um, I think the intro said it all.  Or what more did you desire my dear munchkins?
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
I didn't, really.  I just walked straight up to where he was working, and tada.  


Does gloaming softly thieve what was, a sense
Of yonder haunts the fragile light gone pale,
And I see-saw on whether to avail
Me of the number Joe wrote down from hence
Or write him off as quite the fruitcake, whence
Our tete-a-tete is laughable.  Yes, they'll
Aquit him of aught, cuz I have ne bail:
Despised is, um, passe for all intents.
I am a woman.  "Lewd" is common fer
All that.  And lo, the skies don navy-blue
As nary bough stirs, traffic naught and poor.
Come, now they rock, leaves whisper lightly, to
Lapse into freighted silence.  Go assure
Yourselves.  I'll laugh tomorrow ist? at you.

Ls5- I seem to have misread his handwriting.
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
(if not worse)


How shadows sweep across the corn in pale
Grey silence, swathes of golden warmth from hence
Askance, whileas tree clusters dimly thence
Wait.  Crows ist? like unto torpedoes scale
Descent, wings folded; cloud battalions, hale
In fluffy white, amass with half a sense
Of what's in tow.  And June for all intents
Wears age as if twas naught in each detail.
Another week yet, firewerks wink as twere
Now, cuz I had to play the fool and do
What my friends thought sae good.  Suppose twas poor,
We shall say it worked out, shall we?  Nah, to
Effect Joe was too nice.  Yet I maunt fer
All that be satisfied.  We'll swear I knew?

Well, I mean, HE said "that was brave of you..." but--
Jenny Gordon Jun 2017
A purple petunia (is it?) lies dried on the inside cover of this latest spiral notebook whose title above it just chances to be:  "Something Very Like:  Don't Look Now,"  and I never guessed when I happened upon that title 7 days ago that we'd


O!  Now I'm scared.  For since the minute's stale
Touch, long past, when our eyes first met, to thence
That kiss he pressed upon my hand to fence
Lo, giving me a flowr:  Joe's in betrayl
A dream come true, so wonderful, in frail
Excuse I hes'tate to believe him hence,
Afraid to grasp what might dissolve, a sense
Of all I wanted beckning to avail.
I'm slow, but he takes that in stride as twere,
Til ah! I wrestle with this wakning cue
As if I had more I could lose in poor
'Scuse than is gone already.  Rain shrouds blue
Skies with metallic grey, and dank hours tour
While fragile rays pierce gloom, and I'd love:  you.

Jenny Gordon Jun 2017
Watching anime again lately, the teeny-boppers eagerly asking each other for "contact info" I now think to want that, but it'd do no good since I never call guys.


Not gloaming, but a fragile note that sense
Culls as the maples' silent leaves shift, pale
Light on the waning, and blue's soft detail
Is clouds 'non painted to effect that hence.
Lo, green by dint of shadows deepens, whence
This calm that tiptoes 'cross the moor t'avail
Knows aye, the hollows are alive to scale,
Nor frogs asleep now nightfall beckons thence.
I wonder if Joe thinks of me as twere,
Or whether dreams are mine alone tae stew
Oer, who 'non miss those eyes sunglasses' poor
Blind's kept me from enjoying two weeks now too
Erm, many.  I'll just wait, and pray.  Assure
Me nothing.  He is moving fast thinks who?!

Yes, that's the question...what?
Jenny Gordon Jun 2017
Yes, I teasingly told him "I might even write you a sonnet," never yet informing him I'd already been doing so since the day we met.


O Thou whose eyes perplex me from th'all hail
When you cut into conversation, whence
"Hi!"--and--"I'm Joe." did more than simply hence
Just intro you, but left me in betrayl
In arms oer what that look you gave'd avail,
Yes, who when I was sassy cut that sense
Short with again, a look I'd puzzle thence,
Today--what?! kiss my hand likeas tis bail?!
Call me, "my lady," with a flowr plucked fer
Th'occasion yes, in tow.  I fell for't too.
Or rather, sweetly thanked you like in poor
'Scuse that was perfect.  O what did I do?!
If any saw they'd know we were what? your
Late project?  Shall I be yours now, think you?

*Nathan aka Nateive Son asked once ages 'go whether the men I write to see these stanzas, and the fellows who know my face rarely do, but mebbe this time...?  Will see.  Here's for all of you who hungrily wanted "the latest."
Alan S Bailey Feb 2017
Bully the bullies!* If you feel you've been harmed,
You have! If someone looks at you wrong,
Break their neck! Others need to clean
Their act up! Don't need to apologize
Even when I'm the one who messed up
All along! Yes, it's a self-pity song!
You are in charge, you are the one!
Yes, this is the way you make due,
This is how you solve things! (All alone)
You always mess it up for me even though
You face this whole world on your own!
If by words alone I am "harmed" in my heart,
It's perfectly good (not vindictive)
(Dark vengeance, what's that?)

To go right ahead tear them apart!
Just how I feel. This poem doesn't resemble anyone I know. I swear.
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