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Dom 2d
A farewell,
To the smog clouds,
To the scurrying office ants
Clogging the main streets in their matchbox cars
To the deafening noise
And stench.

Farewell -
To neon-lit spires,
To the smell of cheap food and cheaper beer
To the heartbroken fans of ****-poor teams
To the best of times, and the worst.

Farewell -
To all those loves I loved
And friendships come and go,
To the old haunts that still ache my skin
The ghosts that play back happy memories.

Farewell to the tactile familiarity
To the winding trails, and skyscraper horizons
To sunsets and bottle cap collections,
To the way the sun swayed the day
And we all were so eager to get out and play.

Farewell -
To festivals and carnival rides
To sold-out concerts and all that bass
To the very shape of your borders.

Farewell to home,
To the anchor of what kept me humble
I am releasing myself from your hold
And finding a new path -
Into the great unknown

Got a bid to get my new house finished in a new state, so its only a matter of time before I start over in a new environment, this one and i have broken up.
Reece Feb 21
A hero may wear a cape,
But that doesn’t mean they’re Superman,
They all pale in comparison,
Just another human,
Whether a man or a woman,
Their motives hidden behind their ribbons
Trying to make the world a better place.

A hero may preach peace,
But that doesn’t mean they believe it,
Often it’s just about their image.
The war must go on,
Never will everyone be happy,
There’s too much to complain about,
To be ungrateful about,
To not see the beauty of the planet we call home.
The hero may say they are against this complaining,
Yet, you see them in the streets doing the exact same thing.

Never meet your heroes,
You realize how much you inflated their heroics,
When you meet them in person,
You see how, perhaps, they weren’t a hero at all.
They aren’t a villain,
Just not a hero,
Not what you originally believe,
Yet you convinced yourself they were perfect.
Perfection is a losing game.

What makes a hero?
What makes someone noble?
Or have honor?
Or courage?
People love to play these roles,
Put them on like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,
You can always spot a fake,
They just feel disingenuous.
How can you have honor,
And preach your mantra,
Yet cut in the lunch line,
Like you’re better than all of the rest behind you?
That’s not honor!
That’s being a two-faced dishonorable fraud!
Like so many people,
Who wear the “honorable” facade.

I wouldn’t call myself honorable,
I’ve done things I’m not proud of,
Made mistakes I regret,
Have demons in my heart,
Who remind me where I misstep.
I refuse to identify,
As something I’m not,
It makes me feel icky,
Dishonest, and like a fraud.
Who relishes this feeling,
Of lying for qualities they don’t have?
What do you gain?
All temporary in the grand scheme of the game.

A hero isn’t pure,
They’ve done things they despise themselves for,
Yet they try their best,
To not make the same mistake again.
They try to make a change,
Instead of complaining!

A hero isn’t good,
Or great,
And certainly not extraordinary,
They’re decent,
Down to earth,
Understanding of their faults,
Yet they push forward anyway.
They try to please people,
Not worth their time,
All in an effort,
To see them smile.
They try to save people,
To far gone to save,
Yet, they try anyway,
For they can’t accept,
That some people can’t be saved,
And are lost in the darkness.

Not kings or queens,
But high standards and ideas,
Yet to be expressed,
They haven’t found the words.
A hero has morals,
One’s that won’t change,
Based on who they talk to,
Their code remains the same.
That’s what takes honor,
That’s what takes strength,
Being yourself despite the gremlins,
And the goblins,
And the orcs,
Being yourself,
No matter who’s watching.
“With integrity and honor,
For people to see.”
Words long forgotten,
In our memories.

Integrity requires honor,
Which requires being noble,
Which goes hand in hand with courage and bravery.
A hero is all of these things,
Combined into a pie,
And though we humans try to replicate the recipe,
We end up exploding the kitchen,
Leaving fallout in our wake.

To me the idea of a hero,
Is more reliable than seeing it in reality,
Someone so honest,
So kind,
And always fighting for what they believe is right.

A villain is a hero,
Just for the other side,
With other motives,
And ways of working things out,
And the hero is the villain to the villain.
Who is right and who is wrong?
The common question.
Often times it’s not so black and white,
Nuances aplenty,
If you open your eyes.
Some are just cruel,
But some have a reason for the heinous actions they do,
I root for the villain.

We may come close,
But we will never see the perfect hero,
He’s already left.
While we wait,
We can dream,
And aspire to be,
Like Superman.
As the old pledge went,
“When no one else is watching,
It is up to me!”
And so it always will be,
For each of us is the hero in our own story… we wish we could be them, without fully understanding the struggle or the moral strength it requires.
Reece Feb 21
I’ve decided I’ve more things to say,
Thoughts wishing to escape my brain,
Whether it’s wrong or whether it’s right,
Prepare for a third piece of my mind.

