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Chris Feb 2019
The difference:
The stupid turn to violence, because they know nothing else.
The desperate turn to violence, because they tried everyyhing else.
I turned to violence, because I was born deranged with a ****** up frontal lobe.
This I think makes me an Idol for the stupid and the desperate.
From a point of view of a deranged criminal, not personal experience, not too far from it, I am non-violent because I get some often enough.
rs Oct 2018
i’m in your veins
running through you like the antidote
you love her
you’d die for her
but would you live for her?
you’ll let her **** you with her soft voice and shy smile
and words as sweet as honey
i’ll make sure of it
i’m inside you
it’s hard to tell the two of us apart
you feel me when rage burns like fire
and when the pills kick in and you’re numb
you love that feeling
you’d die for that feeling
you need it like your hallelujah holy grail
you’ll let it **** you
i’ll make sure of it
I’m starting to hate being alive
I’m tired of being alive.

the pain from the past won’t heal,
I thought I was fine
but it’s nowhere near ‘fine’.
It’s getting harder when ur family throwing and blaming you for something that you thought it was the right thing to do, but no.
I was wrong
I always be wrong.
I’m easily replaced.
I know telling this to you won’t get me anywhere
I don’t really know where to go,
it feels like I’m going to burst.
my demon is here, the devil is here
should I salute them?
should I run with them?
my head is getting hurt
I have nothing left to say
all of the pain are flashing right before my eyes
despite I try to tell her everything she won’t listen
yes it’s my fault
I was the one who agains everything
I’m sorry
I was the one who’s broken
you can fix or leave me
is your choice
sorry for being this dark,
but I’m at my lowest point,
I want to run, but I can’t, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
I wrote this while I’m facing my depression that had been there since a year ago, it won’t leave me easily instead it hides to somewhere deep inaide of me, I thought I was fine, but no, I wasn’t and this kind of black dog always been inside of me and can come out in a blink of an eye, destroying the walls
Kellin Apr 2018
I've always loved to test the limits,
 to push a bit to far.
Such as when I stare at old scars
pondering just how deep I could pry  them open, to see how far I can go before I slip into that abyss, to see how much it would take to fill this
Shiz Jan 2016
death leaves you haunted
in the end you discover ghosts can give birth to ghosts
their children have always been stronger
there are voices in your head
soft whispers soft promises
children yearn to be held
how it hurts when you hold them close
there is no space between your hands
there has always been a void in your heart
hold them the ghost whispers
hold them remember us
listen listen listen
death leaves you haunted
you cannot **** the ghosts child
you are not empty enough to become a huntress
It's 1am and depression is being particularly difficult today,I'll be okay I just need to write something and get this sadness out of my veins

— The End —