Is it just me,
Or is communicating,
The hardest trial of life?
Living isn’t hard to me,
It’s coexisting that’s filled with strife.
Trying and failing to express ideas,
In a way that makes sense,
That they can comprehend,
These abstractions of thoughts in my head.

Talking is hard,
Especially when your mouth and your brain,
Aren’t on the same wavelength.
You think one thing,
And say another,
Leaving nothing but shame,
And discomfort.
Sometimes you say the wrong things,
At the wrong time,
To the wrong person,
Such is life.
They push you away,
You feel regret,
Part of the process,
You can’t take it back.
Apologies are just more words,
Added to the wound,
Actions are more powerful,
For better or for worse.

There’s something mesmerizing about the piano,
One of, if not, my favorite instruments.
The piano can make me happy,
Or bittersweet,
All with a couple of keys.
How powerful when held,
Hearing the strings ring.
I prefer the sad piano songs,
They do a perfect job,
Painting the scene,
Of bittersweet contentment.
The somber melodies make me long,
For those early childhood days,
The ones I rarely remember,
Basking in the sun’s rays.
How miraculous,
And part of what makes the human experience so grand,
How these feelings can be stirred,
From a few notes played,
On a grand piano.

To fit with the tradition,
I’ll quote a song by Alec Benjamin,
This one titled,
“The Plan,”
This is the chorus.
“What I wanted then isn’t what I’ve got now,
But if I did it again I wouldn’t change it anyhow,
I had a vision in my head,
I even wrote it all down,
The plan didn’t work but it all worked out.
The plan didn’t work but it all worked out.”
This song laments on how plans can change,
And paths we’re lead can be different than what we imagine,
Yet, even so,
The path we’re on,
Is the one we’re meant to walk
I agree…

Sometimes it’s difficult for me to distinguish,
Between an acquaintance and a friend.
Is it based on time known?
Or the quality of the relationship?
Or how well you click?
Or do I just overcomplicate it?
Sometimes I wish,
I thought less,
Because sometimes it seems,
Like a curse…

Here we are at the end,
Another poem at its conclusion,
My mind feels at ease,
Finally feeling included.
Only one more piece of my mind remains to be said,
The rest I’ll keep hidden in my head.
Until next time,
Where I unleash,
The final piece of my mind…
I always love writing these!
Thunder roaring; a light drizzle
pouring down upon the hazy landscape.
Droplets splattering over the archaic architecture.
Tufts of clouds, almost embracing the ground.

In the distance faded silhouettes.
Of trees and buildings, or merely tricks of light.
A damp morning, the day too lazy to rise.
Hidden under the covers, warmly tucked in.

All my surroundings, they feel they are alive.
Holding their breaths when I dart my eyes around.
Whispers behind my back, faint mumblings.
Did I hear them, for there was nothing in plain sight.

Tiny timid creatures, fond of the rains.
Chirping, croaking, peeking out of their burrows.
They leap out, mischievous, playing in the open.
Still fidgety, but ready to make exceptions.

A gripping tranquility emanating in the air.
Asking for a moment to lend. To pause,
to experience, admire, and examine,
something ethereal, humbling.
Mounir Laroussi Dec 2024
My imagination!

It’s a wormhole,

an escape hatch to the only dimension

where everything is as it should be.

All is fantastic there.

There, I dream of places of rare beauty,

I experience feelings of the greatest intensity,

I meet the most awe-inspiring people.

My imagination is

where time-travel is possible,

where astronomical distances shrink to nothing,

where immortality can be achieved.

My imagination,

where would I be without you?

What would I do without you?

How could I survive without you?
dead poet Dec 2024
brain signals for blood:
a freight of the past revs to life;
generational curses come on board the ride
with their hefty baggage,
and roughneck IDs;

the nervous conductor lets them on -
offers them a ticket, and sighs -
‘this too shall pass.’
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
all employees must wash hands
before returning to work
pressure builds up
before launching the cork
listen very closely to
the chirp of a sparrow
lasers can't measure all of
the thin and narrow
sit on a windowsill
fly to a different side
i ran past the traffic
ignoring all of the lights
desktop monitor flashes
in a macroscopic view
a pendulum swings
starting anew
a car's headlights shine
reflecting on the walls
i picked up the phone
to voicemail bound calls
i'd like to walk today
to get some extra steps in
the cracks in the pavement remind me
that i never asked the question
nor did i receive an answer
for the only thing i got
was a generic business card
in an empty parking lot
a search for meaning in an impersonal world.
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